This is the next suprise China has for us.

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It is believed by many analysts that the EMP would be followed by terrorists attacks and non official government forces.

How do the terrorist plan to move about? How do they plan to communicate? Where will they get their, food, water and how will they deal with the sanitation? During the grid down, who would want to chance moving about, with a few million armed and terrified folks. I think many of the analysts need to take a better / longer look. Who or what are the terrorist going to attack? Everything would already be shut down? The terrorist and non-official forces will have to fight off the looter, gang members and desperate / scared people.
Yeah, I saw who it was aimed at.

I have to say that this group is nothing short of Amazing! They are a tight knit group who have no problem with deep conversations and disagreeing with one another. They do have issue with name calling. And rightfully so. I am honored to be accepted here. Yes, they have put me back in line when I got too emotional with my wording a time or two. For which I am Grateful! Boards where people do name call and say ugly things to one another can’t hold a candle to this fine group of Preppers!
US Doctrine is an EMP attack is the same as a nuclear strike, it wouldn't be just an retaliatory EMP response, it would invoke a Triad response. Only 3 countries are capable of HEMP, US, Russia and China and only 2 countries are capable of a tactical Triad attack/response, the US and Russia

As part of the US Triad we have 14 Ohio-class Boomer with each carrying 24 SLBM, since the US restarted the MIRVs program no body knows how many SLBMs are MIRV upgraded.

SLBM (Submarine-launched ballistic missile)
MIRV (Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) 14 nuclear warheads on a single missile (US MIRVs)

Each Boomer stays out submerged for 77 days somewhere in the world, even the President doesn't know where his boomers are at, we could have 3, 5 or 10 out to sea at any given time. Rest assured, if a HEMP is exploded over the US the first retaliatory strike is coming from a Boomer and it won't be an EMP.
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US Doctrine is an EMP attack is the same as a nuclear strike, it wouldn't be just an retaliatory EMP response, it would invoke a Triad response. Only 3 countries are capable of HEMP, US, Russia and China and only 2 countries are capable of a tactical Triad attack/response, the US and Russia

As part of the US Triad we have 14 Ohio-class Boomer with each carrying 24 SLBM, since the US restarted the MIRVs program no body knows how many SLBMs are MIRV upgraded.

SLBM (Submarine-launched ballistic missile)
MIRV (Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) 14 nuclear warheads on a single missile (US MIRVs)

Each Boomer stays out submerged for 77 days somewhere in the world, even the President doesn't know where his boomers are at, we could have 3, 5 or 10 out to sea at any given time. Rest assured, if a HEMP is exploded over the US the first retaliatory strike is coming from a Boomer and it won't be an EMP.

This is a lot to absorb. So these Boomers are out there with multiple nuclear weapons they will automatically fire? What can they take out? Knowing and understanding a little about our ability to strike back makes me feel better. Still don’t understand why the Chinese have HEMPs linked with Cyber War...
This is a lot to absorb. So these Boomers are out there with multiple nuclear weapons they will automatically fire? What can they take out? Knowing and understanding a little about our ability to strike back makes me feel better. Still don’t understand why the Chinese have HEMPs linked with Cyber War...

They will not automatically fire, chain of command (starting with the president) their are safe guards put in place, one man cannot fire the nuclear weapons. Depending on the yield of the warhead they can take out a city. In this modern age most warheads are in the KT range air burst instead of the MT range such as in the 50s, 60, 70s and early 80s that was ground burst. Our Subs carry around 350kt whereas as our land base ICBMs are around 750kt and very accurate, during the cold war the warheads 5 to 30MT range with some higher and not so accurate. Cyber war is to disrupt command and control and cause chaos, a HEMP is designed to do the same thing, both can be used universally for the same goal but timing is different, cyber war takes time to achieve the goal and HEMP is immediate.

This makes absolutely no sense, this sounds like an excuse to re-open it's biological weapon labs or....

"News site Rosbalt posted an tongue-in-cheek attempt to explain Putin's comments under the tagline "the truth is out there," in a nod to science fiction program X-Files. Another news site Mediazona also compared Putin's comments to a plotline from the show, asking its readers to help explain the president's statement."

Even Russians are puzzled

Путин: Некие силы собирают биологический материал россиян.

Vladimir Putin: Some forces are collecting biological material from Russians.
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can I ask you a question?

just how stupid are you? - any country explodes a nuke above the US is getting nailed to the floor - PERMANENTLY
No offense, but calling her stupid is completely uncalled for.

We are all here to explore ideas, and any ideas by any contributor should be welcomed . . . and examined on their own merit.

Maybe you're the one who's stupid.
US Doctrine is an EMP attack is the same as a nuclear strike, it wouldn't be just an retaliatory EMP response, it would invoke a Triad response. Only 3 countries are capable of HEMP, US, Russia and China and only 2 countries are capable of a tactical Triad attack/response, the US and Russia

As part of the US Triad we have 14 Ohio-class Boomer with each carrying 24 SLBM, since the US restarted the MIRVs program no body knows how many SLBMs are MIRV upgraded.

SLBM (Submarine-launched ballistic missile)
MIRV (Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) 14 nuclear warheads on a single missile (US MIRVs)

Each Boomer stays out submerged for 77 days somewhere in the world, even the President doesn't know where his boomers are at, we could have 3, 5 or 10 out to sea at any given time. Rest assured, if a HEMP is exploded over the US the first retaliatory strike is coming from a Boomer and it won't be an EMP.

US Doctrine is an EMP attack is the same as a nuclear strike, it wouldn't be just an retaliatory EMP response, it would invoke a Triad response. Only 3 countries are capable of HEMP, US, Russia and China and only 2 countries are capable of a tactical Triad attack/response, the US and Russia

As part of the US Triad we have 14 Ohio-class Boomer with each carrying 24 SLBM, since the US restarted the MIRVs program no body knows how many SLBMs are MIRV upgraded.

SLBM (Submarine-launched ballistic missile)
MIRV (Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) 14 nuclear warheads on a single missile (US MIRVs)

Each Boomer stays out submerged for 77 days somewhere in the world, even the President doesn't know where his boomers are at, we could have 3, 5 or 10 out to sea at any given time. Rest assured, if a HEMP is exploded over the US the first retaliatory strike is coming from a Boomer and it won't be an EMP.

I have read many of your posts and find them incredibly inciteful. Your avatar speaks volumes about your knowledge base, especially on all things nuclear. You would be quite the mentor. My question is this to you. Do you think Joe has the cajones to pull the trigger, provided he can recall where the football is? Especially after today's meeting with Vladimir Putin where Biden did apparently NOTHING to try and free the American prisoners and Marines Reed and Whalen. Would he order the OPLAN to do it?
Many thanks.
I have read many of your posts and find them incredibly inciteful. Your avatar speaks volumes about your knowledge base, especially on all things nuclear. You would be quite the mentor. My question is this to you. Do you think Joe has the cajones to pull the trigger, provided he can recall where the football is? Especially after today's meeting with Vladimir Putin where Biden did apparently NOTHING to try and free the American prisoners and Marines Reed and Whalen. Would he order the OPLAN to do it?
Many thanks.

I can guarantee you - that senile old fool doesn't have direct access to the "football" >>> it's been confirmed that he doesn't even have free telephone usage - his calls in & out are all carefully monitored - that recent sit-down with Putin had ALLLLLLL kinds of leash attachments ...

the guy is nothing but a figurehead
What effects the common man won't necessarily effect the military.

I agree that an EMP launched on the US would probably result in a response via nuke.

What needs to be asked is, "What would China gain by launching an attack on the US (militarily)?"

I'd say Taiwan isn't worth what would happen to China. China certainly couldn't effectively wage war on us. They have no lift to go with the number of their troops, and they are completely outnumbered/outclassed in the air. The US has been the world's taxi service since WWII...nobody has the lift capabilities we do.

So...they EMP us to take Taiwan. Unless they have something they can GUARANTEE will shut down our military, they know we will respond, and probably respond with nukes. Would that be worth Taiwan? I don't think so. I think China does what we do, and develops weapons they MAY need, and they keep an eye on/use the same old people (for them, the US) to drum up fear in their populace. That fear keeps the people of China too focused on an outside Boogie Man to do anything about the one inside.
How do we "the common people" the "surfs" I think I read someone posted... how do we know that Xiden hasn't sold us all down the river and the Chinese are just biding their time until they infiltrate every nuclear sub or base out there in Montana, North Dakota, or Wyoming... then they light us up, or down with the EMP and its game over. We can't retaliate because they have control from the inside. Like the Mayor from the first "RED DAWN" Movie, a traitor.
"When a country grows increasingly powerful economically and technologically…it will become increasingly dependent on modern information systems…The United States is more vulnerable to attacks than any other country in the world…” Zhang Shouqi and Sun Xuegui, Jiefangjun Bao (May 14, 1996).

Maybe I need some sleep and a vacation from school.

Erqueen75 :USA:
Pray for America
I have read many of your posts and find them incredibly inciteful. Your avatar speaks volumes about your knowledge base, especially on all things nuclear. You would be quite the mentor. My question is this to you. Do you think Joe has the cajones to pull the trigger, provided he can recall where the football is? Especially after today's meeting with Vladimir Putin where Biden did apparently NOTHING to try and free the American prisoners and Marines Reed and Whalen. Would he order the OPLAN to do it?
Many thanks.
Dont count on the FOOL in the whitehouse to do anything to help anybody!!!
How do we "the common people" the "surfs" I think I read someone posted... how do we know that Xiden hasn't sold us all down the river and the Chinese are just biding their time until they infiltrate every nuclear sub or base out there in Montana

After WWII I imagine many people were saying the same sort of thing about the USA. "How do we know that they will withdraw their troops and go back home to America now the fighting is over?"
Well as history has shown, you didn't. The US took over the world in terms of it's currency being the world reserve and it's military expansion across the globe. If anyone got in it's way they were invaded basically. Now I'm sure you being an American have no problem with all this, but I assure you the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Mexicans and a whole lot more were not at all happy with the outcome.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, the power of the US is declining because of the two classic mistakes of empire; military overstretch, massive unsustainable debts. The same thing happened to your predecessor, England, and to their predecessor, Spain. In fact every empire known to man can trace it's collapse to these two fundamental errors. So perhaps China will be the new world's policeman, perhaps not, but to sit over there thinking "if only we had a strong President everything will be fine" is to deny the current facts and your position in history.

In 10 or 20, or 40 years, the USA will no longer be the world's superpower and you will be like the English, bewailing your loss of status. Even the Greeks remember their empire and have an arrogance about them, the Italians too, and certainly the English. They think they are superior because they once were world powers. It's a fascinating psychological mindset, this attitude they all hold.
After WWII I imagine many people were saying the same sort of thing about the USA. "How do we know that they will withdraw their troops and go back home to America now the fighting is over?"
Well as history has shown, you didn't. The US took over the world in terms of it's currency being the world reserve and it's military expansion across the globe. If anyone got in it's way they were invaded basically. Now I'm sure you being an American have no problem with all this, but I assure you the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Mexicans and a whole lot more were not at all happy with the outcome.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, the power of the US is declining because of the two classic mistakes of empire; military overstretch, massive unsustainable debts. The same thing happened to your predecessor, England, and to their predecessor, Spain. In fact every empire known to man can trace it's collapse to these two fundamental errors. So perhaps China will be the new world's policeman, perhaps not, but to sit over there thinking "if only we had a strong President everything will be fine" is to deny the current facts and your position in history.

In 10 or 20, or 40 years, the USA will no longer be the world's superpower and you will be like the English, bewailing your loss of status. Even the Greeks remember their empire and have an arrogance about them, the Italians too, and certainly the English. They think they are superior because they once were world powers. It's a fascinating psychological mindset, this attitude they all hold.
Its going to happen sooner than that IF we dont get some patriotic leadership!!!
After WWII I imagine many people were saying the same sort of thing about the USA. "How do we know that they will withdraw their troops and go back home to America now the fighting is over?"
Well as history has shown, you didn't. The US took over the world in terms of it's currency being the world reserve and it's military expansion across the globe. If anyone got in it's way they were invaded basically. Now I'm sure you being an American have no problem with all this, but I assure you the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Mexicans and a whole lot more were not at all happy with the outcome.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, the power of the US is declining because of the two classic mistakes of empire; military overstretch, massive unsustainable debts. The same thing happened to your predecessor, England, and to their predecessor, Spain. In fact every empire known to man can trace it's collapse to these two fundamental errors. So perhaps China will be the new world's policeman, perhaps not, but to sit over there thinking "if only we had a strong President everything will be fine" is to deny the current facts and your position in history.

In 10 or 20, or 40 years, the USA will no longer be the world's superpower and you will be like the English, bewailing your loss of status. Even the Greeks remember their empire and have an arrogance about them, the Italians too, and certainly the English. They think they are superior because they once were world powers. It's a fascinating psychological mindset, this attitude they all hold.
I would really, really like to disagree with your points . . . but I see your reasons and am forced to agree with most of your arguments.

Very recently, inflation has increased dramatically while wages haven't kept up.

There is also a sneaky form of inflation called "shrink-flation," where a package of a product has remained at the same price, but the quantity and/or portion has decreased.

It's difficult to see how we can fix this state of affairs in a reasonable amount of time.

I worry about the future.
In 10 or 20, or 40 years, the USA will no longer be the world's superpower and you will be like the English, bewailing your loss of status. Even the Greeks remember their empire and have an arrogance about them, the Italians too, and certainly the English. They think they are superior because they once were world powers. It's a fascinating psychological mindset, this attitude they all hold.
as a patriotic ENGLISHMAN I thank you so much!!!!
at least being a past world empire beats starting as a penal colony.
Australia is a lot closer to china than either US or UK.
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After WWII I imagine many people were saying the same sort of thing about the USA. "How do we know that they will withdraw their troops and go back home to America now the fighting is over?"
Well as history has shown, you didn't. The US took over the world in terms of it's currency being the world reserve and it's military expansion across the globe. If anyone got in it's way they were invaded basically. Now I'm sure you being an American have no problem with all this, but I assure you the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Mexicans and a whole lot more were not at all happy with the outcome.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, the power of the US is declining because of the two classic mistakes of empire; military overstretch, massive unsustainable debts. The same thing happened to your predecessor, England, and to their predecessor, Spain. In fact every empire known to man can trace it's collapse to these two fundamental errors. So perhaps China will be the new world's policeman, perhaps not, but to sit over there thinking "if only we had a strong President everything will be fine" is to deny the current facts and your position in history.

In 10 or 20, or 40 years, the USA will no longer be the world's superpower and you will be like the English, bewailing your loss of status. Even the Greeks remember their empire and have an arrogance about them, the Italians too, and certainly the English. They think they are superior because they once were world powers. It's a fascinating psychological mindset, this attitude they all hold.

I think your timeline might be a bit optimistic.

With this admin, wokeness, CRT, COVID, leadership failures (both parties) and in the military, inflation/shrinkflation, debt, and likely another dozen or so issues I am forgetting, it could all collapse in less than 10 years.

But I could be wrong.
as a patriotic ENGLISHMAN I thank you so much!!!!
at least being a past world empire beats starting as a penal colony.
Australia is a lot closer to china than either US or UK.

Ha Ha Ha, well said, and thanks for proving my point about the arrogance of dead empires. It's true England used Australia as a penal colony, but that was only a part of the deal, those men and women were used as cheap labor basically, to help build the place. I wonder how much this, as well as overpopulation in England, was motivation for the transport? Certainly many were not hardened criminals, the theft of a loaf of bread would get you sent out.

A lot of Americans would be shocked to learn that England used them for the same purpose. One good aspect of our origins here is that we have none of the "Empire" mindset. We're happy with what we have, and it's a lot.

The British were noted for transported prisoners out of England to be made to work at their numerous colonies. From 1615 to 1870, more than 200,000 criminals were conditionally pardoned, exiled, and transported to penal colonies. Before 1775, more than 50,000 prisoners were sent to America—primarily to Virginia and Maryland. With the American Revolutionary War, then from 1788 to 1869, more than 160,000 prisoners were sent to the British Colony of Australia.

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