This weeks preps check-in

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My wife has been sick for a while now so I’ve spent a lot of the weekend cleaning and catching up the laundry, etc. I did have to replace the washing machine, got the wood stocked back up inside for the wood stove, and went grocery shopping. Even went out for salmon for lunch. I’m planning to take the camper out for a few days and am trying to decide where to go. Leaning towards St. Augustine right now or maybe Savanna or Charleston. Just want a change of scenery for a few days.
My son picked me up a Coleman Big Hat lantern with the same date (58) as my original, the new one also has the original glass. He picked it up from a moving sell on the way here, paid $5.00, I put it on the bench and everything including regulator in excellent condition.

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love those big hat lanterns - rarely see them around here >>> it's a pity that nobody wants the white gas lanterns & stoves anymore - it's propane or the multi-fuels now ...
love those big hat lanterns - rarely see them around here >>> it's a pity that nobody wants the white gas lanterns & stoves anymore - it's propane or the multi-fuels now ...

Love the white fuel stoves and lanterns, I have quite a few and still use them.
Not only is collecting them kind of a cool hobby but I think having multiple options to light up your place is a good idea.

cheap as the used ones are these days it pays to have a number of them around >>>> 100+ watts of lumination - get them up off the ground hanging 5-6 feet and you have a nice circle of lighting - good security for a perimeter during a grid down ....
Just booked 4 nights at a campground in ORMOND beach Fla. got a river front site to relax in and unwind. Close enough to visit family and old friends and far enough to be away from everything for a few days. Wish it was an entire week but this was the most I could reserve. Apparently all the campsites in fla fill up with snowbirds all winter. Damned tourists....
So I got to use a small part of my preps yesterday and today. A pipe bursted in my apartment and flooded everything, pretty much everything in my bathroom upstairs and a lot of things downstairs in the kitchen were ruined. But of course I had extras of all my essentials in my prepper stash so I still had everything I needed to get to bed for the night and ready for work in the morning. Even if it's a small thing, or if it's something big, I want to be ready.
Of course now I have to clean this whole mess up and see what, if anything, can be salvaged. Fortunately the things I really care about are kept in safe places.
Before this latest storm hit I stocked up on canned goods and fuel for the generators. Our freezers are full of pork, beef and chickens that we raised. So far today we've had over 2 feet of new snow, on top of 3-4 feet, and it's still coming down. I spent most of the day shoveling, snowblowing and plowing.
We're down to about 3 weeks worth of hay for the cattle and no way to bring more in. I'm hoping to get the road open by next week and pick up a few more loads of hay. Fortunately we haven't had any more calves born since the last one got eaten.
I'm thinking about joining Brent down in Florida right about now.
I tried to get our family physician to write a script for a good general antiobitic just for prepping. He said he would think about it and never did. I’m sure he was thinking another crazy prepper....

I'm not surprised. Antibiotics dont keep very long and unlike some medications they can do a lot more damage than good if used after their date. Also "General Antibiotic" isnt really a thing. There are wide spectrum gram negative antibiotics and wide spectrum gram positive, but about 7 major classes of antibiotics that affect different types of bacteria, and no single chemical can kill everything. I am a biology major and I'm looking into learning to make antibiotics because lack of information and misuse has already lead to a worsening superbug situation. It would have been borderline malpractice for your physician to give you a random antibiotic to use without direction possibly years from now.

The blue mold that grows on bread and oranges is penicillium (the fungus that produces penicillin). Without modern antibiotics around, in an emergency situation scrapping off some of this mold and putting it on the open would may be a better chance of aseptic than expired tetracycline.
I'm still under house arrest (purgatory) I got caught riding my horse in the riding stable week and a half ago, needless the wife and kids are (not nice) so really not done any prepping yet.
I know how hard it is to stay down. How much longer do you have before the warden releases you?
Years ago I had an accident when I was logging (with horses and mules) and was dragged for over a mile behind a runaway mule. I was laid up for 6 months trying to heal. One morning I snuck out to the corral to check on my horses. I ended up getting kicked in the back by a 2,000 pound draft horse. I guess I should have listened to my warden.
Good luck with your recovery.
I'm not surprised. Antibiotics dont keep very long and unlike some medications they can do a lot more damage than good if used after their date. Also "General Antibiotic" isnt really a thing. There are wide spectrum gram negative antibiotics and wide spectrum gram positive, but about 7 major classes of antibiotics that affect different types of bacteria, and no single chemical can kill everything. I am a biology major and I'm looking into learning to make antibiotics because lack of information and misuse has already lead to a worsening superbug situation. It would have been borderline malpractice for your physician to give you a random antibiotic to use without direction possibly years from now.

The blue mold that grows on bread and oranges is penicillium (the fungus that produces penicillin). Without modern antibiotics around, in an emergency situation scrapping off some of this mold and putting it on the open would may be a better chance of aseptic than expired tetracycline.

and no single chemical can kill everything. Oh really? Have you ever heard of Chlorine Dioxide? It can be safely digested into your body, as the chlorine dioxide equipped cells do not oxidize beneficial bacteria or healthy cells.
I'm not surprised. Antibiotics dont keep very long and unlike some medications they can do a lot more damage than good if used after their date. Also "General Antibiotic" isnt really a thing. There are wide spectrum gram negative antibiotics and wide spectrum gram positive, but about 7 major classes of antibiotics that affect different types of bacteria, and no single chemical can kill everything. I am a biology major and I'm looking into learning to make antibiotics because lack of information and misuse has already lead to a worsening superbug situation. It would have been borderline malpractice for your physician to give you a random antibiotic to use without direction possibly years from now.

The blue mold that grows on bread and oranges is penicillium (the fungus that produces penicillin). Without modern antibiotics around, in an emergency situation scrapping off some of this mold and putting it on the open would may be a better chance of aseptic than expired tetracycline.
What about honey? Also, I made a natural replacement for Neosporin that seems to work better than the original, I don’t have the recipe with me, but I remember honey, beeswax, comfrey, seems like there was at least one more. Looking for your insights.

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I'm not surprised. Antibiotics dont keep very long and unlike some medications they can do a lot more damage than good if used after their date. Also "General Antibiotic" isnt really a thing. There are wide spectrum gram negative antibiotics and wide spectrum gram positive, but about 7 major classes of antibiotics that affect different types of bacteria, and no single chemical can kill everything. I am a biology major and I'm looking into learning to make antibiotics because lack of information and misuse has already lead to a worsening superbug situation. It would have been borderline malpractice for your physician to give you a random antibiotic to use without direction possibly years from now.

The blue mold that grows on bread and oranges is penicillium (the fungus that produces penicillin). Without modern antibiotics around, in an emergency situation scrapping off some of this mold and putting it on the open would may be a better chance of aseptic than expired tetracycline.
No doubt, having some knowledge for which antibiotic to use for which conditions is as important as the antibiotic itself. Luckily this is all fairly easy to get on line now as they have been using them for specific purposes for a long time now. I am a big proponent of having some supplies of them on hand for prepping. As far as current medical care, leave it to the doctors, but during a major emergency you could find yourself on your own.
and no single chemical can kill everything. Oh really? Have you ever heard of Chlorine Dioxide? It can be safely digested into your body, as the chlorine dioxide equipped cells do not oxidize beneficial bacteria or healthy cells.
Snake oil....
What about honey? Also, I made a natural replacement for Neosporin that seems to work better than the original, I don’t have the recipe with me, but I remember honey, beeswax, comfrey, seems like there was at least one more. Looking for your insights.

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There are lots of homeopathic remedies that do help. Personally I still believe in modern medicine for now when it’s available. Knowing some alternatives for emergencies is a good thing though.
i'm not a lover of pharmaceutical medicine, I keep a few painkillers around but nothing more and I don't take many of them.
I think I have taken antibiotics a total of twice in a very long life and then under duress.
if someone needs regular medicine then it makes sense to get a stockpile if that is possible, otc is okay but in UK it is hard if not impossible to get a stockpile of prescription medicine.
There are lots of homeopathic remedies that do help. Personally I still believe in modern medicine for now when it’s available. Knowing some alternatives for emergencies is a good thing though.
Oh, I do too, but for some things I like to try homeopathic remedies. I made some killer elderberry syrup that tastes so good. Froze some of it for later. And the antibacterial ointment really does work better than the purchased stuff. Trial and error.

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Chlorine dioxide is a STRONG oxidizer and should not be ingested for any reason. It can be used to clean drinking water but ththe chemical reaction changes the substance- like adding sodium to chlorine makes salt. Even if it doesnt kill you the first time that doesnt meanbit is safe. Its essentially drinking bleach.
Honey works well as an antimicrobial because it is thick liquid sugar. Salt, alcohol, and sugar suck water out of cells and kill bacteria by dehydrating the cells. Bacteria with a cell wall would be less susceptible, but I agree honey is an effective natural antimicrobial against many gram positive bacteria
There isnt any 1 perfect anti microbial because every antimicrobial works by attacking 1 aspect of a pathogen. The 7 classes of antibiotics I mentioned work by attacking a specific weakness. Wether honey, chlorine dioxide, or anything else will work depends on if the bacteria has a cell wall, produces catalase, is aerobic or anaerobic, which types of sugars it can metabolize, etc.
There isnt any 1 perfect anti microbial because every antimicrobial works by attacking 1 aspect of a pathogen. The 7 classes of antibiotics I mentioned work by attacking a specific weakness. Wether honey, chlorine dioxide, or anything else will work depends on if the bacteria has a cell wall, produces catalase, is aerobic or anaerobic, which types of sugars it can metabolize, etc.
Good to have that knowledge!

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Chlorine dioxide is a STRONG oxidizer and should not be ingested for any reason. It can be used to clean drinking water but ththe chemical reaction changes the substance- like adding sodium to chlorine makes salt. Even if it doesnt kill you the first time that doesnt meanbit is safe. Its essentially drinking bleach.

Wrong, its no different from most chemicals and substances used as medicine I'm proper dosage, after being activated as a gas using an acid that the body can consume. Millions have used it to cure all kinds of sickness. Its basically free, so pharmaceutical companies don't like it. The red cross uses it to cure malaria with 100% success rate.
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Wrong, its no different from most chemicals and substances used as medicine I'm proper dosage, after being activated as a gas using an acid that the body can consume. Millions have used it to cure all kinds of sickness. Its basically free, so pharmaceutical companies don't like it. The red cross uses it to cure malaria with 100% success rate.

Quick skim of Pub Med says no signs of toxicity under 400 ppm and 98.2% efficiency against bacteria and fungi.

But also this: used for disinfecting medical equipment, not safe to ingest. Will not cure any disease.

I cant find anything reputable about the red cross using it, but the wikipedia description says "MMS is falsely promoted to cure HIV, malaria, hepatitis, autism..."

If you look at how ClO2 works chemically it is literally like drinking bleach. But Clorox is also great for killing bacteria...
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MMS is in public water in low doses as a water purifier. The levels in the water ways isnt dangerous, but also tap water isnt curing anybody of malaria. Stronger doses are very dangerous, there is no safe dose that can cure illness without harming someone
I edited my post some after I looked into it. MMS has cause a considerable number of cases of harming people. You may want to rethink your miracle disinfectant

You think so? So you believeve what big Pharma has published? And how much harm has chemotherapy and other approved treatments caused in comparison to MMS?

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