This weeks preps check-in

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I miss being able to grow citrus. I had planted a bunch of different ones at my house in Fla., and they had just gotten to where they were producing well. The new owner cut them all down.....
What do you use mineral oil for?
I almost always walk thru wallmarts sporting goods dept while there and pu stuff like that whenever it’s on clearance after the season is over. Almost all my archery and black powder stuff was from their clearances.

I use mineral oil as base for a spray of various things I make to use on the horse and animals. I mixed it with hydogen peroxide and tincture of iodine for a fungus that our horse got on its legs. I use it as a base that I mix in various essential oils for external medicinal treatments also.
I joined Life Lock to help protect my credit.
Hunny signed us up for it too, after someone started drawing on his SS. . . Its under investigation but we think it was his x brother in law who probably got all his info off of paperwork the x wife had at her place. She had taken her brother in after her mom passed a couple years ago. Since we've been signed up we haven't had any issues or alerts.
So I've been working in the garden the last few weeks and my plan was to start back out there tomorrow since I will be off. BIL is even willing to come 'help'. Not sure but my plans may have changed. . .

When I got home today, I see our bull Charlie walking our fence line in the neighbors yard side where my dairy cows are. So I park my truck, open the gate and called for him. He really didn't want to leave that fence line. . . My Jersey who was inseminated Jan 5 th apparently did not take, but he came. He went in with my girls for awhile till hunny got home from work. Ended up fixing fences and hot wire. Ran three strings all the way down. . . I'm really not hopeful that it will keep him in.
When Betsey got preg checked Sunday I told the guy Betsey tried mounting Daisy but Daisy hasn't tried mounting momma. . . then while loading her in the shoot I could see she was coming into heat. Guy still thought it was a maybe, just a little too certain to tell since she really didn't want his hand in there.
Anyhow, I may be bull sitting. . . which sucks!
So I've been working in the garden the last few weeks and my plan was to start back out there tomorrow since I will be off. BIL is even willing to come 'help'. Not sure but my plans may have changed. . .

When I got home today, I see our bull Charlie walking our fence line in the neighbors yard side where my dairy cows are. So I park my truck, open the gate and called for him. He really didn't want to leave that fence line. . . My Jersey who was inseminated Jan 5 th apparently did not take, but he came. He went in with my girls for awhile till hunny got home from work. Ended up fixing fences and hot wire. Ran three strings all the way down. . . I'm really not hopeful that it will keep him in.
When Betsey got preg checked Sunday I told the guy Betsey tried mounting Daisy but Daisy hasn't tried mounting momma. . . then while loading her in the shoot I could see she was coming into heat. Guy still thought it was a maybe, just a little too certain to tell since she really didn't want his hand in there.
Anyhow, I may be bull sitting. . . which sucks!
Farm drama, lol
Farm drama, lol

Thanks for the story Danil54grl. I thought it was interesting. These bulls can create drama whenever they want to...and they know it!

On another site someone was talking about trying to coax a couple of domesticated bison back into their fence after they broke out. They ended up having to shoot of them because he wasn't cooperating. Then USDA condemned the whole animal so they couldn't sell it.
The Wife even after I ordered a slew of magazine for the AR and pistols, she turned around and ordered magazines again, plus a 1000 rounds of Gold Dot, than I find out she ordered a new pistol. Looking over the order she purchased a holster, belt and magazine pouch that's how I found out about the new pistol.... after asking her why all of a sudden she jumping all in.. she was concerned about new Washington gun laws that's been circulating. I didn't have the heart to tell her almost all failed to make it out of the committee, I'll let her get another order in the end of the month before I tell her.
Thanks for the story Danil54grl. I thought it was interesting. These bulls can create drama whenever they want to...and they know it!

On another site someone was talking about trying to coax a couple of domesticated bison back into their fence after they broke out. They ended up having to shoot of them because he wasn't cooperating. Then USDA condemned the whole animal so they couldn't sell it.
Was it because they didn't think it was processed quick enough? I'm just curious. Last time we had to buy a new freezer, I found the biggest one possible. . . I would love to see that bull go, but its hunny's pet bull. Once he gets in with the girls he doesn't even do anything except want to be by their side and his intact! Hunny would be heartbroken if something happened to him but I'm tired of having to mess with him.
Got some more tilling done and beds raised :). Charlie has been a good boy today. Went to start my tractor, but wouldn't start. My connector for the battery was broken. Oh well. Hunny went to work today so can pick one up a new cable on his way home. BIL and I did a lot of hauling the old fashioned way. . . shovel and wheelbarrow. Apparently I didn't work him too hard, he's willing to come back in the morning to help again. He showed up around 9 and I cut him loose at almost 1. I needed to rest my back some and needed to get some stuff done on the inside. I was back out there digging trenches but now need to start dinner before feeding critters. BIL showing back up for spaghetti dinner so that's where I'm off to now.
Most of the seeds I planted in the greenhouse have sprouted! We’ve had 2 freezing nights and last one tonight I hope. So far it hasn’t seemed to hurt the sprouts but they are protected some, and are all cold hearty plants. Can’t wait to have fresh spinach and lettuce again. I got a load of composted manure, but need about two more to till into the other half of the greenhouse. I’m just buying 50lb bags of black cow. I feel like a fool for paying for bags of poo..... there’s got to be a better way to buy composted manure in bulk. Anyone have any ideas?
Most of the seeds I planted in the greenhouse have sprouted! We’ve had 2 freezing nights and last one tonight I hope. So far it hasn’t seemed to hurt the sprouts but they are protected some, and are all cold hearty plants. Can’t wait to have fresh spinach and lettuce again. I got a load of composted manure, but need about two more to till into the other half of the greenhouse. I’m just buying 50lb bags of black cow. I feel like a fool for paying for bags of poo..... there’s got to be a better way to buy composted manure in bulk. Anyone have any ideas?

You may want to check with some landscape suppliers. I couldn’t find any, but then a new supplier opened. They sell it however you want (except bagged) from pickup loads to dump truck loads.

Never thought I’d pay for cow plop but sometimes life surprises you. Actually, it’s easier that cleaning out a barn, which I used to have to do.
You may want to check with some landscape suppliers. I couldn’t find any, but then a new supplier opened. They sell it however you want (except bagged) from pickup loads to dump truck loads.

Never thought I’d pay for cow plop but sometimes life surprises you. Actually, it’s easier that cleaning out a barn, which I used to have to do.
I guess even if it isn’t composted it’s easy enough to let it sit in a pile for a while. I’ll start making some calls around tomorrow. I tried feed and seed places with no luck so far.
I guess even if it isn’t composted it’s easy enough to let it sit in a pile for a while. I’ll start making some calls around tomorrow. I tried feed and seed places with no luck so far.

I think what these guys have is composted. I drive past it sometimes, and they have several large poop piles that get moved around some. Be a great job for a teenager, but I’m sure they use a loader to do it.
Sometimes in local classify ads, people will list when they clean out their barns. Just pick up. Last time I went with a trailer the guy loaded it for me with his tractor. Just a thought. Hay was mixed in and so was rice hulls but let it sit for awhile. Couldn't beat the price, that's for sure. That was before we produced our own around here. ;)
We had another winter dump last night, so I reckon winter ain’t done with us, green house is doing ok but would rather be working the land :-/ They thinking the middle of next month.

Last Thursday was a bad oman anyway, should have seen this coming last night, sun, winds, rain, snow, hail, thunder and lightening all in one day
Monday there were tornados to the north and south of us, and hail to go with it. A few new car dealerships are screwed. Thin metal doesn’t match up to softball sized hail very well,and of course after the hail the obligatory 3 inches of rain....
We're still getting snow, ice and wind, blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, the wife has been nagging me for a several years to buy a kayak. She's been kayaking for a long time and thought it would be fun for me to kayak with her this summer. So I looked around and found a motorized kayak, called a Mokai. Yesterday I contacted the company and reserved one. It's not exactly what she was expecting. But it is technically a kayak so she can't complain too much. It has an electric start gas motor thats connected to a jet drive. I figured I could chase her up and down the river with it. Not really sure if this qualifies as a prep or not.
I got the second half of the greenhouse planted today. I’m putting most of the tomatoes inside this year, and planted lettuces, green peppers and cabbages. I also expanded the asparagus area. This year it’s producing well for the first time as it’s about three years old now. I did just see that something is nibbling on the reddish leaves. Time to use some kind of pesticide I guess. I at least do my best to keep it minimal at least.
I got the second half of the greenhouse planted today. I’m putting most of the tomatoes inside this year, and planted lettuces, green peppers and cabbages. I also expanded the asparagus area. This year it’s producing well for the first time as it’s about three years old now. I did just see that something is nibbling on the reddish leaves. Time to use some kind of pesticide I guess. I at least do my best to keep it minimal at least.
I have never grown asparagus and I love them, so let me know how to grow them. Watch those catapillers. Try using castile soap mixed with cayenne pepper and water. I will post some natural pesticides online soon.
If you plant seed it takes about three years for it to start producing. Patience really pays off here. Once it starts though it will produce year after year from now on. You can get the root balls at most feed and big box stores that will start producing the next year after planting. Just mix composted cow manure in the soil and plant either seeds or root balls to start it, but once it’s established it’s really tough and takes no maintenance. My kind of plant! I eat it fresh while still in the garden and it has so much more flavor than anything from a store. Spritzed with olive oil and mozzarella cheese, baked lightly in the oven and you’re in heaven.
added this to my medic bag,it's helluwa more easy to evac someone with this than carry the body if you have a buddy or two with you
If you plant seed it takes about three years for it to start producing. Patience really pays off here. Once it starts though it will produce year after year from now on. You can get the root balls at most feed and big box stores that will start producing the next year after planting. Just mix composted cow manure in the soil and plant either seeds or root balls to start it, but once it’s established it’s really tough and takes no maintenance. My kind of plant! I eat it fresh while still in the garden and it has so much more flavor than anything from a store. Spritzed with olive oil and mozzarella cheese, baked lightly in the oven and you’re in heaven.
Wrapped with prosciutto. . . Italian dry cured ham basically. That is yummy!
Got half the main garden planted. I believe I am going to take it easy the rest of the day. It is incredibly perfect weather today, the fruit trees are blooming and everything is turning green again. Sometimes it’s good to just enjoy what’s around you.
I'm just waiting on stuff to finish seeding. Then I can finish plantng. Next will be the sweet potatoes. I may do some southern bean but would rather wait till later summer because I already have so many in storage. Maybe I can do some more tomatoes or peppers

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