Having Daughter here to help is a wonderful thing. We got the kayaks into their slings so they're stored up overhead, safe in the shed for the winter. And we've tackled the pantry, everything pulled out, the shelves washed down, and most of the stuff back in. Lots of room now, not only did she simply go through and pitch all the expired stuff I was too wishy-washy to either try or throw out, she is also taking the opportunity to stock up her house, so a lot of the excess flour, sugar, baking sheets, etc. are now packed up. We also got a start on the overwhelming basement. 90% of my stuff is still in boxes from the move to this house; no sense in unpacking when I have remodeling to do. The basement is chock full of stacks of boxes and totes. I've pulled the heavy wooden single shelves out of the closets and lugged them downstairs and our project was to put those shelves up and start clearing up some of the mess. Unfortunately mice got into some things, so we had to start by emptying boxes and scrubbing and repacking things into totes. I loathe and hate and despise mice!
Cold here, already below zero tonight. Got to 5 below last night. Crawling out of a warm bed and heading straight outside for dog walkies is a bit of a shock to the system. But it's not anything all that unusual for a Michigan winter. I guess part of being old is not being fazed by the hype. Yep, things will be tough in the South for a bit, but this weather is nothing new for the Great Lakes.
Didn't watch the inauguration, but am praying for 47. It's going to be tough, fighting the press and the leftist wackos as well as members of his own party.