This weeks preps check-in

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Quick skim of Pub Med says no signs of toxicity under 400 ppm and 98.2% efficiency against bacteria and fungi.

But also this: used for disinfecting medical equipment, not safe to ingest. Will not cure any disease.

I cant find anything reputable about the red cross using it, but the wikipedia description says "MMS is falsely promoted to cure HIV, malaria, hepatitis, autism..."

If you look at how ClO2 works chemically it is literally like drinking bleach. But Clorox is also great for killing bacteria...

None of what you found is true. Don't you realize there are trillion of dollars at risk if the truth was known by everyone.
Pharma didnt publish this. Researchers like me did. Pub med and the FDA are not privately owned.

Can I know where your prep stash is so I can have it after you poison yourself?
Pharma didnt publish this. Researchers like me did. Pub med and the FDA are not privately owned.

Can I know where your prep stash is so I can have it after you poison yourself?

Yoh didn't research anything, you think big pharma isn't involved? There have been studies that show it works, but none by big pharmacy, why would they? I have used it for 6 years and personally know many others that use it and it works as claimed.
When I get some lab clearance I'll run my own experiment on MMS. Then you know you'll have real results that didnt come from a big pharma company :)

Then you will know the truth, just don't publish it or you may end up like others, blackballed or have an accident.
Here let's take it back a step. You said it kills bacteria without oxidizing healthy cells. You know more about it than I do. Can you explain to me how it does this?
It has to do with the PH levels of the cells. Healthy cells have a ph rating of about 7.2, mutated and unhealthy cells are lower than 7, the MMS kills cells at 7 and lower, hydrogen peroxide does the same, but it kills everything at a higher ph level, so is not good to use internally.
Controlled clinical evaluations of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate in man.
There were no obvious undesirable clinical sequellae noted by any of the participating subjects or by the observing medical team. In several cases, statistically significant trends in certain biochemical or physiological parameters were associated with treatment; however, none of these trends was judged to have physiological consequence. One cannot rule out the possibility that, over a longer treatment period, these trends might indeed achieve proportions of clinical importance. However, by the absence of detrimental physiological responses within the limits of the study, the relative safety of oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide and its metabolites, chlorite and chlorate, was demonstrated.
Honeydew I agree completely with you that it is pseudo science and think it can cause more harm than good. I also think that no matter how much evidence you present, people make up their own minds on things. I’ve spoken out against this stuff as well here but it dosent change anyone’s minds. Look at China today, millions are still superstitious and believe things like rhino horns and such cure things. I believe in science and will go with the consensus of people that spend their lives studying specific issues every time. All I’m saying here is I’ve tried to find a mutual ground here when issues like these come up. I do pretty good about respecting others opinions outside of politics anyways.....
Chlorine dioxide is a STRONG oxidizer and should not be ingested for any reason
Hi Honeydew, I would like to tell you a short story behind the ChlDioxide thing. Jim Humble was using it to clean the water in Africa for him and his missionary teams. The locals were curious and thought: "if it is good for you, why not for us?" He let them use it and Yellowfever/Malaria patients were healthy in 4-8 hours!! Telling a friend in Harvard, he asked what was happening. The answer was simple: this mixture is identical to the chemical process OUR OWN BODY USES TO KILL VIRUS/BACTERIA!!
Diabetes patients "stink" after their body mixes up a cocktail of chemicals and produces "oxybutter-acid" and "acetone". The body also uses such a process to kill any negatively charged bacteria and virus cells which are "not-own" in our bodies. Chlorine Dioxide is positively charged and will "magnetically" avoid all positively charged healthy body cells in the human. The normal mixture of Chlorine dioxide is so weak, that is does not have the "acid" power to burn through the 1000 times thicker healthy cell walls in the human body, as compared to the cell wall thickness of a virus/bacteria. If you take the time to read about it, Chlorine Dioxide has been used by the FDA for over 40 years to "de-toxify" YOUR foodstuffs, disinfect your hospital and its interior, bleach paper, de-tox drinking water, de-tox the water tanks in ships and plane, and keep water purification/storage/pumping/transfer systems CLEAN for camper trailers and camping vehicles...and the only thing I have used for my survival training and classes since 1974!!! Live free, GP
Last month I got a visit from son-in-law and my son, each wanted to go shooting.. After two visits to the gun range, my ammo supply had been seriously reduced. 12 hours of range time with semi-auto firearms and a lot of ammo gets expanded. I just ordered 500 more rounds of 223 - 62 grain - soft point cartridges. I also discovered S&B ( Sellier & Bellot) sells a 156 grain soft point 6.5 Creedmoor round. The 140 grain S&B cartridge works extremely well in my TC Compass rifle, So, I want to test out this heavier cartridge. I also ordered a cheap 6 x 24 x 50 scope, to mount on the questionable 7.62 x 39 AR 15 upper. I need to find out if it will shoot well or if I need to get rid of it. The game plan it to get all the rifles zeroed in at 200 yards. Currently all are zeroed (except the 7.62) at 50 yards and are very accurate. Time to move them out to big boy range.
We have about 6 inches of snow on the ground right now and it’s still coming down hard. My son took the old Jeep out to play in it. We’re talking bikini top without the doors on it. Needless to say I stayed home despite it looking fun. There are cars stuck all over the place here but in 4low the Jeep went anywhere he wanted it to. He gave some people a ride home but their car is abandoned still. I had fun sticking close to the wood stove.
Well the cheap scope came in and Mr. Murphy had to have his laugh. The supplied scope rings (surprisingly nice ones) are too low. The scope bell housing touches the top rail. Not by much, maybe by 1/128th". but it does touch. I have ordered a canter-leaver mount (first one I have ever used) and I will keep my fingers crossed. The cheap scope has reasonable glass but you are not going to be using it for long range. It is really just a range scope, good for maybe 200 to 300 yards but good enough to test the 7.62 x 30 upper. I will keep the rings and see if I can use them down the road. I did get a brass catcher and installed the mounting bracket on all my rifles. I don't like chasing brass or smacking my fellow range shooters with hot brass. Plus, when I start reloading (someday) I don't want to deal with dinged brass.
Mag is tagged and marked for you GP. No bill, just sending some happy range thoughts for you. 500 rounds of 223, should be here this Wednesday or Thursday at latest. Will plan a range trip for the following Thursday. Will provide update on the the 7.62 and the new scope.
I shopped on amazon and Added a decent amount of freeze dried foods and a lot of toilet paper, shipped to the house. Today I’m going to physical stores and will get some cleaning supplies, bleach tabs, powered milk, sugar, flour and what ever else I see that looks useful. Nuts are a good idea and something I eat often allready.
The dealer got the tracks installed on my new side by side today, and they're going to deliver it tomorrow. I managed to get 2 more loads of hay in this week. We should have about 3 weeks worth of hay now. I'll haul a few more loads next week. My road is too icy to use my trailer so I can only haul a ton and a half on my truck.
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I picked up 4 charcoal paint respirators today, and a couple boxes of disposable gloves. Not panicking here, just thought it wasn’t a bad idea.
I've been picking up a box here and there of such things whenever I stop at the medical supply or pharmacy. I probably have a lot more than I'll need but you never know.
I ordered 2 of the N95 scarfs that jonnte wrote about, should be here this weekend. I will write something about them and tell ya'll what I think. I'm also putting something new into my BOB and INCH bag. An aluminum tube, cut to 8 inches long and sharpened by cutting it at a 45 degree angle. Will be testing it to see how well it gives me water from the birch trees here. With the warmth of the last week, the sap will be flowing soon. With a stethoscope, you can hear the juices flowing in birches. They will transfer up to 70 liters of sap per day according to the local collectors. (15 gallons). GP
I've been picking up a box here and there of such things whenever I stop at the medical supply or pharmacy. I probably have a lot more than I'll need but you never know.
I try to mostly buy stuff I will use anyways. When I first started prepping I filled jars with oats, dry beans, pastas, rice, powerded milk and such. Not that these are bad things to have in an emergency, but most got dumped in the compost pile after several years. I rarely ever eat oats, only occasionally will I throw some into a loaf in the bread machine. Don’t know what I was thinking... I just bought a years worth of toilet paper, it won’t go to waste for sure, and the respirators and gloves will be used with work or woodworking. I just try to ask myself if I have another alternative use for most of my prepping supplies now. I don’t mind buying things ahead of when I will need them but like to try and cut out waste.
I ordered 2 of the N95 scarfs that jonnte wrote about, should be here this weekend. I will write something about them and tell ya'll what I think. I'm also putting something new into my BOB and INCH bag. An aluminum tube, cut to 8 inches long and sharpened by cutting it at a 45 degree angle. Will be testing it to see how well it gives me water from the birch trees here. With the warmth of the last week, the sap will be flowing soon. With a stethoscope, you can hear the juices flowing in birches. They will transfer up to 70 liters of sap per day according to the local collectors. (15 gallons). GP
once you get them pls tell us what you think..
I try to mostly buy stuff I will use anyways. When I first started prepping I filled jars with oats, dry beans, pastas, rice, powerded milk and such. Not that these are bad things to have in an emergency, but most got dumped in the compost pile after several years. I rarely ever eat oats, only occasionally will I throw some into a loaf in the bread machine. Don’t know what I was thinking... I just bought a years worth of toilet paper, it won’t go to waste for sure, and the respirators and gloves will be used with work or woodworking. I just try to ask myself if I have another alternative use for most of my prepping supplies now. I don’t mind buying things ahead of when I will need them but like to try and cut out waste.

We see Prepping as both Prudent and ECONOMIC good sense, We bulk buy many things like TP, Kitchen Roll, Bleach, Cleaning Products etc only once a year in bulk when they are on offer, that way we also inflation proof our supplies.
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I rarely ever eat oats, only occasionally will I throw some into a loaf in the bread
Don't throw any oats away Brent! Before they even start to get old, put them into a grinder or in a grain mill, get them to powder form and use them as flour, add them to your pancake mix, stretch your eggs with a few spoonfuls and scramble them. Use the flour for making ash cakes, waffles, bread, pie crusts, flour tortillas, mix some cattail pollen or corn pollen with the oat flour and cornmeal and get some cool yellow bread/ cornbread. Take a small handfull, hold it in the river or lake water till the bubbles stop coming up, squeeze the water our, transfer the wet oatmeal to your dry hand, form it into balls on a treblehook and catch fish with it. Mix it with a bit of honey, a few nuts, some bread crumbs and feed the birds in winter with free, GP