This weeks preps check-in

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I love coffee but apparently I am not so peaky as you Doc. I drink our store brand of regular coffee normally but hunny will get me the special during holiday/birthday times of Texas Pecan and Taste of Texas. Those are my favorites. When I make my coffee in the morning I honestly hate that first cup while it is still dripping. I just sip until the rest of the pot is done and then I will get a real cup. During the winter months I can drink up to 4 pots a day. Right now though it is too hot outside and I may go thru one. If not I will reheat the rest of the pot the next morning. Ive said it before, nothing goes to waste around here. As long as it is just a reheat and that pot wasnt on all day it is still good. I cant take it if it was on the burner with on all fay though.
Everybody has their own tastes with coffee. I have never liked even a hint of bitterness (too dark) or rancidity (too old) but my wife can drink coffee that's been sitting in the pot two days.

I like STRONG coffee. It's like a Cajun once told me: "Stick a spoon up in the middle of the cup and if it falls over it's too weak." LOL

"Charbucks" is just burnt which gives it a strong flavor, but it's not a coffee flavor, it's just a charcoal flavor...which many people mistake for coffee flavor, LOL. Every coffee has a sweet spot between sour (under-roasted and/or under-extracted) and bitter (over-roasted and/or over extracted). A good barista that knows what he is doing can dial in most coffees over a fairly wide range of roast levels on a "real" espresso machine to hit the sweet spot by changing grind setting, amount of ground coffee, water temperature and how long he pulls the shot. I shoot for roast levels that hit the sweet spot in an automatic drip machine, but if it comes out too light, then I can adjust for it by grinding finer. Unfortunately too dark for me is not fixable.
I will reheat the coffee left in the pot from yesterday with no problem. Never tried two days though... our coffee pot is a stainless thermal jug that’s sealed at least. The only coffee I’m really particular about is when I don’t have any in the morning!
Had a pretty good day. Eating too much was the main thing I accomplished!
i did manage to hook up the solar panels to the control panel outside. Hope to finish the connections inside tomorrow. I also canned 12 pints of green beans and 9 jars of pickles. Wasn’t a record setting day for accomplishments but as long as something gets done and I’m moving forwards on things I’m happy.
I don't hear nothing or see nothing up here. I'm sitting at the pit with a nice fire drinking 15 year old cask strength of Barrell Bourbon listening to the 1978 White Mansions album as the girls are finishing up cleaning the kitchen. It's a nice 60 degrees outside.
Today I ordered a 72" snow blower for my side by side UTV and a 300 gallon diesel fuel tank for my generator. Also got 50 ton of hay sitting in the field. Just need to figure out how to get it put in the barn since I'm still broken.

Hire someone who is out of work to do it. Do not put your health in jeopardy!
Hire someone who is out of work to do it. Do not put your health in jeopardy!
I'm looking. Around here everyone is in the middle of putting up their own hay so theres virtually zero unemployed people. The wife is still home so she can help. The bales are only 85 pounds.
I'm also looking for someone with a horse to run the neighbors range bull off our property.
I'm looking. Around here everyone is in the middle of putting up their own hay so theres virtually zero unemployed people. The wife is still home so she can help. The bales are only 85 pounds.
I'm also looking for someone with a horse to run the neighbors range bull off our property.
How is your bull doing now? We use to use a 4 wheeler to move the cattle until it broke. Now all we have is the golf cart to here them. It's not quite as effective.
@GeorgiaPeachie To answer your question on the Austin thread. Yes I have made 100s of pounds of cheese back when I was milking but I quit when Betsey Lou got to be an old girl and just let her live out her days here. We lost her last year on Christmas Eve. She went down and never got back up. Hunny ended up putting her down and then we buried her out in the pasture. I would not have been able to eat her. She was like part of my family. I would do all sorts of cheeses, butter, cream cheese, and ricotta from the whey. It can be very time consuming and my hunny was also feeling neglected so I had to give it up. Hunny did tell me this year for my birthday he wanted to get me a new Jersey calf in hopes she can become my new milk cow. But we haven't gotten her yet. Birthday was the day hunny had his surgery. He is getting better everyday so I am hoping we can go soon. We will have to go north of Austin so it will be a road trip for us. Probably around 11 hours driving time round trip. I want a young one that I can easily train nd get conditioned.
@GeorgiaPeachie To answer your question on the Austin thread. Yes I have made 100s of pounds of cheese back when I was milking but I quit when Betsey Lou got to be an old girl and just let her live out her days here. We lost her last year on Christmas Eve. She went down and never got back up. Hunny ended up putting her down and then we buried her out in the pasture. I would not have been able to eat her. She was like part of my family. I would do all sorts of cheeses, butter, cream cheese, and ricotta from the whey. It can be very time consuming and my hunny was also feeling neglected so I had to give it up. Hunny did tell me this year for my birthday he wanted to get me a new Jersey calf in hopes she can become my new milk cow. But we haven't gotten her yet. Birthday was the day hunny had his surgery. He is getting better everyday so I am hoping we can go soon. We will have to go north of Austin so it will be a road trip for us. Probably around 11 hours driving time round trip. I want a young one that I can easily train nd get conditioned.

I figured you did made cheese. So sad about Betsey Lou. There are animals I could never eat and the milk cowyou have had for years would definitely be one of them...and the dogs. Things like surgery really put a stop to our plans. Glad your hunny is getting better! Let us know when you get a new milk cow. :D
have a couple of cousins that thought they were still up for haying - finally faced facts they needed at least one guy half their age or someone was going to die ...

Reading posts to my husband he laughed. Said boys today go to the gym and lift weights. Said he worked every summer through high school picking up hay all summer. Top dollar back then was a penny a bail. That would have been mid to late 60's. Said it builds muscles fast. Said when he went in the army after graduation boot camp was like summer camp 🙂 :)
How is your bull doing now? We use to use a 4 wheeler to move the cattle until it broke. Now all we have is the golf cart to here them. It's not quite as effective.
The bull isn't doing good. He can put very little weight on his left rear leg. I'll give him a couple more weeks and if he's still not improving we'll have about 2,000 pounds of hamburger.
We have two 4 wheelers and a side by side. I've chased that black bastard around here for miles and have peppered his ass with bird shot every time I get close. Much of our ranch is too steep and heavly timbered with deep brushy canyons for ATV's. A horse is the only way to get him out of here and until I heal up I can't ride. It's kind of funny, my cows don't want anything to do with that ugly POS.
Reading posts to my husband he laughed. Said boys today go to the gym and lift weights. Said he worked every summer through high school picking up hay all summer. Top dollar back then was a penny a bail. That would have been mid to late 60's. Said it builds muscles fast. Said when he went in the army after graduation boot camp was like summer camp 🙂 :)
All of the high school kids around here are putting up hay right now. With a graduating class of 12 students in our town there isn't many to choose from. I've been putting up hay since the late 60's. I'm 63 now.
The bull isn't doing good. He can put very little weight on his left rear leg. I'll give him a couple more weeks and if he's still not improving we'll have about 2,000 pounds of hamburger.
We have two 4 wheelers and a side by side. I've chased that black bastard around here for miles and have peppered his ass with bird shot every time I get close. Much of our ranch is too steep and heavly timbered with deep brushy canyons for ATV's. A horse is the only way to get him out of here and until I heal up I can't ride. It's kind of funny, my cows don't want anything to do with that ugly POS.
I am just wondering why in the heck the owner of this bull is not helping to run him back home? I realize that he is not having to feed right now to benefit him but he is still responsible for his bull.
Today I ordered a 72" snow blower for my side by side UTV and a 300 gallon diesel fuel tank for my generator. Also got 50 ton of hay sitting in the field. Just need to figure out how to get it put in the barn since I'm still broken.
I was talking with hunny yesterday on our way home from the beach. He was telling me that there is some type of gadget (sorry dont know name) you can attach to a tractor that can lift 6 square bails at once to stack but they have to all be side by side. We deal with round bales here. Tractor with a hay spear, no problem.
My latest crazy. I just purchased a weapon light for the shotgun I don't have yet. It was $24.99 but with special discount code, it cost $20.00, plus tax. It is not a long range light, only 200 lumen but came will pressure pad switch and mounting tape, plus a pic rail mount. I did test it out and for home defense or backyard bumps in the night, it is plenty bright enough. I do wish all these new gun buyers would slow down. The next two rifles I want are all out of stock and no dates for restocking. That is my excuse for the light before the weapon. o_O:rolleyes:
My latest crazy. I just purchased a weapon light for the shotgun I don't have yet. It was $24.99 but with special discount code, it cost $20.00, plus tax. It is not a long range light, only 200 lumen but came will pressure pad switch and mounting tape, plus a pic rail mount. I did test it out and for home defense or backyard bumps in the night, it is plenty bright enough. I do wish all these new gun buyers would slow down. The next two rifles I want are all out of stock and no dates for restocking. That is my excuse for the light before the weapon. o_O:rolleyes:
I got an extra clip a while back and noticed the gun store was nearly empty. They said even they were having problems getting inventory.
Well I must have some kind of mental issue (no comments from the peanut gallery). I just bought a scope for the Ruger Precision Rimfire I don't have. SWFA dot com is having a sale and I got my scope for 10 percent off and free shipping. The scope was normally sold for a great price at $299.97. Now for $269.95. Granted it was only about a $30 savings but for an El Cheapo like me, that was a motivator. LOL The scope is the SWFA 20 x 42 fixed power scope. Now if only Basspro or Cabelas would get the rifle back in stock, I would be a happy camper.
Well I must have some kind of mental issue (no comments from the peanut gallery). I just bought a scope for the Ruger Precision Rimfire I don't have. SWFA dot com is having a sale and I got my scope for 10 percent off and free shipping. The scope was normally sold for a great price at $299.97. Now for $269.95. Granted it was only about a $30 savings but for an El Cheapo like me, that was a motivator. LOL The scope is the SWFA 20 x 42 fixed power scope. Now if only Basspro or Cabelas would get the rifle back in stock, I would be a happy camper.
I’ve always said I’d make a lousy millionaire or celebrity. Even with money to burn I would never waste ten thousand on a room for the night or a thousand for a bottle of wine. I’ve always felt that when you save money by buying something on sale that is a little less that you had to earn.
I have upgrade my freezer situation I now have around 11 cubic ft of freezer space total,,,,,I have 100 lbs of chicken now,,,,I have a hog to slaughter that will yield around 140 lbs,I wanted to put 1/2 a cow in the freezer but the cost and nowhere to get one processed has made me rethink this,,I am going hamburger 100 lbs minimum it can still be had if you look for $3.00 a pound,,,,I just talked to a fellow who is getting ready to process 10 head,half a cow with processing cost would be around $750,,,and would only yield around 150 lbs,and close to half that would be hamburger,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so hamburger it is,,,,,with 100 lbs of chicken,,,140 lbs of pork,with what I currently have + 100 lbs of hamburger= 135 lbs,,,,I will not run out of meat anytime soon,,,,,,,add in a chit load of dry goods and all is well here in Sharp County

there it is,,,,all I need to do is follow through
Ordered a Yamaha EF6300iSDE 220v inverter generator 5500 running watts/6300 starting watts and a propane conversion with switch to run propane or gas, at a 1/4 load it will run 14hrs (gas) on 4.5gal. noise level 58~64db much quieter than the old generator it's replacing.

Practically everything I have in the house runs on gas, range, oven, heat, water heater, frig, freezer so no heavy loads. All my lights are LED What I need the inverter generator is for sensitive equipment such as computers, microwave, TVs, Satellite, basement dehumidifier and lights and I do have one electric 32cu ft fridge. The generator I'm using now is big, loud 82db~84db and fuel hungry. The computers are on battery backup (for two hours) so instead of shutting them down when on the older generator we could keep them on with the inverter, that makes the wife happy and grandkids when over here.
I saw groceries were up 6% from last year but it seems like a lot more than that to me. Stocking up is a good idea.
I stocked up at the start of this I think it was early March I have barely put a dent in what I already had,,,now with the new freezer I can load up big time,,,maybe 18 month supply on hand most likely longer,,,,,,,,,,,I plan on having food when no one else does,,,,,
I’ve always said I’d make a lousy millionaire or celebrity. Even with money to burn I would never waste ten thousand on a room for the night or a thousand for a bottle of wine. I’ve always felt that when you save money by buying something on sale that is a little less that you had to earn.
"ten thousand for a room for the night"? It would depend on the number of hookers that came with it whether it was a bargain. And a "thousand for a bottle of wine"? You are cheap Brent.
I stocked up at the start of this I think it was early March I have barely put a dent in what I already had,,,now with the new freezer I can load up big time,,,maybe 18 month supply on hand most likely longer,,,,,,,,,,,I plan on having food when no one else does,,,,,

Caution on freezer stocking!! I recently lost one of my two freezers and had to throw away a lot of meat and frozen produce. If you are going to stock a lot in a freezer, get an audible temp. alarm. JMHO

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