This weeks preps check-in

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I’ve always liked scented candles but there’s one I’d rather not smell….
BTW, Crisco does actually expire. I had a can go rancid, and it was N_A_S_T_Y.
how long did that take? I have the individual wrapped bars in smaller amounts so I don't have to open a big can.
how long did that take? I have the individual wrapped bars in smaller amounts so I don't have to open a big can.

I had a can that I used in formulating bullet lube for cast lead bullets. It sat around for several years, I don't remember how long. I went to use it after a long hiatus and it was not recognizable. It was yellow and stiff and stunk.
picked up some more OTC meds, pepto bismol, hydrocortisone cream, ibuprofen, some mole skin, new thermometer that takes AAA batteries instead of those fancy ones.
Chickweed salve, poison ivy/oak soap bar, calamine lotion.
picked up some more OTC meds, pepto bismol, hydrocortisone cream, ibuprofen, some mole skin, new thermometer that takes AAA batteries instead of those fancy ones.
Chickweed salve, poison ivy/oak soap bar, calamine lotion.

Do you buy the Amish made chickweed salve?
Absolutely. Good stuff.
My daughter makes one out of plantain....i have been needing a new recipe. I eat chickweed and juice it but didnt think to make a salve from it. That and comfrey might make a nice chapstick. She sells them but people are turned off by the green color. Hers are for bee stings. She is thirteen so i am glad she started early.
My daughter makes one out of plantain....i have been needing a new recipe. I eat chickweed and juice it but didnt think to make a salve from it. That and comfrey might make a nice chapstick. She sells them but people are turned off by the green color. Hers are for bee stings. She is thirteen so i am glad she started early.

I make a plaintain salve every year also. Greatest stuff ever for bites and stings.
I have grown up in a world with easy access to pharmacies with ointments, antibiotics and such. I have truly been lucky to live in a time when the average American has been richer than any other generation has throughout history. That being said, knowing how to make some soothing remedies on your own is a wise hobby. I’m smart enough to know that the life we enjoy is fragile and could change abruptly at any time. So I try to enjoy the pleasures we have now and also work on steps to help make my life easier if things did go south as they say.
You are talking about the green weedy plant not the banana type thing? What is the recipe? I have tons.

I like to pick first thing in the spring and wash well. Then I allow to dry in the sun until it is just barely dry. Then I crumple or bruise it and cover with a good olive oil in a quart jar. I place on a lid loosely and place into a sunny window for a couple weeks. The olive oil will turn green. ( I imagine you could substitute coconut oil as well) Sometimes I will use the same olive oil two or three times on different pickings to get it good and strong. Then strain out the plant matter leaving an oil rich with the plant juices. My daughter prefers just the oil but for us I place small jars of the oil in a crockpot with about a half inch of water and turn on low with no lid on the jars or the crockpot. (you do not want condensation dripping down)This gradually heats the oil. Then I place beeswax shavings into the jars and allow them to melt. This will thicken it up to a salve consistency when the beeswax rehardens. Then cap. The most important thing is for the leaves to be good and dry so no moisture gets into the mixture allowing mold to form.

My grandson at 11 keeps bees. He uses them as part of a 4-H project and also makes extra money for himself. I keep him in this salve for his stings and he keep grandma in honey and wax. It's a win win 😁
You are talking about the green weedy plant not the banana type thing? What is the recipe? I have tons.
Hi ladies, I use the narrow leaf plantain, broad leaf plantain, dandelion leaves, stinging nettle leaves and a few leaves from a silver willow in a half gallon of moonshine, vodka or other clear alcohol of about 40%.
Take the leaves, chop them into one inch long pieces, put them into a half-gallon glass jar, cover them completely with alcohol and with a lid, let the whole thing stand in the eastern window so the early morning sun can warm the glass up a bit. After about six weeks, the alcohol is completely gone black and is full of the energy and histimines from the nettles. Add some honey to your personal taste and you have a great cough syrup which will clean your lungs of smoking tar, slime from a cold or any other flu symptoms.
Less alcohol is ok too and you can to the same with the same plants but mixed with 60% honey and 40% vinegar to collect the energy, no alcohol needed with the "sour-honey" mixture either, heat the sour-honey to about sixty degrees, not higher to protect the good things in it, and add the plants and let sit for six weeks also.
After the sour-honey OR the alcohol mixtures have set for six weeks, filter out the plants and leaves thru a coffee filter, good cloth or such and store in blue, green or brown bottles. Lasts over a year and only a shot glass for adults and a spoonfull for children over 16 with alcohol or use the sour-honey for the children. Good cough syrup. Gary
I have walnuts in the driveway to remove hulls, but the squirrels go I to the garage and steal the ones I have drying.

I picked up a bunch of black walnuts one weekend - had a trip the following week so the nutz went into the garage for dry storage - little bastards got in after smelling the booty - they didn't bother carrying them outside - dispersed the nutz allllllllllll over the garage >>> years and years later I was finding dried up walnuts they hid .....
We have a chipmunk problem around our house that our dogs are failing to contain. Chemical warfare may be necessary.
I put poison baits out. I hate to kill anything that way as it’s a miserable death. But when they start costing hundreds of dollars they are toast.
I put poison baits out. I hate to kill anything that way as it’s a miserable death. But when they start costing hundreds of dollars they are toast.
I have an ongoing war with chipmunks. Poison, traps and shooting is the only way to control the little buggers. I have to put traps and posion in the garage, and traps in our vehicles to catch the mice. They all do a lot of damage.
Some neighborhood cats enlisted in my war against the chipmunks. They also keep the rats at bay, but don't seem to making much of a dent in the squirrel population.
I'm not any kind of a cat person, but these cats are welcome to hang around ALL they want, LOL. Just stay off the damned car with your muddy paw prints.

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