UFOs Theres,Ours or Something Else?

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There are some verses in the Bible that talks about the 'space'.Earth hangs upon nothing is interessting.
Job 26:7,
…6Sheol is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering. 7He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth upon nothing. 8He wraps up the waters in His clouds, yet the clouds do not burst under their own weight.…
Berean Study Bible · Download
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Also,God told us the earth was a circle,

21Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the foundation of the earth? 22He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth; its dwellers are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. 23He brings the princes to nothing and makes the rulers of the earth meaningless.…
Berean Study Bible ·

So the earth is a circle aka round that hangs uin the sky upon nothing ,it
So far the science we have cannot explain where gravity comes from and how it works, They use "magic words" like dark energy and dark matter to fill in for places that gravity doesn't work as it should. They need to look at the universe and come up with a new theory that explains the way that it behaves - like the electric universe. That explains gravity at the quantum level and the galactic level where relativity falls on its face.

They also have to stop preaching the speed of light rule because the speed of light varies depending on the medium it travels through. Space is a medium we don't understand yet. The Pleiadians have told three different people in different countries that they travel "point to point" at the speed of thought. The only way that works is if the speed of light is not limiting to thinking beings. We have a lot more to learn before we can get very far.
"Come on man! Cut me a break."


"The speed of light" in the above context is just short hand for SOL in a vaccum. Yes light has different speeds through various mediums other wise lenses would not work nor fiber optics. But all of those other speeds are slower than in a vacuum.

So far the science we have cannot explain where gravity comes from and how it works, They use "magic words" like dark energy and dark matter to fill in for places that gravity doesn't work as it should. They need to look at the universe and come up with a new theory that explains the way that it behaves - like the electric universe. That explains gravity at the quantum level and the galactic level where relativity falls on its face.
It isn't that hard to comprehend.
All of the 'matter' we know and love has positive-gravity which means it is attracted to other positive matter and comes together to become 'clumps' we can see.
You only need to move two north-pole magnets close to each other to feel them push against each other to know the reverse must also be true.
At least the astrophysicists that can do math found that more than half of the 'matter' that the universe should have is 'missing'.
Think about if you have 1,000 tons of positive-gravity matter on a spacecraft that you can convert to negative-gravity with the flip of a switch.
Lifting and placing that 150-ton stone block 3,000 years ago, that I smacked with my hand in Mexico, would be easy.
Light is an electromagnetic phenomenon and space is not a vacuum. It is full of plasma and electromagnetic fields. Every time light hits an electron it is absorbed and then later on re-emitted as light. Do that a few billion times and it tends to slow travel speed. It takes about 100 years for light to travel from the inner sun to the corona because it keeps bumping into electrons on its way out. It changes direction with every re-emission. Light can also change frequency as it hits electrons in different atoms.

How do the physicists know how much mass is supposed to exist? They look at galaxies and see that the outer edges are traveling "to fast" to stay together according to the present accepted theory. They assume the theory is right so "dark matter" is created to make the universe comply with the theory. They should see that the theory is incomplete and find a way to modify the wrong understanding. If they applied the additional effect of electric and magnetic influences it would add greatly to our understanding. Most physicists treat the science of relativity as a religion. If it doesn't fit the "known physics" the the information is wrong because the theory is right. Hog slop!

Einstein had no training in electromagnetic theory so it was never included in general or special relativity. He made a couple very big mistakes. Some he admitted and some he never recognized. Now it has become blasphemous to suggest it is wrong.
Back to 'solid proof' of help from ET's.
Explain the stone wall at Sacsayhuaman.
They do know it was built in the 15th century.
And it was not possible that it was built by humans.
All 4 sides of every stone (many weighing over 100-tons) is finished with such precision that you can't slide a piece of paper between them.
Wikipedia said:
And in the lower part of this wall there were stones so large and thick that it seemed impossible that human hands could have set them in place...they were so close together, and so well fitted, that the point of a pin could not have been inserted in one of the joints.
Even with our modern machines, we wouldn't be able to replicate it today.
We'll ignore that fact for a minute.
The problem is, these stones are in front of a mountain.
There is no place for animals or humans to stand to drag these into place :oops:.

(If you look close you can see 2 people in the upper left for scale).

Archeologists dug all around there for clues how they did that, but all they found were useless tablets talking on and on about "Gods from the stars":mad:
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Light is an electromagnetic phenomenon and space is not a vacuum. It is full of plasma and electromagnetic fields. Every time light hits an electron it is absorbed and then later on re-emitted as light. Do that a few billion times and it tends to slow travel speed. It takes about 100 years for light to travel from the inner sun to the corona because it keeps bumping into electrons on its way out. It changes direction with every re-emission. Light can also change frequency as it hits electrons in different atoms.

How do the physicists know how much mass is supposed to exist? They look at galaxies and see that the outer edges are traveling "to fast" to stay together according to the present accepted theory. They assume the theory is right so "dark matter" is created to make the universe comply with the theory. They should see that the theory is incomplete and find a way to modify the wrong understanding. If they applied the additional effect of electric and magnetic influences it would add greatly to our understanding. Most physicists treat the science of relativity as a religion. If it doesn't fit the "known physics" the the information is wrong because the theory is right. Hog slop!

Einstein had no training in electromagnetic theory so it was never included in general or special relativity. He made a couple very big mistakes. Some he admitted and some he never recognized. Now it has become blasphemous to suggest it is wrong.
Light also behaves like a particle that has mass and can be attracted by gravity.

I have often been intrigued that whoever first wrote down the stories in Genesis spoke of the creation of light as being the first creative act.

How do the physicists know how much mass is supposed to exist? They look at galaxies and see that the outer edges are traveling "to fast" to stay together according to the present accepted theory. They assume the theory is right so "dark matter" is created to make the universe comply with the theory. They should see that the theory is incomplete and find a way to modify the wrong understanding.
Didn't want to drag this off topic into theoretical physics since the thread is about UFO's, aliens and their meddling with our 'simple' life :D, but I will respond.
All you have to do is gaze thru a telescope to realize that all galaxies, (made from positive-gravity matter in 'clumps' called stars), are ALL moving away from each other.
Since we know they emit gravitational force toward each other, they should only move toward each other.
If you look at two galaxies, the only thing that could overcome their gravitational attraction drawing them together would be something of larger negative-gravity mass than both of them, in between them.

On topic: This is what our ET neighbors (ancestors) have harnessed to move 'stuff' like spacecraft.... and 200-ton stones around.
Didn't want to drag this off topic into theoretical physics since the thread is about UFO's, aliens and their meddling with our 'simple' life :D, but I will respond.
All you have to do is gaze thru a telescope to realize that all galaxies, (made from positive-gravity matter in 'clumps' called stars), are ALL moving away from each other.
Since we know they emit gravitational force toward each other, they should only move toward each other.
If you look at two galaxies, the only thing that could overcome their gravitational attraction drawing them together would be something of larger negative-gravity mass than both of them, in between them.

On topic: This is what our ET neighbors (ancestors) have harnessed to move 'stuff' like spacecraft.... and 200-ton stones around.
That expansion of glaxies moving apart has been showed to be slowing down

That expansion of glaxies moving apart has been showed to be slowing down

This is predictable and expected.
As they get farther away from the force pushing them apart, it will become weaker.
Move 2 north-pole magnets facing each other further apart. The push against each other will drop dramatically.
This is predictable and expected.
As they get farther away from the force pushing them apart, it will become weaker.
Move 2 north-pole magnets facing each other further apart. The push against each other will drop dramatically.
I could respond in many ways but I have had a beer and experience has shown that

Drinking and deriving don't mix.

So no Maxwell's equations tonight. ;)

I didn't want to start another thread about strange sightings in the sky, soooo........

Friday night we were sitting around the fire having some snacks and a few drinks. None of us had very many drinks at the time of our sighting and we had just finished dinner. I looked up and it wasn't even fully dark yet. It was getting there, but not quite yet. Anyways I saw a really bright 'star', or at least what looked like a star or maybe a satellite. There were actually 2 of them in equal brightness. I mentioned it to everyone thinking it was strange that they were there, especially since there weren't a lot of other stars visible yet b/c it wasn't completely dark. There were 6 of us there and we all saw them. Suddenly, the one 'star' started moving toward the other one at a pretty fast rate. Then, before it reached the other star, it disappeared. A while later the other one just disappeared without moving. We were all stunned. WTH was that? It was up way toooooo far for it to be plane, and there was no noise. I've seen many falling stars and it wasn't that either b/c it was completely still for a while and then started moving. It was very odd. I'm convinced now, more than ever, something is going on up there that is not being shared with us common folk.
There is no telling what's up there.
Maybe a government program, American or others.
It could also be not from earth.
I have seen UFOs but I'm not saying they were ETs, just unknown things.
I don't believe earthlings are the only life.

I agree. There are things out there, and we have no clue what they are. IMHO they are civilizations far more advanced than ours.

Why is it not being shared with the common folk? Because the only entity that can do anything, is the government, and they don't have a clue what to do. At best they do not want to start a panic. At worst they would die before they would admit they have no way of protecting the people from it. They are completely powerless.

To think that in all of the galaxies that are known the only intelligent life is on our puny third rock from the Sun is the height of conceit.
I'm loving this thread.
Everyone thinks the be all end all is the speed of light. no one takes into account "folding space" which is popping a hole in the fabric of space time, pointing yourself in the right direction for the right amount of time and popping back in. we're far closer to that technology than the mythical "speed of light." Everyone thinks of propulsion in the means of "pushing" a load through space, but when we develop gravity well propulsion, which is likely within our lifetime, the whole solar system will be at our fingertips. it's far easier to make a gravity well which pulls an object through space, than it is to for instance use ions to push. instead of having to build up speed, you're there the minute you launch, you just have to be inside a secondary bubble of equal but opposite strength or you go splat. this is also how ships seem to defy gravity, they don't. there is an invisible bubble just above the ship just slightly stronger than the pull of the planet, acting much like a hot air balloon. to go, they just re direct it and hit the power.

Pre-Adamic civilization. Lots of love for this part of it too.
Earth at one time was part of a thriving galactic civilization for being way out here in the desert with no neighbors, but our ancestors got involved in a war they had no business in and by the time it was done, we were missing a planet, Mars was dead, the moon got wrecked and life pretty much had to re evolve again. that was 40,000 years ago+ 10,000 years ago, we did it again. then Nibiru (We call it Venus now) made it's initial pass, then the pass that got it captured by the sun, throwing the whole solar system into chaos, and that was the end of us as a way point. we're too far out here in the middle of nowhere for anyone to care about anymore, and any civilization that can get here can re order the structure of matter to suit their needs, so we pretty much have nothing they want except entertainment. we're universally known as some of the DUMBEST mother fornicators in the multiverse. We're officially registered as a "dangerous wildlife preserve."
Now having said that, I have no idea why the galactics are coming. Maybe the Lyrans decided we could be friends again?
How do you mean? There's not really a lot out there (probably 10,000).
According to NASA there is more than 27,000 pieces of orbital debris, or “space junk,” that is tracked by the Department of Defense’s global Space Surveillance Network (SSN) sensors. Much more debris -- too small to be tracked, but large enough to threaten human spaceflight and robotic missions -- exists in the near-Earth space environment.

Now, assume that you are piloting a UFO at greater than Light Speed, would you really want to fly through that soup? At high speeds even a small nut could leave a reasonable hole in you.....
According to NASA there is more than 27,000 pieces of orbital debris, or “space junk,” that is tracked by the Department of Defense’s global Space Surveillance Network (SSN) sensors. Much more debris -- too small to be tracked, but large enough to threaten human spaceflight and robotic missions -- exists in the near-Earth space environment.

Now, assume that you are piloting a UFO at greater than Light Speed, would you really want to fly through that soup? At high speeds even a small nut could leave a reasonable hole in you.....
Debrs like when the guys working on the outside of the space station drop a wrench......
The UFO's are afraid to come here now... Too much crap orbiting the planet to make a safe approach!
According to NASA there is more than 27,000 pieces of orbital debris, or “space junk,”

Now, assume that you are piloting a UFO at greater than Light Speed, would you really want to fly through that soup? At high speeds even a small nut could leave a reasonable hole in you.....

Bolding is mine.

OK, if I was an alien approaching earth at "greater than Light Speed" into the space around Earth that has 27K+ pieces of "stuff", I'd think I'm coming in a bit too fast and the "stuff" is the least of my worries. ;)

Also, even if you took every piece of "stuff" that's out there and put it on a plane equidistant to the planet, that would equate to 1 piece of stuff every 7,300 square miles.

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