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sry,for the late reply mate, found out this early this morning..to bad not all of them burned ;)

and I have some of those iodine tablets always at hand :) mad-Vlad will probably try to blame this on either the west or chechen terrorists
think I will put my bonus money from work all in ammo....
Salt, Ammo, Med Supplies and Fuel, and that new rifle you were talking about, Honestly I do believe big trouble is coming and if the Ruskies can tie up NATO and the Yanks to separated the Brits and Argies in the south Atlantic , The ruskies will take that chance to grab Karalia at least.
at least we are fighting for our own...and as my dad told me years ago;you can't trust a russkie...
Remember some snippets I learned from the Merkins
1 No matter how much ammo you have got its not enough.
2 No matter how much ammo you plan for, you need to double it.
3 No plan no matter how good survives after the first shot is fired.
4 Tracer works both ways
5 It does not matter if you have a million rounds of ammo if it is in your cabin and you are some place else.
6 Shoot the guy being saluted, then the guy with the map, then the guy with the radio, the rest will sort itself out.
at least we are fighting for our own...and as my dad told me years ago;you can't trust a russkie...
My Dad and Grandad said the same about the French, Spanish, Italians, Arabs, Germans, Irish and Russians o_O

I say the same about Socialists :)

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