This is the next suprise China has for us.

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Proud Prepper

Prepper of all thing's
HCL Supporter
Mar 13, 2017
Top secret location in S. Louisiana and Arkansas
Many intelligence agencies believe China will soon launch a suprise attack on on the US and Taiwan with a super EMP. They have over a million of there agents working and going to universities already here ready to sabotage our infrastructure. Here is a government report worth reading.

For many reason, I just don't see an EMP attack. The response would be MAD. Just that simple, no winners, no victors, just a planetary waste land.
For many reason, I just don't see an EMP attack. The response would be MAD. Just that simple, no winners, no victors, just a planetary waste land.
Are you sure about that? What makes you so sure our military would destroy the planet with nukes? I dont believe they would.
No we would not destroy the planet, all the other countries jumping in would ensure total destruction. We counter China, N Korea fires off, then the U.K. Fires off, then Russia, Pakistan and India. Everybody that has nukes, also has old enemies. so they will all take the opportunity to settle old scores. How many nukes will it take to end the world? All the nations want to control the world but there has to be a world worth controlling left. A giant glass ball is not too appealing.
What I read in this report is that China is talking and planning (a lot!) about using EMPs, not nukes. They without a doubt consider it part of their ongoing cyber war on us.

“Taiwan’s military analysts agree with the People’s Republic of China that, “The EMP attack scenario presents the only attack option that meets the demand for making the first, paralyzing strike of a war, paving the way for the other troops to attack Taiwan.” According to a briefing from Taiwan’s Military College of National Defense University titled “Electromagnetic Pulse Attack and Defense” the People’s Republic of China:...

I must say that everyone needs to take this threat SERIOUSLY and plan accordingly. We are Preppers! Never take an adversary lightly.

Just my humble opinion.
NOBODY but NOBODY is just making an EMP attack on the US or any other country - minutes prior EMP attack to blind the US missile detection centers & NORAD - YES - but a full strength nuke attack would follow - because the US would be launching in retaliation ...

and no terrorist group with a nuke for EMPing would waste it on such an attack - they'd want an instant body count to boast about before they die ....

an EMP is the least of our SHTF problems ...
NOBODY but NOBODY is just making an EMP attack on the US or any other country - minutes prior EMP attack to blind the US missile detection centers & NORAD - YES - but a full strength nuke attack would follow - because the US would be launching in retaliation ...

and no terrorist group with a nuke for EMPing would waste it on such an attack - they'd want an instant body count to boast about before they die ....

an EMP is the least of our SHTF problems ...

Can I ask you some questions? Did you read in this report how many times the Chinese referred to EMPs to go along with their Cyber Warfare? How they stated it was part of it? Would we really nuke them or just EMP them?

Not ever being in the military or anything along those lines I have absolutely no clue.
In MHO, an EMP attack would be considered a Nuclear attack and we would fire all out nukes. Even if a country was able to launch an EMP attack undetected, our sub's would launch. There is a reason it is referred to as MAD..
Can I ask you some questions? Did you read in this report how many times the Chinese referred to EMPs to go along with their Cyber Warfare? How they stated it was part of it? Would we really nuke them or just EMP them?

Not ever being in the military or anything along those lines I have absolutely no clue.

can I ask you a question?

just how stupid are you? - any country explodes a nuke above the US is getting nailed to the floor - PERMANENTLY
can I ask you a question?

just how stupid are you? - any country explodes a nuke above the US is getting nailed to the floor - PERMANENTLY

Hey, it's not stupid at all. Nothing is certain. The most devastating things that have happened to people is what they believed could never happen. To think otherwise, when you have history to learn from, now that's stupid!
can I ask you a question?

just how stupid are you? - any country explodes a nuke above the US is getting nailed to the floor - PERMANENTLY

I was sincere with my questions. Not sure why you have reacted by calling names. I did want to know what you thought. Guess you don’t take questions well.
Hey, it's not stupid at all. Nothing is certain. The most devastating things that have happened to people is what they believed could never happen. To think otherwise, when you have history to learn from, now that's stupid!

I‘ve read that an EMP would not be met with a nuclear attack. I have also read that there are ways to do them where our government would not know who did it. Just for the record, my questions were sincere and not meant to cause anger...
I‘ve read that an EMP would not be met with a nuclear attack. I have also read that there are ways to do them where our government would not know who did it. Just for the record, my questions were sincere and not meant to cause anger...

Your correct, not all EMP are by a nuclear weapon, just the most devastating ones. Yes some could make it difficult to prove who actually to retaliate against. That's was uncalled for and ignorant to call you stupid.
can I ask you a question?

just how stupid are you? - any country explodes a nuke above the US is getting nailed to the floor - PERMANENTLY
I’ve read Georgia’s message multiple times and can’t see any reason for you to react with “just how stupid are you?” My experience with this group is that questions are always welcomed and *******s are not. FYI.
A HEMP (High-altitude EMP) device is well within their capabilities (you only need a small pure fission A-Bomb), can be deployed clandestinely and with plausible deniability (wasn't us, it must have been that crazy Kim who done it), will yield very high return for the investment, and can cripple the US energy infrastucture for years. If you think the "unrest" from the BLM riots are a problem, you ain't seen nothin' compared to the fallout from wide scale blackouts!

All they have to do is launch a satellite into a geosynchronous orbit (low earth orbit is not high enough for a HEMP) which then releases the device ("oops a meteoroid broke off one of our solar panels" 😇) which falls into a decaying orbit. It will be far far away from the satellite when it detonates. And it will be indistinguishable from space junk on radar.

Will they do it? They have to know that their own satellites will be damaged, so it's no small decision to make. And if they still have hopes of continuing to tap into the US consumer market for their goods, that will be severely hampered by an economic crash. Are they crazy enough to do it? Hell yeah!
A HEMP (High-altitude EMP) device is well within their capabilities (you only need a small pure fission A-Bomb), can be deployed clandestinely and with plausible deniability (wasn't us, it must have been that crazy Kim who done it), will yield very high return for the investment, and can cripple the US energy infrastucture for years. If you think the "unrest" from the BLM riots are a problem, you ain't seen nothin' compared to the fallout from wide scale blackouts!

All they have to do is launch a satellite into a geosynchronous orbit (low earth orbit is not high enough for a HEMP) which then releases the device ("oops a meteoroid broke off one of our solar panels" 😇) which falls into a decaying orbit. It will be far far away from the satellite when it detonates. And it will be indistinguishable from space junk on radar.

Will they do it? They have to know that their own satellites will be damaged, so it's no small decision to make. And if they still have hopes of continuing to tap into the US consumer market for their goods, that will be severely hampered by an economic crash. Are they crazy enough to do it? Hell yeah!

Now playing devils advocate. What make anybody think we don't have the same setup flying around the world OR that other countries also don't have the same setup. We go dark and then all the world goes dark. Just like the virus, China got it and then it spread to the rest of the world. Misery loves company and I am willing to bet there are plans (known to all) for worldwide HEMP retaliation if any major nation is attacked. The big bet, does any nation think they can recover and rebuild faster than the USA? Would we come back online first and then decide to remove our foreign competition, once and for all? That is the big bet. Japan and Germany learned the hard way. We have the natural resources, we have the knowledge and we are a mean, nasty bunch when aggravated.
Problem is, we have previously figured NK was the most likely to deploy a HEMP against us. But they hardly have any electricity for us to knock out, LOL.
Problem is, we have previously figured NK was the most likely to deploy a HEMP against us. But they hardly have any electricity for us to knock out, LOL.

We would knock out everybody, every nation. Then the race to recovery would be on. We wipe out all communist nations and of course they will wipe out all western nations and all the other nations will get hammered just for good measure. We all get to hit the reset button and start rebuilding again. The nations that rebuild first, will control the world. Place your bets Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to spin the wheel and where the ball stops, nobody knows.
Now playing devils advocate. What make anybody think we don't have the same setup flying around the world OR that other countries also don't have the same setup. We go dark and then all the world goes dark. Just like the virus, China got it and then it spread to the rest of the world. Misery loves company and I am willing to bet there are plans (known to all) for worldwide HEMP retaliation if any major nation is attacked. The big bet, does any nation think they can recover and rebuild faster than the USA? Would we come back online first and then decide to remove our foreign competition, once and for all? That is the big bet. Japan and Germany learned the hard way. We have the natural resources, we have the knowledge and we are a mean, nasty bunch when aggravated.

It is believed by many analysts that the EMP would be followed by terrorists attacks and non official government forces.

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