This weeks preps check-in

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That’s right, lower your expectations! Why would you have the nerve to expect FOOD or HEAT??

all part of Biden's propaganda Peanut Gallery >>> the heck with any truth and actual facts - it's "Nobody's Fault" this time around ...

it was "Patriotic" during WW2 to ignore Roosevelt's failings - it was road until his death and then another weak & useless took over - Truman was just another of Roosevelt's failings - a great prez would have stepped aside or at least accepted assistance and brought in a strong VP to be ready for the Big Chair ....
This week I haven't done too much other than Tidy up the yard in preparation for winter. I'm also doing some research on some stuff I can make at home Foods/Soaps/Candles and other little knickknacks that I can Trade/Barter for or maybe sell at the Flea Market if I could be so lucky. Plus that'll give me another hobby to keep me occupied this Winter.
I restocked my first aid, health/hygiene, and medical supplies stash today as well as got a few extra large packages of paper goods and other disposable items that are nice to have around (but are the first things to be unavailable when there are shortages). I found a HUGE roll of aluminum foil that was sold as "barbecue" foil and is supposed to be extra heavy duty. I can finally make my tin foil hat 🤣🤣🤣

I also found some ground beef on sale; the package was a little mushed and it was on the "sell by" date, but the color was okay and when I got it home the smell was fine. I cooked it up and divided it into portions to freeze. I won't be needing to buy ground beef for a couple months. I got ground turkey too and did the same thing (but I had to pay full price). I stocked up my dried and canned foods so the only things I should be buying the next couple of months really is fresh fruit and vegetables.
I got ten more gallons of grapes picked, sorted and washed today. I’ll bag them for the freezer in the morning. In another week or so I should get another 15 gallons to finish off the years load. The chest freezer is just about full now. I guess I’m going to hve to start making batches of wine soon.
I have a large stump in the yard that was too big to dig out with my backhoe. I had dug around it a while back and today I filled it with yard debris and wood. My son and I lit it up tonight and had a couple beers together. Perfect weather for a fire now. It was chilly and it felt great. It will likely take a few fires to make this stump disappear which is a good thing. Hanging out around a fire when it’s chilly and relaxing has always been one of my favorite things to do.
I have two pairs in the winter BOB for the car too. Hard to get the wife to wear them since they are not "cool" and make funny noises if you get off the snow and ice...
Maybe if I sent a picture of my wifes thumb she'd change her mind.
After our usual January thaw it'll refreeze again in a few days and we get 3"-12" of ice everywhere. It's really slick until we get another foot or three of fresh snow.
My wife slipped on the ice while hiking out to the mailbox. At our age falls are not funny. I used to bounce like a rubber ball. Now I am more like a glass vase. We got the spikes out of storage and I told her to tie a pillow to her bottom.
Ordered some more seeds for winter planting. Going to get started this week on that.
More rehydration powder. Realized we were out when my daughter woke up this morning vomiting at 2 am and wanted me to get zofran out of the medicine cabinet for her.
Had to replace a couple electrical outlets, so I stocked some extras.
The one under the sink for dishwasher/disposal wore out and dishwasher would come unplugged. One in the barn broke and was reverse polarity run anyway. I am so glad I have gone through each outlet and switch in the house. Going through the barn is next.
Dead battery in my big generator. What a clever design! You have to take the fuel tank off to change the battery.
Engineers should have a requirement of working on the things in their field for a period of time. Then they might see some of the stupid things they come up with! Lol
I got a lot done on the mud room project here today. Demo is done and I rebuilt the framing foundation, and got the composite deck boards installed. I hated to stop but darkness finally won out. Unfortunately there is a 100% chance of rain all day tomorrow so I’ll have a break to recover from the wear on my body… least I got everything put up or covered anyways.
Saw a video that said a crisco candle lasts up to 72 days. Is this factual and do you guys have this in your preps?

keep the hacks in the back of your mind - where they belong - prep proper while you can >> planning to half azz it thru SHTFs isn't prepping - leave that to the sheeple

go buy $1 candles and put the Crisco in the pantry where it makes $$$$ sense - oils & fats will be worth a fortune in a serious SHTF
candles for candles and crisco for crisco. use and mis-use the preps for what you need and not for what you planned----true survival...plan for the worst and hope for the best, that is the idea of prepping. everything you have is used for what is necessary and not for that which it is planned for....twist the use of everything into that which you really need at the time...Gary

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