The Ladies

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Perfect! I was going to say you should also carry a piece also, just to intimidate him.

I have a gun in my shower and a gun I take when I have to pee at 3am. I don't leave the house without a piece. But I suppose I could have open carried some kind of big old 1911 or my new stainless Beretta 92. That might have opened a few eyes.
Not sure who she disliked more.

Well your lady handled that extremely well! You being there made that easier! I don't know why she even agreed to meet! Block his phone number and email and pretend he doesn't exist!! You and your lady make a GREAT TEAM!!💗

I am pretty sure she was going full mama bear protecting her cub, the other topic did not seem to interest her in the least. I really didn't say a thing but I did position myself to her left, with one knee near hers and other behind her, holding her left hand with my left hand and rubbing her lower back with my right. I even looked directly at her most of the time, like I was completely smitten with her beauty - which I am - and could not have given two ***** if there was anyone else in the room or not. Plus it kept my gun hand free and open. At one point I REALLY wanted to interject that the daughter loves it when I make breakfast, but I let it go.
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In a large metro area, another dental practice should be no threat to ex and skank. It isn't about that. It is more that the skank hasn't destroyed lady yet. That is her ultimate goal.

This whole situation seems to me to be more of a competition for skank. Husband, check. Business, check. Daughter, nope. Destroy lady's life, nope! Lady's family background, nope. Lady's beauty, nope.

She must have been jealous of lady on many levels from her first meeting and still is. There are people who see someone like the lady and are jealous and evil. Beautiful women deal with this. A not so attractive woman can get so jealous of the beauty and goes after everything else. I know someone like this, jealous of everything, any success, and ugly inside and out. Women can be horrible to each other! Men are more open about how they fight. Women try to destroy other women without so much as their victim even having a clue what is going on.

She "won" with him (not) and therefore the business. But she is not satisfied. She has wanted to destroy the lady. She hasn't won daughter over, and is frustrated with that. She wants a relationship with daughter and for daughter to not have any relationship with the lady. This is the way that evil and jealous women are. They know how to manipulate most people for their own gain.

And, lady has a business that skank hasn't been able to interfere with, and she wants to destroy that. She is still competing about the lady's life and money.

Hearing about the new man in lady's life must have really gotten to her. The dental community must be its own group while stories about what goes on with individuals are hot topics that spread like wildfire. I also wonder if this whole meeting was as much about seeing what the threat is from the new man in lady's life as anything?

And then the daughter not being interested in having anything to do with them is a knife twist for her. Surely, she has to want to be with them!
Snuck on here at work, not really I am the boss. I just wish you had made him piss his pants. I hate condescending people. I am very knowledgeable in my field, most people think I am just a good ol boy. But let someone talk down to me, I am capable of going into a rage. When I am like that I have full mental clarity, I will destroy them emotionally and physically if need be.
In a large metro area, another dental practice should be no threat to ex and skank. It isn't about that. It is more that the skank hasn't destroyed lady yet. That is her ultimate goal.

This whole situation seems to me to be more of a competition for skank. Husband, check. Business, check. Daughter, nope. Destroy lady's life, nope! Lady's family background, nope. Lady's beauty, nope.

She must have been jealous of lady on many levels from her first meeting and still is. There are people who see someone like the lady and are jealous and evil. Beautiful women deal with this. A not so attractive woman can get so jealous of the beauty and goes after everything else. I know someone like this, jealous of everything, any success, and ugly inside and out. Women can be horrible to each other! Men are more open about how they fight. Women try to destroy other women without so much as their victim even having a clue what is going on.

She "won" with him (not) and therefore the business. But she is not satisfied. She has wanted to destroy the lady. She hasn't won daughter over, and is frustrated with that. She wants a relationship with daughter and for daughter to not have any relationship with the lady. This is the way that evil and jealous women are. They know how to manipulate most people for their own gain.

And, lady has a business that skank hasn't been able to interfere with, and she wants to destroy that. She is still competing about the lady's life and money.

Hearing about the new man in lady's life must have really gotten to her. The dental community must be its own group while stories about what goes on with individuals are hot topics that spread like wildfire. I also wonder if this whole meeting was as much about seeing what the threat is from the new man in lady's life as anything?

And then the daughter not being interested in having anything to do with them is a knife twist for her. Surely, she has to want to be with them!

That was incredibly insightful.

Snuck on here at work, not really I am the boss. I just wish you had made him piss his pants. I hate condescending people. I am very knowledgeable in my field, most people think I am just a good ol boy. But let someone talk down to me, I am capable of going into a rage. When I am like that I have full mental clarity, I will destroy them emotionally and physically if need be.

I am really hoping the day still comes.
my first real boyfriend is already dead also, also cancer about 5 years ago, my brother told me, they knew each other and it's a small town , so is one of my best friends ( girl) from highschool. It's so weird to hear that sort of thing even if you haven't had any contact with these people since highschool. Made me feel sad and old
My first boyfriend at sweet 16 died a few years back too.

I found out he got hooked up with my former bestie who slept with my first boyfriend I really actually loved and was with for the longest.

She apparently had a thing for the guys I had first..

I was a junior in hs, another friend was dating his younger brother who was a senior ..big football guy. His older brother graduated a year not really much older probably 19 or 20.
He was tall and muscular still from his football days still built like a beast, had golden tanish skin always, that italian blood..dark hair and had one of those outgoing boisterous personalities. .not stupid ..he was well liked and really had a gentle heart.

I remember we were all swimming and tubing down a creek ..he comes up behind me out of the water , chest all tan n water shiny..looked like a god.

I knew I was going to give it up to him..I wasn't in love with him..he was just so dam hot and I was 16 and thought I'm ready. We had been dating for a few months and thought why not. He's hot, has a car, he likes me apparently and I liked him..

He was so sweet..told me he loved me..all that..but..I dumped him. I wasn't ready for all that and emotionally not there to begin with.

So years later..he hooked up with my former bestie..they both were into drugs..sad really for both of them. They both had alot going for them but ..they popped out 3 kids..eventually both had cleaned up the drug n alcohol abuse but it took a toll on their looks. Both used to be gorgeous. A few years ago, he had a major brain stroke. Their kids are grown, she is still alive. Her brother, who was part of the crowd I hung out with keiled over last year after trying to get sober from alcohol.

I'm at that age where my high school buddies are starting to is weird n every time I get on Facebook I wonder who else dropped off.

As far as I know my first ..and only guy I loved is still alive..but is a major alcoholic..just like his dad.
I knew I was going to give it up to him..I wasn't in love with him..he was just so dam hot and I was 16 and thought I'm ready. We had been dating for a few months and thought why not. He's hot, has a car, he likes me apparently and I liked him..

He was so sweet..told me he loved me..all that..but..I dumped him. I wasn't ready for all that and emotionally not there to begin with.

I keep saying that women control the world but no one believes me. 😶
Lady called. Seems daddy dentist sent a long email to the daughter this morning via her college email which is her first dot last name plus the school, so easy to figure out. I guess it started out okay, positive and hopeful, but eventually it got accusatory. He and the troll seem convinced that it's the lady's fault they don't have a relationship with her. Plus it also mentioned me! Seems I am a bad influence on the lady and probably a violent person so she needs to be very cautious of me. After the lady and the daughter read the email together the lady told her it really was up to her if she wanted to have a relationship with her father or if she wanted to accept financial support from him. The daughter just hit reply and wrote "Eat **** family wrecker", clicked send, blocked his email address and deleted the email. Then she asked if they could go out to dinner and talked all about her friend having a pregnancy scare. I guess daddy dentist isn't even a blip on her life's radar.
Well Marsh, you must have scared the crap out of them ... seeing as how they hired security to protect them from you both!!

The daughter sounds like a very level headed and intelligent person.

But those two miscreants will not be going away anytime soon! You'll be hearing more from them, I'm sure!

Best of luck!
Well Marsh, you must have scared the crap out of them ... seeing as how they hired security to protect them from you both!!

The daughter sounds like a very level headed and intelligent person.

But those two miscreants will not be going away anytime soon! You'll be hearing more from them, I'm sure!

Best of luck!

Yeah, I'm afraid your right. Maybe they will take a vacation to a nonextradition country at the same time I just happen to be on the same plane or boat.
Lady called. Seems daddy dentist sent a long email to the daughter this morning via her college email which is her first dot last name plus the school, so easy to figure out. I guess it started out okay, positive and hopeful, but eventually it got accusatory. He and the troll seem convinced that it's the lady's fault they don't have a relationship with her. Plus it also mentioned me! Seems I am a bad influence on the lady and probably a violent person so she needs to be very cautious of me. After the lady and the daughter read the email together the lady told her it really was up to her if she wanted to have a relationship with her father or if she wanted to accept financial support from him. The daughter just hit reply and wrote "Eat **** family wrecker", clicked send, blocked his email address and deleted the email. Then she asked if they could go out to dinner and talked all about her friend having a pregnancy scare. I guess daddy dentist isn't even a blip on her life's radar.
Just your presence intimidated them. Well done!

I've been thinking about the whole situation. I think the new wife is the one who is initiating most of this garbage. As a manipulator, she is not used to having things not go her way.

I was thinking about her being the one who told the lady about their affair, not the ex. She is the power trip in that relationship. Since he is a weenie, he likes that she is. He didn't have what it took to deliver the news himself.

I'd bet that she is a narcissist and a bully. I had to deal with girl bullies when I was teaching, some in first grade. I've run into some adult women in life as well who were narcissistic bullies. When you see the women who are always in charge, always telling others what to do, running the show, you are often seeing a narcissist in action.
Just your presence intimidated them. Well done!

I've been thinking about the whole situation. I think the new wife is the one who is initiating most of this garbage. As a manipulator, she is not used to having things not go her way.

I was thinking about her being the one who told the lady about their affair, not the ex. She is the power trip in that relationship. Since he is a weenie, he likes that she is. He didn't have what it took to deliver the news himself.

I'd bet that she is a narcissist and a bully. I had to deal with girl bullies when I was teaching, some in first grade. I've run into some adult women in life as well who were narcissistic bullies. When you see the women who are always in charge, always telling others what to do, running the show, you are often seeing a narcissist in action.

Yeah, she is definitely on a power trip. I guess she promoted herself from dental assistant to "owner/manager" when the businesses were reorganized and her now husband got the dental practices in suburbia. She moved into one of the offices, had her name put on the door, had business cards made, etc. Within weeks they lost most of their staff and had to slow way down until they could hire replacements. I am sure she is a C U Next Tuesday to work for the same way she is in every other aspect of her life.

I am actually surprised that she did not have him put a bun in her oven as soon as the lady was out of the picture. Maybe nature refuses to let her procreate for fear of what could happen.
That was incredibly insightful.

I am really hoping the day still comes.

I would say it is time to be very cautious of the snide little punk Marsh, you know this as well as I do.

I have seen it happen for a lot less than these two seem to be making of it.
Their Chess game is in Check from a serious threat that has very few moves they can make and they are lost for a way out.

These type never get their chicken sheet hands dirty, they use connections and dollars to go around to the back door.

When you kick an arrogant egotist down, he finds a person who will be willing to do his bidding for the right dollar, you need to let your lady and her daughter know that if the instigator keeps building drama they may be in some real danger.

Just as a mention not enough to scare them just make them be careful and tell them what to watch for just as you instantly recognized the semi pro.
Yeah, she is definitely on a power trip. I guess she promoted herself from dental assistant to "owner/manager" when the businesses were reorganized and her now husband got the dental practices in suburbia. She moved into one of the offices, had her name put on the door, had business cards made, etc. Within weeks they lost most of their staff and had to slow way down until they could hire replacements. I am sure she is a C U Next Tuesday to work for the same way she is in every other aspect of her life.

I am actually surprised that she did not have him put a bun in her oven as soon as the lady was out of the picture. Maybe nature refuses to let her procreate for fear of what could happen.
Dr. Dud is FARKED! New gal will take him to the bank!!🤞🤣
chicken sheet
I was thinking of this earlier. I like how you spelled it! Ex is a chicken sheet. Marsh could wipe the floor with him and he knows it.

I had a principal for too long who once held up a sheet of paper at a faculty meeting and talked about how this was a hard word for her Spanish speaking people to say.
I would say it is time to be very cautious of the snide little punk Marsh, you know this as well as I do.

I have seen it happen for a lot less than these two seem to be making of it.
Their Chess game is in Check from a serious threat that has very few moves they can make and they are lost for a way out.

These type never get their chicken sheet hands dirty, they use connections and dollars to go around to the back door.

When you kick an arrogant egotist down, he finds a person who will be willing to do his bidding for the right dollar, you need to let your lady and her daughter know that if the instigator keeps building drama they may be in some real danger.

Just as a mention not enough to scare them just make them be careful and tell them what to watch for just as you instantly recognized the semi pro.

Cautious is always the right move, and those two are definitely snakes. From what I have seen thus far they are coloring in the lines, but they are in no way done being a pain in the lady's ass. The lady's attorney is pretty sharp and has built a protective wall around her financial stuff and her business. Plus the lady's dad, who she is not particularly close to, apparently has money and influence in state and local government. From what she has told me the dentist is scared of the dad and even sought him out after they separated to apologize. He never even apologized to the lady!

The dentist is a ***** but the skank is the one I am more concerned with. I doubt they have the connections to get to any serious people to take a job, but could easily get some wannabe or crazy which could actually be worse. It has not been easy getting these two ladies to take personal safety seriously, but they are a few steps better off now than they were. I am hoping to get the lady into a women's combat shooting course now that she has been introduced to guns. I can teach her a lot but she should really get the fundamentals down in a classroom/range environment.
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I was thinking of this earlier. I like how you spelled it! Ex is a chicken sheet. Marsh could wipe the floor with him and he knows it.

I had a principal for too long who once held up a sheet of paper at a faculty meeting and talked about how this was a hard word for her Spanish speaking people to say.

I was trying to figure out how to turn the dentist and the **** on each other. Implosion is always a better tactic than explosion. Less unintended casualties.
I am hoping to get the lady into a women's combat shooting course now that she has been introduced to guns. I can teach her a lot but she should really get the fundamentals down in a classroom/range environment.
I was in a discussion at a local dog park just this week about learning how to shoot, as well as getting a permit and CC permit. This is not the first time that I was told about an indoor shooting range in the north western part of the city where they also sell guns. I have been to one southeast, outdoors, close to a large reservoir.

There were three of us women and one man, an older man from Nebraska who has had quite a gun collection. His wife did sell of some of his guns without his permission, $5,000 worth. He had more that she didn't know he had or they would be gone too.

One older woman lost her home about 10 years ago and now lives in a travel trailer with her dogs in a local Walmart parking lot, where she works. She doesn't have a gun, but I am well aware that this Walmart has had issues with homeless, assaults in the parking lot and a huge amount of shoplifting. They keep underwear and socks locked up because of the amount of theft there. Really not a good place for a single woman to be living in a TT. But she was asking questions, so she is definitely open to learning.

A nice pistol would be an excellent gift for her, maybe for Christmas, maybe earlier.
Yeah the problem with defense is you have to have some act before you can retaliate and crush your enemies ability to be a problem going forward.

If you make the first move they have legal grounds for all kinds of retaliation.

It may also cause some friction at home.

Ypu are walking the tightrope right now unless the idiot is really as stupid as he seems to be.

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