This weeks preps check-in

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I’m spending half the day working on the kids house today.we are setting a toilet, installing the vanity, and finishing up the plumbing for all of it. We set 90% of the kitchen cabinets last week and will finish them too. They have all the appliances now except for the dishwasher too. They are so excited to get moved in finally. We’ve been on this project for about 1.5 yrs now. Some may say that’s too long, but we’ve done it as we could afford it and that sure beats a thirty year mortgage.hopefully by the end of the month they can officially move in.
I bought two slabs of ribs and two rotisserie chickens for our Easter meal today. Even though we are taking a working holiday I like to celebrate with food every chance I get!
The wife bought a new 4 wheeler yesterday. It's a 700 Yamaha. Now she doesn't have to borrow mine any more.
Last week I brought home almost a half mile of field fencing to finish the pig pasture and another truck load of pressure treated fence posts.
Most of our western fence line and much of the south line is clear of snow. The higher elevation fences are still buried.
Our gravel pit is pretty much thawed out, so I can start hauling gravel to fill the sections of road that washed out.
I can take the chains off the tractor today. Spring is here! The creeks are ice free but are running to high for fishing. It'll be another month or two before the lakes up here will be ice free.
I just tilled in manure into three more rows in the main garden. So much for going small and manageable this year... I will figure out what to plant tomorrow. I know some peanuts are going in one, and I really want some yellow squash and zucchini. I am still planning to make about five mounds for some melons too.
Told y’all I am all powerful.

Today it was 81 degrees and really windy. Stormy tonight, possible 60mph winds, hail, yada yada. Tomorrow, 52 degrees, 33 tomorrow night. More rain Friday night, 47 degrees Saturday and 31 Saturday night.

At least the rain should clear some of the frickin pollen out of the air.
Told y’all I am all powerful.

Today it was 81 degrees and really windy. Stormy tonight, possible 60mph winds, hail, yada yada. Tomorrow, 52 degrees, 33 tomorrow night. More rain Friday night, 47 degrees Saturday and 31 Saturday night.

At least the rain should clear some of the frickin pollen out of the air.
Being just North East of You We get the same bands of Weather You get . I think Robinj is a little further North also . These storms can get rough , we will see .
Being just North East of You We get the same bands of Weather You get . I think Robinj is a little further North also . These storms can get rough , we will see .

I’m not expecting much other than wind. It sure is blowing here. And sunny, which isn’t a good thing.
We have weds night at 39degs, but overall nothing too severe. I know I’m not out of the woods yet, but don’t thing I’ll have to replant stuff. Still have my fingers crossed though.
Cool, I got my passport today. First one I’ve ever had, and it is a really satisfying feeling knowing I can travel anywhere now. Well, almost anywhere, I believe Cuba is off the list here again. Sucks too as I really would love to take a long weekend there and sample the food and sights. Of course getting the time off to go anywhere is a buggar too now. Oh well, it’s not a perfect world. Still, I’m eager to get my first stamp on this thing before too long. As far as prepping goes, I am glad to have it just in case I ever do need to bug out somewhere. I am sure the Jews never imagined they would have to try and escape Germany either..... seriously, I can’t imagine anywhere better to bug out that would be better than where I am now, but at least I have another option now.
Cuba is on my list too. I would dearly like to spend a few days within a farming collective to see how they have solved the problems the embargos and sanctions had on agriculture. ( beaches, Rum and culture aside):)
Cuba is on my list too. I would dearly like to spend a few days within a farming collective to see how they have solved the problems the embargos and sanctions had on agriculture. ( beaches, Rum and culture aside):)
I know many go thru other countries to get there. Seriously, it’s a stupid waste of resources to continue a failed policy for so many decades. The idea is to restrict money to the govt., but the govt has always lived very well. All we restrict is food and stuff to the general population. I honestly think it is criminal what we have done for so long.
I think their thinking was to make the natives go poor and hungry in the hope that the start a rebellion. It doesn't work, especially when the country does provide the basics.
For 50 or so years rice and beans were the main staple in Cuba plus soviet produce nothing glamorous about that. It wasn't till the mid to late 90s they changed given the soviets stopped supporting them. The article below tells of the current evolution in modern Cuba.
Still have a peach tree along with a pear still sitting on my back porch ready to be planted. Hunny and I went to the feed store today to pick up some more honey few seeds, but of course I did pick up a few extras of long carrots, corn, and snuck in a few okra seeds. Hunny can't stand them but I do and besides Sweet Pea loves the big yellow flowers. When we came out there was a car parked behind us being jumped off by a truck so went across the street to the nursery. I picked up some nice looking four packs of eggplants, habenero and banana peppers then hunny spotted a new Apple tree he couldn't live without. :)

New grandbaby should be here on Tuesday sometime. Mom is getting induced on Monday so after I get off work (hoping she will be here) well well drive over to see the newest addition to the family. I spent the day with Sweet Pea yesterday and she seems excited to becoming a big sis. . . Guess we'll see how that one goes. Hoping she will be a big help to mom. Son 3 is going to be changing airlines so will need to start new training the first part of May in AZ for two months. He will be able to come home on weekends, but after training he will be home, instead of Denver every night so a big plus.
Cuba is on my list too. I would dearly like to spend a few days within a farming collective to see how they have solved the problems the embargos and sanctions had on agriculture. ( beaches, Rum and culture aside):)

Israeli Kibutzs are amazing cooperatatives worth a look at.
first wife lived there as a kid when it was still Ceylon.
We went to visit the kids and grandbaby's for a couple days. Got home yesterday. Woke up to a couple inches of snow on Friday, then it rained the rest of the time. It's always hard to leave the grandkids. They are such great kids and we love spending time with them, I just wish they lived closer to us. They're about an 8 hour drive north of here. My daughter may have the opportunity of transferring with her job to a town about 125 miles south of us.
Sri Lanka is also on the list. A distant uncle ran a Tea plantation there and I got interested through his photos and stories.
My ex wife’s mother went on vacation there and stayed for five years. She lived in a one room round hut with a dirt floor, washed clothes in a river and cooked over wood fires. She said the thing that attracted her was how peaceful the people were. I am so ready ready to go somewhere that even the inside of a motel six is sounding exciting! My issue now is I can afford to travel now but can’t take the time away from the business... one step forward, two back...
Sweet Pea wasn't to sure at first, but warmed up to the idea and now she is 'my baby' :). Think momma and baby should get released from the hospital today.

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