So today we went to a 'prepper' show. Went to one put on by the same bunch several months ago and you had to wait for space to turn around. This morning, we went at opening time and it was 15 degrees outside, so there wasn't a lot of people there, lol.
All of that typing to say we picked up a Big Berkey water filter for less $ than Amazon. Also picked up a few piddly BOB things and such, plus I attracted the attention of a very attractive young Russian lady peddling tens units for your aching muscles.... wtf is thAt kinda crap at a prepper show for? She was cute though... lol....
They were also peddling stuff to keep leaves out of your gutters. Again, I say, wtf? And none of them were cute Russian girls.....
Lotsa bug out and edc stuff, some reasonable, some stupid expensive, some pretty good, some crap..... lots of tasers with flashlights, but after the Russian honey, my wife didn't need one of them.... lol.