This is a good one...... I'm leaving for work this morning and single guy next door stops. He built a little apartment in his shop in case he wants to stay there, he did last night. He said his dog went crazy about 2 am and then got a loud knock on the walk in shop door. He looked out the window and saw two ambulances, so he opened the door! They were asking him if he could breathe, was he light headed, etc.! He said he looked at them dumbfounded and asked what was going on ! They asked if he called 911? Nope! Just then they could see a flashlight waving down the end of the road! The place is for sale, no one lives there, squatters were removed, place has a contract on it! So the ambulances went down there. An EMT with the fire department came to single guy's, he sent them down the road, but asked what was going on! The people who are now trying to buy it decided to spend the night!

No electric or fireplace. They put a PROPANE HEATER on and almost died from CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING!! They are a couple in their 50's and her dad, late 70's was aware enough to get out of the house and call 911, BUT HE WASN'T SURE WHAT THE ADDRESS WAS!! Single guy called the property owner, she said she accepted their offer, but nothing was final!! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???