This weeks preps check-in

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What I got was Family Tree Heritage Platinum. Is this the newest
version then?
Yep, legacy family tree 9.0 by heritage according to the about. It is fairly similar. It isn’t free but it wasn’t expensive for the deluxe edition.

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What I got was Family Tree Heritage Platinum. Is this the newest
version then?
My hard drive totally went down (due to age probably) and even though I had backed up my Family Tree both files were still there. The computer guy reinstalled Windows 10 but my Family Tree maker files can not be read. Honestly I think there was something on my old hard drive that was not transferred to the new hard drive. I have already had to take it back once when the kid found that he didnt install a Word whatever it was. After that, more documents opened up, but yet my family tree file didnt. @WGregMiller I could use your input.

Check for a PM...

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Candle holders are also a liking of mine. Just the light is OK, but if it can be decorative at the same time, why not. GP
I stocked up on more medical supplies today. When I’m thinking of prepping, I try to think of what I could need if I were in a world where there is no grocery or supply store to go to. I also got 4more packages of heirloom survival garden seeds. Each has 20,000 seeds of a bunch different varieties.
I stocked up on more medical supplies today. When I’m thinking of prepping, I try to think of what I could need if I were in a world where there is no grocery or supply store to go to. I also got 4more packages of heirloom survival garden seeds. Each has 20,000 seeds of a bunch different varieties.
This is the essence of prepping but it can be hard to consider all possibilities when it's so easy to just run to the store for something.
That is a true prepper statement, get ready for all of the greatest apocolypse, armageddon and zombie stories ever told and you are a prepper...GP
I also think that if you are prepared for extreme things like a total collapse then you’re in a lot better shape to handle more likely scenarios life can throw your way.
My wife told me something the other day that made an impression on me. She said my son worried that I might die before I ever get to use all this stuff I have bought and collected for prepping. I laughed and said I certainly hope I do. I have no desire to exist on freeze dried food, or have to shoot someone who is so desperate that they have to try and steal food from me, or rely only on my medical supplies and knowledge to keep my loved ones alive the best I can. I would be perfectly content to leave all this stuff for the next generation.
This is the essence of prepping but it can be hard to consider all possibilities when it's so easy to just run to the store for something.
We live in a world that it is really easy to take our advantages and luxuries for granted.
Had a really good day. My wife has been pretty sick all weekend so I stayed close to home and worked on a lot of stuff. Got a lot of cleaning done, laundry, cooking etc. not really much to do with prepping but stuff that needed doing anyways. Hope to take the Jeep out somewhere fun in the mountains next weekend now. That was the plan earlier anyways. I did bottle 8gallons of wines today too. I guess that’s prepping related for either barter or entertainment.....
Got the roof sheeting and tar paper rolled out on the wood shed. I'll probably wait until spring to shingle the roof. Split and stacked a cord of wood in the shed. I calculate that the shed will hold 16 cords of firewood.
The plumber came out today and connected all the water and sewer lines in the house. With 3 toilets in the house I can finially give the out house a break.
The floor guy has one more room to finish. Hopefully he'll get it done in a couple of days. I'm looking forward to seeing all the construction over with on the house.
I replaced the propane heater in the pump house with a new one that has a thermostat. The pilot light alone on old heater would keep the pump house above freezing until the outside temp dropped below 12 degrees. Even on the low setting it would get too hot. Now I can set the temperature that I want and not worry about it.
I finished coating the Sheetrock and sanding all of it today in my master bedroom. Also sanded all the trim. Tomorrow will add the last of trim and caulking. Hopefully I will begin priming in there too. Would like to finish this project that has been dragging out for too long. I think part of prepping is getting your projects together now while things are good.
DITTO!!!Actually hate canned beans. Like my canned jelly. Hate powdered potatoes. Love my honey and peanut butter. Hate starting the generator on cold days...GP
I hate powdered potatoes too, , , meaning potato flakes on this part of the world. I can do canned green beans but LOVE my canned dried beans. like pinto, chili beans, pork and beans, and baked beans.
Have you tried freeze drying potatoes?

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Normally I don't use potato flakes, but in a pinch I could eat them. I had a bag of them in my preps until a rat got into them. :(
I haven't yet. I missed out freeze drying this past year taking care of Granny. I am hoping this years harvest can br also freexe dried along with canning.
The tile and flooring finially got finished in the house tonight. The satellite TV guy will be up tomorrow to set up the receiver.
If I have time tomorrow I'll start moving our stuff up from the storage units in town. I'll be glad to get out this damn cabin and start using it for what it was intended for.
Have you tried freeze drying potatoes?
Freeze dried potatos, no. But when I get an overdose of eggs, I do crack them and put them in a ziplock bag and freeze them. They last for months. The cool thing is, when they thaw out, you can use them directly with a baking spree, and if you shake and mash them, you can drop the whole bag into boiling water and make scrambled eggs on a campout...Wash and freeze mushrooms also.
did and fixed the back lining in one pair of my lighter combat boots,yup,used to be a cobbler in the past.
My wife’s father and grandfather were cobblers. He finally retired several years ago and sold the commercial building they had been in for about 60yrs. It’s a dying art. Everything is disposable now. I respect any skill that someone uses their own hands to make a living with.
Got my master bedroom completely sanded and caulked today and finished the last of the trim. Will start priming tomorrow. I might finish this project before I die after all. Of course I have ten others needing attention so I’m not too excited......

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