Weaning off Walmart - It's not worth it anymore

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Awesome Friend
Sep 22, 2022
Anyone else notice that going to Walmart has become impossible without jumping over a hurdle or multiple ones? We all for some reason have accepted doing their work at the checkouts without a discount, still can't figure that one out. And if you like to do your shopping early to save some time they will put a stop to that. 2 maybe 3 self checkout lanes open and people standing in line watching Walmart employees watch you stand in line. Now for the straw that broke the camel's back. You get to stop in line at the exit to have another employee look at my receipt and fumble through your bags. I can't say I will never go there again but I am certainly going to put in a concentrated effort to avoid what has become a useless store.
we produce a lot of our own food, and things like bananas and mangoes I can buy at Aldi. I really hate the walmarts here since they started to redo them. Now they have self check out for only a few items (not possible with a cart full of stuff) or you can stand in line for the 2 cashiers they still have. Plus prices are no longer cheaper than other places. The thing I have not figured out where to buy elsewhere is stuff like plastic freezer bags, cleaning stuff , large chunks of cheese for cooking and stuff like toothpaste , shampoo and so on ( regular grocery store is more expensive) . I think will just have to live with going back to shop at different stores for different things, not 1 ( walmart) like I used to
Walmart and Target are on my list of PLACES NOT TO SHOP. It's just not worth dealing with the people, or the corporation.
I'm not a fan of either. Where I live there are so many options, it's easy for me to avoid those stores. I go maybe once a year. They are the cheapest for canning jars. I order online and do pickup so I never have to set foot in them.
Actually I don't believe it is. I would rather get 3 at $5 and talk to a knowledgeable local nursery than get 15 for $15 from Walmart and enjoy my day
Craigslist may be a good start
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The nearest Walmart is 35 miles away. A 45 minute drive with half of that 65 mph.
I haven’t been in several years.

The other Walmart is in another state, almost 50 miles away.
My local Walmart made the "People of Walmart" page. I'm not sure if I should be proud of that, or not... ;)
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That one should be titled: "How drunk you need to be to set foot in a Wal-Mart". :rolleyes:
Haven't been in one in years until recently, to pick up a tank of helium gas to blow up balloons.
Nobody else had it, and it cannot be shipped.
There is more than one Walmart in driving range of me. Some are slummy shitholes, some are oddly nice and clean, then of course there's the one where people get murdered in the parking lot and the cops just sit out front all the time. You have to know which one to go to and when to go to it.

I don't go to Target because I was born a male, identify as a male, and prefer adult women as partners, so I just don't think they would have anything for me anyway.
Anyone else notice that going to Walmart has become impossible without jumping over a hurdle or multiple ones? We all for some reason have accepted doing their work at the checkouts without a discount, still can't figure that one out. And if you like to do your shopping early to save some time they will put a stop to that. 2 maybe 3 self checkout lanes open and people standing in line watching Walmart employees watch you stand in line. Now for the straw that broke the camel's back. You get to stop in line at the exit to have another employee look at my receipt and fumble through your bags. I can't say I will never go there again but I am certainly going to put in a concentrated effort to avoid what has become a useless store.
I haven't been to Walmart or Target for at least 3 years now.

I will not be forced to do self check out. Not my job. Those stores need me more than I need them and ... I'm gone.
I've never been a fan of WM. Do I shop there? Once in a while. They carry a few items that I don't really know where else to buy. I used to be a big Target shopper, but that is another place that is even more rare for me to shop at since the bathroom debacle.

I know that people shop at WM on the regular because they think the best prices are there. Maybe the prices are better there, but we have all been hearing about privately owned businesses have suffered because of it.
If you yearn for international travel (especially third world international travel) but can't afford it or don't feel it's safe, Walmart is a good substitute. You'll probably be the only one who speaks English in the store.
I don’t need to go into either store for that—I just need to go to work or walk around the block.
And that is why I order online from them if I can. If I have to go to the store I will do pickup so I don't have to deal with the BS in store.
There is good, bad and downright ugly in some Wal*Mart regions.
As for Wal*Mart ruining mom and pop businesses, not usually.
More than likely they did that themselves, but Wal*Mart takes the blame just a Target does.
Actually most people shop Wal*Mart owned companies in other locations in their towns.
Did you buy a candy bar at Casey's for instant.
The truck line who brought that candy bar to Casey's is owned by Wal*Mart.
Did you buy your toothpaste from Walgreen that was brought in by a Wal*Mart truck.
Did you get your medicine from your local CVS or whatever pharmacy.
Guess what Wal*Mart probably owns that truck too.
Did you know that if you buy Banana Republic items, Ben Ray Sunglasses you're buying from Wal*Mart.
Did you know Wal*Mart owns more than 4 truck lines and not all of them say Wal*Mart on the door.
Oh, by the way, I used to work for Wal*Mart.
I had have something to do after I retired from the Army.
Super busy people (like me do not make good retiree's at first).
So did my mother. And both of sons are Team Leaders(Assiistant Mangers) in less than 5 years.
My oldest son has been there 13 years now.
My youngest son has been there 12 years.
Do you realize my local Wal*Mart employs people in 6 counties.
Including special needs adults that wouldn't have jobs otherwise.
I hate to go to Wal*Mart as much as the next guy, but I hate to shop in general.
I shop where I get the best value for my money.
I go to Wal*Mart to get an money order to pay rent and to get a prepaid phone card.
Every time one of Sam Walton's grandchildren get married Wal*Mart buys into that company.
They don't always buy controlling interest, but they buy 49.5% of that company.
And yes I think Sam Walton would be upset with some of the decisions his sons and daughter made.
I met Mr Sam several times when he came to my store to have lunch with his associates.
He listened to our concerns.
You people crack me up.
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There is good, bad and downright ugly in some Wal*Mart regions.
As for Wal*Mart ruining mom and pop businesses, not usually.
More than likely they did that themselves, but Wal*Mart takes the blame just a Target does.
Actually most people shop Wal*Mart owned companies in other locations in their towns.
Did you buy a candy bar at Casey's for instant.
The truck line who brought that candy bar to Casey's is owned by Wal*Mart.
Did you buy your toothpaste from Walgreen that was brought in by a Wal*Mart truck.
Did you get your medicine from your local CVS or whatever pharmacy.
Guess what Wal*Mart probably owns that truck too.
Did you know that if you buy Banana Republic items, Ben Ray Sunglasses you're buying from Wal*Mart.
Did you know Wal*Mart owns more than 4 truck lines and not all of them say Wal*Mart on the door.
Oh, by the way, I used to work for Wal*Mart.
I had have something to do after I retired from the Army.
Super busy people (like me do not make good retiree's at first).
So did my mother. And both of sons are Team Leaders(Assiistant Mangers) in less than 5 years.
My oldest son has been there 13 years now.
My youngest son has been there 12 years.
Do you realize my local Wal*Mart employs people in 6 counties.
Including special needs adults that wouldn't have jobs otherwise.
I hate to go to Wal*Mart as much as the next guy, but I hate to shop in general.
I shop where I get the best value for my money.
I go to Wal*Mart to get an money order to pay rent and to get a prepaid phone card.
Every time one of Sam Walton's grandchildren get married Wal*Mart buys into that company.
They don't always buy controlling interest, but they buy 49.5% of that company.
And yes I think Sam Walton would be upset with some of the decisions his sons and daughter made.
I met Mr Sam several times when he came to my store to have lunch with his associates.
He listened to our concerns.
You people crack me up.
Ah the good old days
I haven't been to Walmart or Target for at least 3 years now.

I will not be forced to do self check out. Not my job. Those stores need me more than I need them and ... I'm gone.
that's funny! I love the self checkout. I would rather do it myself ( and correctly) than stand in line getting anxiety and then having to watch everything the cashier rings up so they don't charge me twice for the same thing and have to tell them to put the cold stuff together etc. It's just so much easier and less stress to do it myself
that's funny! I love the self checkout. I would rather do it myself ( and correctly) than stand in line getting anxiety and then having to watch everything the cashier rings up so they don't charge me twice for the same thing and have to tell them to put the cold stuff together etc. It's just so much easier and less stress to do it myself
My husband likes self-checkout also. I do not. Just a personal preference.

At Sams hubs checks out as we go along so at the end, he just shows them his phone and we're done. I wouldn't do it myself, but it has always worked when he does it.
My husband likes self-checkout also. I do not. Just a personal preference.

At Sams hubs checks out as we go along so at the end, he just shows them his phone and we're done. I wouldn't do it myself, but it has always worked when he does it.
Stop doing their dang job for them!
You pay the salary of those cashiers, and all they do today is stand around and watch you do their work!gaah