This is the next suprise China has for us.

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There is also a sneaky form of inflation called "shrink-flation,"
It's difficult to see how we can fix this state of affairs in a reasonable amount of time.

I worry about the future.

At the end of Rome's empire an ox dragging a cart full of grain from an outer province could consume most of the grain just getting it back to the capital. Aside from the massive inflation in your money supply, that might be what's behind a lot of the inflation, the simple fact that so much comes from overseas?
I would be worried if I was you as well, a lot more worried than I am here in Australia, which is isolated and somewhat sheltered from the coming wars of succession. As for fixing the state of affairs... Well that's been tried many times, and every time the lifestyle of the average person goes down and down. Obama promised Change? Trump, To make America Great Again? Words, election promises, where's the Beef? Too expensive for many now.
At the end of Rome's empire an ox dragging a cart full of grain from an outer province could consume most of the grain just getting it back to the capital. Aside from the massive inflation in your money supply, that might be what's behind a lot of the inflation, the simple fact that so much comes from overseas?
I would be worried if I was you as well, a lot more worried than I am here in Australia, which is isolated and somewhat sheltered from the coming wars of succession. As for fixing the state of affairs... Well that's been tried many times, and every time the lifestyle of the average person goes down and down. Obama promised Change? Trump, To make America Great Again? Words, election promises, where's the Beef? Too expensive for many now.
Trump was the only one to make good on his word to put America and Americans first. Well oboma did too, but in a bad way for most Americans.
At the end of Rome's empire an ox dragging a cart full of grain from an outer province could consume most of the grain just getting it back to the capital. Aside from the massive inflation in your money supply, that might be what's behind a lot of the inflation, the simple fact that so much comes from overseas?
I would be worried if I was you as well, a lot more worried than I am here in Australia, which is isolated and somewhat sheltered from the coming wars of succession. As for fixing the state of affairs... Well that's been tried many times, and every time the lifestyle of the average person goes down and down. Obama promised Change? Trump, To make America Great Again? Words, election promises, where's the Beef? Too expensive for many now.
Part of the problem is--I believe--that our economy is a reflection of our culture.

Our culture seems to have embraced the values (if we want to call them that) of instantaneous gratification, and the idea that accumulating wealth without working for it is an accomplishment.

If fewer and fewer people have a work ethic (and I include people whom gather garbage or work as janitors for $45.00 an hour), then more and more of our services and products start coming from overseas.

We are a victim of our own greed and lack of a reasonable work ethic.

I say this as one of the more radically liberal and left-leaning people--by the standards of this forum, at least--but even I know that you can't get something from nothing.

We might not be in such a dire situation if our culture--as a whole--embraced work and delayed gratification as a means of betterment rather than a cause of criticism.
Ha Ha Ha, well said, and thanks for proving my point about the arrogance of dead empires. It's true England used Australia as a penal colony, but that was only a part of the deal, those men and women were used as cheap labor basically, to help build the place. I wonder how much this, as well as overpopulation in England, was motivation for the transport? Certainly many were not hardened criminals, the theft of a loaf of bread would get you sent out.

A lot of Americans would be shocked to learn that England used them for the same purpose. One good aspect of our origins here is that we have none of the "Empire" mindset. We're happy with what we have, and it's a lot.

The British were noted for transported prisoners out of England to be made to work at their numerous colonies. From 1615 to 1870, more than 200,000 criminals were conditionally pardoned, exiled, and transported to penal colonies. Before 1775, more than 50,000 prisoners were sent to America—primarily to Virginia and Maryland. With the American Revolutionary War, then from 1788 to 1869, more than 160,000 prisoners were sent to the British Colony of Australia.
as far as China goes I think Australia will have to duck first long before America or Britain, geographically speaking.
Ha Ha Ha, well said, and thanks for proving my point about the arrogance of dead empires. It's true England used Australia as a penal colony, but that was only a part of the deal, those men and women were used as cheap labor basically, to help build the place. I wonder how much this, as well as overpopulation in England, was motivation for the transport? Certainly many were not hardened criminals, the theft of a loaf of bread would get you sent out.

A lot of Americans would be shocked to learn that England used them for the same purpose. One good aspect of our origins here is that we have none of the "Empire" mindset. We're happy with what we have, and it's a lot.

The British were noted for transported prisoners out of England to be made to work at their numerous colonies. From 1615 to 1870, more than 200,000 criminals were conditionally pardoned, exiled, and transported to penal colonies. Before 1775, more than 50,000 prisoners were sent to America—primarily to Virginia and Maryland. With the American Revolutionary War, then from 1788 to 1869, more than 160,000 prisoners were sent to the British Colony of Australia.

You forget the 1.2 million Ten pound Poms the Aussie government invited to move to Australia in the 50s and 60s. And Oz is still very much part of the Commonwealth, Plus Oz is currently developing military links between the UK and Oz because of the increased threat from china and OZ is also the biggest supporter of CANZUK .

"None of the Empire mindset " Oz has been subjugating and oppressing the Aborigines just as badly as the Brits did"

images 2.jpg
You Aussies have some weird thinking patterns, to many tinnies I guess :) . The Empire evolved and adapted and became the Commonwealth, it now even has members like Mozambique that were not in the Empire. We done bemoan anything, we celebrate what our kinfolk achieved across a quarter of the globe. All the best civilisations adapt and evolve, those that do not wither and die.
""I wonder how much this, as well as overpopulation in England, was motivation for the transport? "" None at all,From 1890 to 1972 the UK was considered UNDER POPULATED , we even brought in ship loads of migrants from the colonies to rebuild the country ( we treated many of them very badly though) . We encouraged people to stay in the UK after WW1 AND 2. and we encouraged skilled workers to consider moving to OZ and NZ under various schemes at the same time as importing people.
Ha Ha Ha, well said, and thanks for proving my point about the arrogance of dead empires. It's true England used Australia as a penal colony, but that was only a part of the deal, those men and women were used as cheap labor basically, to help build the place. I wonder how much this, as well as overpopulation in England, was motivation for the transport? Certainly many were not hardened criminals, the theft of a loaf of bread would get you sent out.

A lot of Americans would be shocked to learn that England used them for the same purpose. One good aspect of our origins here is that we have none of the "Empire" mindset. We're happy with what we have, and it's a lot.

The British were noted for transported prisoners out of England to be made to work at their numerous colonies. From 1615 to 1870, more than 200,000 criminals were conditionally pardoned, exiled, and transported to penal colonies. Before 1775, more than 50,000 prisoners were sent to America—primarily to Virginia and Maryland. With the American Revolutionary War, then from 1788 to 1869, more than 160,000 prisoners were sent to the British Colony of Australia.
Yeah, those concentration camps are gonna be da bomb.
Bloody Poms lol lol, You had your day in the sun Bill, get over it. Now your just a bankrupt nation, infested with all the third world rejects from the nations you subjugated. You'll be under Sharia Law in a couple of decades and your daughters sex slaves to anyone wearing a turban. It's happening arleady if you hadn't noticed.
Bloody Poms lol lol, You had your day in the sun Bill, get over it. Now your just a bankrupt nation, infested with all the third world rejects from the nations you subjugated. You'll be under Sharia Law in a couple of decades and your daughters sex slaves to anyone wearing a turban. It's happening arleady if you hadn't noticed.
"a bankrupt nation", really? Britain has the 5th best economy in the world and thats not just me saying it, its a fact.
immigrants make up just a fraction of the population.
as far as China goes I think Australia will have to duck first long before America or Britain, geographically speaking.
We sell them what they want, Natural gas, coal, iron ore, beef, dairy, even honey. They won't be in a hurry to bomb us I can assure you, and they don't even need to invade as 6% of the aussie population is Chinese already. Australia will tag along with the Americans in their oil wars but it's a token to keep us in the club. The Chinese know this, all they care about at the end of the day is money, that's their culture, "money money come to me"
"a bankrupt nation", really? Britain has the 5th best economy in the world and thats not just me saying it, its a fact.
Paper economies don't count paul, and next time you want to tout a FACT, give some evidence ok.

They found that in 2017/18:
  • An estimated 14.3 million people are in poverty in the UK
  • 8.3 million are working-age adults, 4.6 million are children, and 1.3 million are of pension age
  • Around 22% of people are in poverty, and 34% of children are.
You import nearly all your energy, all your metals, a lot of your food. Basically your nation is a resource disaster waiting to happen. If China takes over the lead in the world your currency will plunge and it will be lights out.
If China takes over the lead in the world your currency will plunge and it will be lights out.
that will suit me, they already control most of our power stations so pulling the plug would be fairly easy, mind you demand has nearly outstripped supply the last 4 winters so its only a matter of time, that or an EMP from somewhere else!!
why do you think a few of us prepare??? but only a few, the sheeple havent got a clue.
that will suit me, they already control most of our power stations so pulling the plug would be fairly easy,
why do you think a few of us prepare??? but only a few, the sheeple haven't got a clue.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Was out getting some exercise on the pushbike this morning and I came across another farmlet selling eggs and chutney, honey, that sort of stuff. I had a good chat with the owner and came back a bit later for a dozen eggs and some relish. I can get that easily now as there are many backyard suppliers but if the SHTF all that would go to her neighbors and friends, unless...

Unless I had a critical supply she needed, such as the chicken feed supplement, jars for bottling, rolls of chicken wire so they could expand? How about 2000 cotton buds? Or a cake of soap or two? What woman wouldn't trade a dozen eggs for a bar or two of soap if there was no way she could get them otherwise. It was like that in Europe at the end of the war.

Every region has it's dynamics and one in Australia is Distance. My town is 40km from the next big one, 40km down a snaking hilly road bordered by long dry grass for the most part. Snakes in that grass too. It changes the dangers when you have vast empty spaces between places.
Part of the problem is--I believe--that our economy is a reflection of our culture.

Our culture seems to have embraced the values (if we want to call them that) of instantaneous gratification, and the idea that accumulating wealth without working for it is an accomplishment.

If fewer and fewer people have a work ethic (and I include people whom gather garbage or work as janitors for $45.00 an hour), then more and more of our services and products start coming from overseas.

We are a victim of our own greed and lack of a reasonable work ethic.

I say this as one of the more radically liberal and left-leaning people--by the standards of this forum, at least--but even I know that you can't get something from nothing.

We might not be in such a dire situation if our culture--as a whole--embraced work and delayed gratification as a means of betterment rather than a cause of criticism.

Lot to be said in that one.

Nowadays to have a good work ethic or even the idea of working hard to get "ahead" is consider racist.

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