The Ladies

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Date night:

I was invited over to the Lady’s apartment for a stay-home date of sorts on a new and unfamiliar date night. I would still not breach the fortress walls of her Queendom but I would get to walk on the grounds that surrounded it. I was told to bring a swimsuit, some comfy clothes and my “sexy ass”. She said it, not me. She was right though. This date started earlier than the norm and it was pretty clear I was getting wet. Pun clearly intended. This was the perfect day for that too, hot and sunny.

I found my swimsuit but still opted to pick up a new one on the way there. I grabbed a sling bag and put in some grooming items, spray on sun screen, a small towel just in case, some comfortable casual clothes and a pair of cheap sandals. There may have been a round latex product or two thrown in for good luck as well. When I arrived she met me at the door and walked me to the pool. This place may not have exuded the extreme luxury of the ultra rich and famous, but it was also definitely not middle class accommodations either. More importantly, I have to tell you, seeing her in a swimsuit made me both renewed in my desire to turn her body into a wonderland and thankful I brought that latex. We swam and played like kids in that pool. She is a fantastic swimmer and it turns out she swam for both her high school team and initially in college. Her pregnancy brought that, among other things, to a close. I demonstrated my mediocre diving abilities and we chased each other around the pool, occasionally stopping to remind each other that this was a date. After what turned out to be a long time, we climbed out of the pool and dried off. She walked me over to some very clean changing rooms and I got myself in dry clothes, brushed my hair and applied a little cologne. I walked back out and sat down until she joined me.

She led me to an area with some fancy outdoor tables, chairs and a few gas grills along with what was basically a built in brick and stainless steel outdoor kitchen. She took a few paper bags from the refrigerator and told me she required my assistance in preparing a gourmet el fresco meal. I submitted to her request and started removing items from a bag. Her gourmet meal was in reality two readymade hamburger patties, two brioche buns, a couple kinds of sliced cheese, some pickles and other toppings and accoutrements. To be fair the ground chuck patties did include some chopped bacon, mushrooms, onions and blue cheese. So you know, fancy. I fired up the gas grill as she started getting everything else ready, to including buttering and toasting the buns. That wasn’t a sexual innuendo by the way. Playful banter ensued in the process and cooking together ended up being a lot of fun. Once I achieved the correct beefy doneness, using my vast experience with tongs and turners, I removed the burgers from the grill and we put everything together. We sat under a large umbrella to shield us from the bright sun as we dined on these upscale cheeseburgers, drank Bell’s Oberon beer and took in both the outdoor space and each other’s company. We were not alone in this small private park, but it sure felt like we were.

Once we cleaned up from the meal and discarded the refuse, we grabbed the additional cans of beer and went to one of the roof top patios. The one I had been to before with oversized comfortable furniture, fire emanating from lava rock on top of a marble table and lots of large green plants. The view shows a skyline that is partially tall buildings and partially mountains in the distance. A well traveled road cuts through the view with lots of fast moving streaks of color and light. It’s the kind of spot where you just sit and take it all in, especially if you have someone as special as this lady sitting right beside you. Time just ticked away as we cuddled with one another. After a short time she climbed on up my lap, straddling me while face to face. Kisses were applied to my lips, kisses that slowly moved to my neck and ear lobes. I returned the favor. My hands started out on her lower back but moved south as she grasped my shoulders. To say things were getting hot would fail to properly convey what was happening. Whatever sexual tension existed between us went from theory to practice. That is until she stopped the forward momentum.

I can’t tell you exactly what went through her mind, what prompted the decision to stop, but it taught me the true definition of climate change. She didn’t jump off me and run away, she just stopped. It seemed like maybe a battle had ensued in her mind, options were being analyzed and self erected barriers were being explored for vulnerabilities. I just waited with concealed impatience for something to happen, anything to happen. She kissed me on the forehead and climbed off. She sat next to me not speaking or engaging me in any way. I reached over for her hand and said “its okay”; she replied “no, it’s selfish.” A few moments later, in a softer voice she said “you can’t be okay with me being selfish.” I smiled and said “don’t tell me what I can and can’t be okay with.” She flashed a brief little smile in return. I invited her back on my lap; she kissed me again and said “I want to, I just…” and I pressed my lips on hers before she could finish. “It doesn’t matter; we will get there when we get there.” I also pointed out that maybe, just maybe, having sex on a semi-public rooftop balcony with other roof top balconies above us, was not in either of our best interests. Unless of course the lady turned out to be a closet exhibitionist and that was her plan all along. We returned to just cuddling and watching the gas powered fire flicker and dance. A short time later this date came a close how they always do, with her in her place and me driving alone to mine. At that point I would have taken my egg any way she wanted to cook it.
Earlier today:

Just when we took two steps forward the lady called and was livid. I hoped this wasn’t going to be 3 steps back. Her tone made it clear from the get go that this was a cathartic phone call and not a back forth conversation. My job was to agree while she vented, not provide any assistance or advice. That goes against my being as a problem solver, but I also did not want to get on the wrong side of an angry woman in the middle of a rant. Plus I was just happy that she wasn’t angry with me. Whew!

The douche bag called her a short time before she called me. Seems he finally heard all about brunch, his daughter, the mercenary and hopefully how bright and happy his ex-wife appeared. Who is this person? How well do you know him? Is he living with you and my daughter? When did you start seeing people!? Apparently he was firing off questions so quickly she could not even answer them. And why would she, nothing going on in her life was any of his ******* business. Other than maybe, and I mean maybe, how things affected the well-being of his daughter. The young woman he didn’t seem too concerned about when he was transferring money to his side-piece, the one he left his wife for and then married as soon as the divorce was final. The now adult daughter who once told a judge she had absolutely no interest in living with him or seeing him ever again and wanted her mom to have sole custody. No, I don’t think this had anything to do with the daughter. I think this had everything to do with jealousy, power and control. As long as the lady seemed like a broken divorcee tending to the needs of her only child everything was fine, but now that she was moving on her behavior and how it affected “their daughter” was simply unacceptable. I bet it killed him to think she was with a real man. I hope they described me accurately because I have seen his picture and I am much better looking. Of course you already knew that.

She told me all about how she let him blather on until she had enough and then she struck back. “I don’t even know why you called me or even why I answered. You aren’t part of my life anymore and I really don’t care about your thoughts on anything.” She didn’t tell him about us but she did tell me that she tried her best to sound strong, happy and fully healed while on the phone. She even told me that listening to him whine and cry actually did help her feel better. “Was that the pathetic excuse for a man I was so sad about losing? A little feckless dentist who was led around by his tiny dick until that **** convinced him to throw away his family.” I liked this new aggressive side of her. I can also see her daughter came by it naturally. Maybe it was a good thing he called; seem to help her move even further away from him emotionally. She did go on for some time and said if he reached out to her daughter to complain about the new man in her life she may actually have to hire a mercenary. She also said she was considering sending a card to the ****, I mean the new Mrs. Feckless Dentist, with the words “Thanks for everything. I have never been happier. Sorry about his penis size.” And with that she was laughing and mostly over the telephonic intrusion into her day. I was glad I was able to do nothing and help at the same time. We talked a bit more about nothing and eventually said our goodbyes. I guess having her ex come up and be some strange part of her life is just the price one pays for dating a divorcee.

After the call, somewhere deep in my consciousness, I wondered if the two separate references to his below average male attribute had something to do with the lady’s resistance to jump in the sack. Probably not, she was likely just attacking where men are usually most vulnerable. She really should send that card though. And maybe a decorative basket full of those really small bananas, mini cucumbers and baby carrots.
Such a great real life story! You both deserve a great life together, but especially her, while still mending her broken heart. She may have healed some, but from my experience, the broken heart can take many years to heal, if it ever completely does.

Yes, sometimes you can thank someone for hurting you so badly that you realize that it is really best when they are no longer in your life.

Anyone want to make a bet that the ex will be divorced again at some time in the future?

I really hope that she does not work with either one of those people, but in another office. A broken heart caused me to move from a city, so that I never had to have any contact with him or his friends ever again.

What chapter is this in your book? It is a well told story.
Such a great real life story! You both deserve a great life together, but especially her, while still mending her broken heart. She may have healed some, but from my experience, the broken heart can take many years to heal, if it ever completely does.

Yes, sometimes you can thank someone for hurting you so badly that you realize that it is really best when they are no longer in your life.

Anyone want to make a bet that the ex will be divorced again at some time in the future?

I really hope that she does not work with either one of those people, but in another office. A broken heart caused me to move from a city, so that I never had to have any contact with him or his friends ever again.

What chapter is this in your book? It is a well told story.

I think his new wife is going to use up his money and jump ship before she loses her looks.

The lady has her own practice in the city and he has his in the suburbs. I get the feeling that her business is doing better and growing while he is doing okay but is perhaps stagnate.

I forgot to use chapter titles int he last few posts, I will have to figure it out.
Chapter 12: Someday is Today

I took the lady to a lavish and comfortable cocktail lounge that double some nights as a karaoke bar. Some of those karaoke nights feature a disk jockey or a karaoke machine, but occasionally they feature live musicians who play as you sing. Makes you feel and look like you’re in a band and actually makes up a little bit for poor to average vocals. They still use computer generated music or tracks played from recorded audio depending on the song, but it was still kind of different and loads of fun. We got settled in to our table which was fairly close to the stage and enjoyed some light food and adult beverages. Not too much time later the music began. We talked in between the different “performances” but for as much talking as we did I can’t recall learning anything new about her or offering her any new insights about me. Maybe we were just in fun mode and not deeper exploration mode. I did learn that she had NO intentions of singing anything but enjoyed watching others “make fools of themselves” or shock the crowd with their talent. She made reference to a “golden buzzer” but it went over my head. I thought maybe I could talk her into getting up there and singing since she was so into music, but apparently not.

After almost 90 minutes of appetizers, drinks, table talk and a number of laughs, my name got called to sing. When she heard the announcement the lady’s head spun around to look at me with her eyes wide open. I am not easily embarrassed and some would say I was blessed with an excess of confidence. Plus I have been told a few times that I have a fair singing voice so I figured why not. Just to be safe I picked out a song that would convey date-night energy but did not require a high degree of talent or vocal range. It was a piano only song so the rest of the band, as in the digital drummer and the guy on the guitar, took a break and they made most of the stage area nice and dark. I got up to my post and stared at the Lady as the lyrics rolled by on the teleprompter, I had it memorized and did not need the visual reminder of the lyrics. My focus was in doing my best to not sound like a reject from American Idol. I sang “Your Song” by Elton John. I started out a bit rough but I fell into my groove and belted out a good enough performance to keep any reject sirens from going off or me being pulled off the stage by angry booing patrons. Once the song was complete and the crowd offered up their normal applause, which I took as obligatory, I realized that a certain someone had gotten up from her chair and was momentarily standing by the table, and then she sort of marched straight toward me.

She met me at the bottom of the small set of stairs and collided with me, quite intentionally. She smashed her lips into mine and we were instantly in a very passionate very public kiss. Somewhere in the moment I realized the tepid clapping had turned into an eruption of applause, whistles and cat-calls. It took her a few moments longer than me to realize it. She ended the kiss, grabbed my hand and drug me back to the table. People were still cheering and laughing the entire way. I thought she would be embarrassed, but she looked like she was on a serious mission. I heard the piano player say “This is why you always want to be the lead singer” or something like that. Once at the table she grabbed her hand bag, tossed too much cash down and pulled me right out the door. We hot walked to the car and she told me to “drive east” with authority. 4 blocks later we arrived at a sub-mediocre looking hotel she had apparently glimpsed on the ride to karaoke. She was out of the car the second I had it in park. She went straight inside the lobby and I joined her 10-15 seconds later. Once she had a key-card she grabbed my hand again and pulled me straight to the room.

My 3rd date goals never came to be, my 4th date hopes were again delayed, and somewhere along the way I genuinely lost track of what date we were even on. This date however paid off like winning the Powerball lottery on the same day congress agreed to term limits and The View was cancelled. To say we are physically compatible is an extreme understatement and whatever she had pent up inside of her for the last several years all came pouring out at once. My sincere apologies to anyone who may have been in the rooms on either side of us, although based on the vicinity of that establishment to the popular bar scene; my guess is their primary business is not tourists and travelers. The last thing she said to me, quite sometime later, before we fell asleep in one another’s arms was “you’re my favorite person”. I just kissed her head, closed my eyes and said “Ditto.” We both slept very well in that old lumpy bed.

We woke up this morning, got the most we could out of the budget hotel room, searched for items of clothing that were scattered everywhere, cleaned up as well as one can without clean clothes or personal toiletries, checked out and drove until we found a place to have breakfast. We didn’t talk all that much, not really. She kept looking at me, smiling, looking down and doing it all over again after a few minutes. She also kept receiving text messages which seemed to annoy her. Once we finished eating what little we ate, I drove her to her apartment. The whole way there she kept saying things like “well that was fun” and “we are very good at that”. Upon our arrival she planted another nice long kiss and told me we needed to get together again very soon, with a strong emphasis on the word very. Then she told me she would call me and went inside. I picked up some coffee and drove home in a fantastic mood. Home to where I keep my ibuprofen. She is really into yoga and has a surprisingly amount of stamina. If I knew singing a vintage love song was the key to her… heart, I would have taken her to karaoke on our 3rd date.

That Elton John song I sung is stuck in my head and will be for some time. “I hope you don't mind that I put down in words, how wonderful life is while you're in the world.” I wonder if that makes it “our song” now.
finally caught up with this thread, glad things are going well Dmarsh!
Until that last update I was going to say "maybe there is something wrong with her and that is why she doesn't want to have sex" but it seems that issue has resolved itself! Good for both of you :)

now back to my Turkish soap opera....
I whole heartedly agree. I feel like my 4 decades of experience led me to become the exact person she needed and her 4 decades formed her into the exact person I need. Life is a trip.
I totally agree with you about this. Life is a trip. You could never have predicted that something like this could happen. You were going on with life not even thinking that a woman could have this effect on you. Your mother had a profound effect on you and your relationships with women. I think damaged hearts sometimes get lucky and find what they need. Of course, there are people who never do.

Until that last update I was going to say "maybe there is something wrong with her and that is why she doesn't want to have sex" but it seems that issue has resolved itself! Good for both of you :)
I think she is a wise woman, and knows that it's better to let things develop, instead of hopping into the sack too early. The other thing that I wondered about was whether she needed to get birth control together.
I think she is a wise woman, and knows that it's better to let things develop, instead of hopping into the sack too early. The other thing that I wondered about was whether she needed to get birth control together.
For a little while that is ok, but I would be suspicious of someone that didn't want to have sex for a long time into the relationship. If I GUY did not at least try, I would wonder what was wrong with him, and question if it was worth the trouble getting too far into the relationship, if that makes sense. I wouldn't want to say marry a guy I didn't like having sex with LOL, you?
I think she is a wise woman, and knows that it's better to let things develop, instead of hopping into the sack too early. The other thing that I wondered about was whether she needed to get birth control together.

When I was in my early 20's I elected to never have children via surgical procedure. Snip Snip, no more live ammo. I still use protection however, not because it didn't work but because some of my former companions may not have been the quality and type where I wanted to risk the potential down sides of unprotected sex. I am clean and disease free, I know this because I had a physical not to long ago and I always make sure I am tested. Still I am not going to go without unless or until she suggests, requests or discusses it with me.
I wouldn't want to say marry a guy I didn't like having sex with LOL, you?
Haha! Nope!

Maybe this thread is titled "The Ladies" because it is really all the forum males trying to figure your gender out. And here I thought only one gender really had urges and the other gender just decided when those urges could be released. ;)
Maybe this thread is titled "The Ladies" because it is really all the forum males trying to figure your gender out. And here I thought only one gender really had urges and the other gender just decided when those urges could be released. ;)
want to hear a sort of funny but really sad thing that happened to me in between husband 1 and 2? ( early 20s) I was dating this guy for a few weeks or so, and my friends called him "moneybags" since he had a nice sportscar, and appearently a lot of money too. He took me out to eat to nice places and paid, he bought me jewelry on like the second date, he always brought flowers, he was super nice, intelligent AND really good looking ( not exactly my type , but in a college football player kind of way) . So here I am sort of scratching my head thinking to myself, I am not a trophy wife material, why is THIS guy going out with me?? I found out soon enough, I sort of dragged him into the bedroom after a few weeks and was shocked what I found. Lets just say his equipment was very lacking ( like borderline deformed? maybe like 2 inches) . I know groce, but it happened. Back then I was young and not always nice and I laughed and said something like "what ya going to do with THAT? " he threw a shoe at me, got dressed left and I never saw him again.....I know not nice to laugh but it was too sad to cry

I wonder if modern medicine can fix that?

anyway my point, there is a saying don't buy the cat in the bag

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