This weeks preps check-in

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Had a pretty good day today. Started at 5am. Got several projects worked on, cut some firewood to restock the supply for next winter, watered the greenhouse, even helped the kids hang kitchen cabinets in their new place. Ended up having a couple beers and now am content for the evening. It was just a good day overall.
We had a couple major snow storms last week that left us completely snowed in. I think one more day of work on the road and we should be able to get out.
I learned a few things that went well, and a couple areas that I need to improve on before the next disaster strikes.

Fuel. I had enough diesel for the main generator for about 3 more weeks of power for the cabin. But I am running low on fuel for the tractor. It'll be out of fuel later today. I never anticipated running the tractor for 10-12 hours a day for a week to clear the road. I'll be adding a 500 gallon diesel tank and a 500 gallon gasoline tank this summer.

Delineators. Doesn't really sound like a prep, but just finding the edge of the road was a real problem, especially while it was snowing hard. A lot of my road is cut in to a hill side on the edge of a canyon. And all of it is steep and narrow. The road drops almost 900 feet in elevation over 2 miles. No room for error.

Food. We were stocked up fairly well on frozen foods but are now running low. Another day and we'll be getting in to our canned food stock. This summer I'll bring up two chest freezers that we have in storage. One will be for food and the other will be for storing raw furs.

Canning. This summer the house will be completed and we should be set up for canning our own food. A root cellar is planed also.

Water. Our well has it's own dedicated gasoline electric start generator. Normally this generator starts up without any problems, until it gets below 10 degs. Below that I need heat the engine. This summer I'm going to add a new diesel unit with auto start that will be in a heated (by propane) enclosure.

Communications. Even on a good day I have very poor cell coverage here. During bad weather I have zero service. I need to figure out a reliable way to communicate with family.
Ok. I finally got my truck out today. Had to chain up all 4 wheels just to get down the road. Went to town and picked up some food, stopped at the bar for a couple beers, made a deal with a local rancher to buy some cattle and got diesel. The trip back home was a little touchy, but at least we didn't have to walk. More snow expected on Thursday. The wife goes back to work tomorrow so that'll be a 10 hour round trip to the airport. On the plus side I'll stop at Cabela's and look for a new Winchester or Ruger .243.
I never thought about grow lights before. Since we're on solar, electric is "free". A couple grow lights might be a good idea.
I like the way you think about crossing vodka with tomato. I'll have to do some experimentation on that.
I’ve had a good year so I think it is about time to go with a solar investment. I still don’t see the payoff really worth the reward, but it is more of a prepping thing anyways. As of now it is still cheaper to buy electricity than produce your own. I just started really looking into the options available to buy, and will at least save on the installation by doing it myself.
I would appreciate any input or knowledge that anyone here has learned about too. Arctic I would really appreciate if you would pm me with some pictures of your system and tell me what you like or dislike about your setup. I think I am going to try to start with a 10k system not connected to the grid, meaning a battery bank backup. I plan to stay on the grid, mostly for AC, but hope to learn to wean off it down the road.
I’ve had a good year so I think it is about time to go with a solar investment. I still don’t see the payoff really worth the reward, but it is more of a prepping thing anyways. As of now it is still cheaper to buy electricity than produce your own. I just started really looking into the options available to buy, and will at least save on the installation by doing it myself.
I would appreciate any input or knowledge that anyone here has learned about too. Arctic I would really appreciate if you would pm me with some pictures of your system and tell me what you like or dislike about your setup. I think I am going to try to start with a 10k system not connected to the grid, meaning a battery bank backup. I plan to stay on the grid, mostly for AC, but hope to learn to wean off it down the road.
Check out the Federal tax credit for alternative energy systems. I think they are still in place for 2018. Your State may have additional tax credits too. My State offered a 10% credit on top of the Feds. For 2017 the Federal tax credit is 30% of the entire system, plus the States 10%, and its hard to beat solar. And this includes anything to do with construction and installation of your system; from trenching, building a structure to house your battery bank, inverter, new genset, concrete, etc.
I'm on the road to the airport now. I'll PM you later tonight and try to send some pics.
Check out the Federal tax credit for alternative energy systems. I think they are still in place for 2018. Your State may have additional tax credits too. My State offered a 10% credit on top of the Feds. For 2017 the Federal tax credit is 30% of the entire system, plus the States 10%, and its hard to beat solar. And this includes anything to do with construction and installation of your system; from trenching, building a structure to house your battery bank, inverter, new genset, concrete, etc.
I'm on the road to the airport now. I'll PM you later tonight and try to send some pics.
Looks like the credits are good until 2019, then step down yearly. States still good here too for now. I got a call today from a site I looked at last night. They want to sell the whole system Installed. The thing is they only sell grid tied systems, no off grid. Systems. I kept saying that’s not what I’m interested in, and she kept telling me why I should be.... I really don’t like salesmen. By the way, put the phone down when driving.... you tend to live longer.
Looks like the credits are good until 2019, then step down yearly. States still good here too for now. I got a call today from a site I looked at last night. They want to sell the whole system Installed. The thing is they only sell grid tied systems, no off grid. Systems. I kept saying that’s not what I’m interested in, and she kept telling me why I should be.... I really don’t like salesmen. By the way, put the phone down when driving.... you tend to live longer.

I hate to admit it, but I’ve been looking at the Tesla stuff. According to their calculator, 2 powerwalls should work. I like the idea of having them inside the house without the bulk.

I figure I’ll have to give them time to prove themselves, or not.
I hate to admit it, but I’ve been looking at the Tesla stuff. According to their calculator, 2 powerwalls should work. I like the idea of having them inside the house without the bulk.

I figure I’ll have to give them time to prove themselves, or not.
I like the lithium battery option, just not the price. A ten year lifespan is great, but that’s still too expensive for me right now. You can get deep cells that last 3 to 5 yrs for a quarter of the price. In a couple years the lithium will be mass produced and should become more competitive. I need to research the nifi battery. I remember reading a couple companies in the us make them now and they were supposed to last really well. I’ll post what I find out.
I like the lithium battery option, just not the price. A ten year lifespan is great, but that’s still too expensive for me right now. You can get deep cells that last 3 to 5 yrs for a quarter of the price. In a couple years the lithium will be mass produced and should become more competitive. I need to research the nifi battery. I remember reading a couple companies in the us make them now and they were supposed to last really well. I’ll post what I find out.

The sister in law has batteries based on saltwater. She started with deep cell lead acids that didn’t last long. When I asked how much she has in her system, she said close to $50k, but that is her only power (she’s in Maine).

On my other note about the Tesla batteries, they have shingles that are solar. Made of some kind of glass that hail won’t break.

I saw the estimated price of them sized for me - $78,000. My butt is still puckered up over that....
The sister in law has batteries based on saltwater. She started with deep cell lead acids that didn’t last long. When I asked how much she has in her system, she said close to $50k, but that is her only power (she’s in Maine).

On my other note about the Tesla batteries, they have shingles that are solar. Made of some kind of glass that hail won’t break.

I saw the estimated price of them sized for me - $78,000. My butt is still puckered up over that....
Yeah, there are some expensive systems out there. Really cool though. I’m planning on a system that can run about half of my home now and upgrade down the road. So the plan is to stay connected to the grid for the big stuff, but run selected circuits on solar with storage. The goal is to stay under 10k, with me doing the install. I will start a new thread shortly here about what I learn and purchase with instruction as I go. I’m a cheap buggar, so if there is a deal out there I will find it! I found some info on the NIFI battery at It too, like the saltwater battery claims to last and be less toxic. From what I could find so far on the saltwater option the only big manufacturer went bankrupt recently. I will dig a lot deeper on both soon. I also got a little better info on longevity. It looks like the lithium is an average of three times the expected life of lead acid, not 4. Salt water was comparable to lithium. Price wise though, lead acid still kicked their butts even with the shorter life. I’m looking forwards to some pricing and info on the NIFI
Looks like the credits are good until 2019, then step down yearly. States still good here too for now. I got a call today from a site I looked at last night. They want to sell the whole system Installed. The thing is they only sell grid tied systems, no off grid. Systems. I kept saying that’s not what I’m interested in, and she kept telling me why I should be.... I really don’t like salesmen. By the way, put the phone down when driving.... you tend to live longer.
Actually the wife was driving. Just dropped her off at the airport. I'm at Cabela's now. Sooo much stuff that I just need to buy. I guess that's what they call consumerism.
I like the lithium battery option, just not the price. A ten year lifespan is great, but that’s still too expensive for me right now. You can get deep cells that last 3 to 5 yrs for a quarter of the price. In a couple years the lithium will be mass produced and should become more competitive. I need to research the nifi battery. I remember reading a couple companies in the us make them now and they were supposed to last really well. I’ll post what I find out.

The deep cycle acid batteries can usually be recondishioned if they were maintained properly. This makes them the best value. And also the best option for long term SHTF.
The deep cycle acid batteries can usually be recondishioned if they were maintained properly. This makes them the best value. And also the best option for long term SHTF.
I’m not sure they are the best option, but they are certainly the best value. I know they can be recycled/reconditioned, but don’t know anything about doing it yourself. Being able to do that would be a big plus. Are you talking about just Changing the acid?
I’m not sure they are the best option, but they are certainly the best value. I know they can be recycled/reconditioned, but don’t know anything about doing it yourself. Being able to do that would be a big plus. Are you talking about just Changing the acid?

You can do it yourself, you dont have to change the acid, you use epson salts and distilled water, then put them on a low 1-2 amp charge. Then a full amp charge. It varies depeding on your batteries. You do have to learn the process for the batteries your using.
I’m not sure they are the best option, but they are certainly the best value. I know they can be recycled/reconditioned, but don’t know anything about doing it yourself. Being able to do that would be a big plus. Are you talking about just Changing the acid?
When I put my system together I had the means to purchase any type of battery on the market. After a lot of research and consideration, plus recommendations from the solar engineer who designed my system, I went with 6 volt 430 AH deep cycles lead acid battery's wired for 24V. They do require some minor maintenance monthly, but I didn't think think that would be a problem.
My inverter has a user programable battery charger that will automatically start the generator when the battery level drops below a recommended set charge point, 30% I think.
I’m not sure they are the best option, but they are certainly the best value. I know they can be recycled/reconditioned, but don’t know anything about doing it yourself. Being able to do that would be a big plus. Are you talking about just Changing the acid?

The thing with lithium is you don’t want it to fall below 50% whereas lead acid core does a whole better fallen below 50% I think the lithium also has a thermo cut off point so the needs will dictate what you buy.
Just bought 3 dozen arrow shafts from Walmart clearance $.50-1.25 each like 90% off. Picked up a stock of mineral oil and epson salts for medical treatments. Graphted some orange and lemon trees to wild citric roots.
I miss being able to grow citrus. I had planted a bunch of different ones at my house in Fla., and they had just gotten to where they were producing well. The new owner cut them all down.....
What do you use mineral oil for?
I almost always walk thru wallmarts sporting goods dept while there and pu stuff like that whenever it’s on clearance after the season is over. Almost all my archery and black powder stuff was from their clearances.

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