Weaning off Walmart - It's not worth it anymore

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that's funny! I love the self checkout. I would rather do it myself ( and correctly) than stand in line getting anxiety and then having to watch everything the cashier rings up so they don't charge me twice for the same thing and have to tell them to put the cold stuff together etc. It's just so much easier and less stress to do it myself
We all have our preferences and change can be hard for some people. I know people who are just outraged at the idea of self checkout. I think some things that go over my head,
Food city is head and shoulders above walfreakinmart. Just don't carry all the stuff wm does. Mostly just food
Walmart stopped carrying "firearms" magazines and outdoorsman/prepper mags.
I used to love Walmart but lately it seems that I'm not really saving money there. My neighbor loves HEB & I've gone there a few times. I have to say that HEB is a lot cheaper on some items. And honestly workers in HEB will ask you if they can help you find something much more often than in WM. My 2 problems with HEB are kind of the same. I hate the size & the layout. If I go for 2 things they are ALWAYS on opposite sides of the store.
Anyone else notice that going to Walmart has become impossible without jumping over a hurdle or multiple ones? We all for some reason have accepted doing their work at the checkouts without a discount, still can't figure that one out. And if you like to do your shopping early to save some time they will put a stop to that. 2 maybe 3 self checkout lanes open and people standing in line watching Walmart employees watch you stand in line. Now for the straw that broke the camel's back. You get to stop in line at the exit to have another employee look at my receipt and fumble through your bags. I can't say I will never go there again but I am certainly going to put in a concentrated effort to avoid what has become a useless store.
I must be a lucky one ..
I know the 2 guys at the entrance doors they always give me a cart
and they chat with me for few seconds and smile
They really are sweet

And the women who does work there where you do punch your articles
When they see me they always smile at me and say
*Hey !!! :p that is your cat day*
Then we are joking and talk while I scan the prices then pay
Anyone else notice that going to Walmart has become impossible without jumping over a hurdle or multiple ones? We all for some reason have accepted doing their work at the checkouts without a discount, still can't figure that one out. And if you like to do your shopping early to save some time they will put a stop to that. 2 maybe 3 self checkout lanes open and people standing in line watching Walmart employees watch you stand in line. Now for the straw that broke the camel's back. You get to stop in line at the exit to have another employee look at my receipt and fumble through your bags. I can't say I will never go there again but I am certainly going to put in a concentrated effort to avoid what has become a useless store.
For years now. We may go once a year.
There is more than one Walmart in driving range of me. Some are slummy shitholes, some are oddly nice and clean, then of course there's the one where people get murdered in the parking lot and the cops just sit out front all the time. You have to know which one to go to and when to go to it.

I don't go to Target because I was born a male, identify as a male, and prefer adult women as partners, so I just don't think they would have anything for me anyway.
You must live near me! That's the same as the Walmarts near me!
Feel the same about Target also!
I've taken to being aggressively passive aggressive with the door gestapo. Openly crumble the receipt into a tiny ball then dump it at the bottom of a bag with the most random small things then triple tie it closed before you head for the door.
Or bag literally nothing. Don't forget to crumble the receipt into a ball for them for that one too.
The Walmarts in our area tend to be clean and mostly free from walmartians, I have only seen one, male? pajamas slippers and a short vinyl rain coat, I wouldn't go there except the coffee I like is 1/2 what it is anywhere else, and the store brand dog food stretches the accidental stray Cat refuge budget (the Humane society has gone full totalitarian, so don't suggest that) For most of the day they staff the checkouts.
I've taken to being aggressively passive aggressive with the door gestapo. Openly crumble the receipt into a tiny ball then dump it at the bottom of a bag with the most random small things then triple tie it closed before you head for the door.
Or bag literally nothing. Don't forget to crumble the receipt into a ball for them for that one too.
That doesn’t affect the corporation and their stupid policies. That employee doesn’t control the parameters of their job. All that does is make someone’s job difficult and unpleasant. That person might be in a bad financial situation or have a low skill ability to have a more advanced job and doing that is probably making them hate humans even more.
Sorry, I understand your point.
I've completely reached my limit on "having my papers checked" circa 2020. You can just doing my job all you want but I'm gonna stick a big mirror at it every chance I get.

Like the 20 HD 4K cameras at every register didn't catch you stealing in the first place. This is a dystopian humiliation ritual and I don't like it.
I didn’t go for a long time but now I have an account that requires me to use my debit card 20 times per month. So once per month I go get several jugs of grapefruit juice and a few other items so I have 20, go to self checkout and ring them up and pay for them one at a time 🙄. Other store computers don’t allow back to back transactions. I don’t use debit cards so have to make a point of it.
FYI: Walmart is competing with Amazon for the online shopping network, and from what I can see… doing alright there.
Don’t thank that post, it’s not exactly a good thing, but Amazon does kinda suck, but sometimes I still buy from them. Overall though, I’d rather buy from eBay sellers, ya just have to have a brain and do some research about the seller….
Don’t thank that post, it’s not exactly a good thing, but Amazon does kinda suck, but sometimes I still buy from them. Overall though, I’d rather buy from eBay sellers, ya just have to have a brain and do some research about the seller….
Since complaining about WM is like shooting fish in a barrel, let's pick on Amazon some:waiting:...
Lots of people are addicted to them and love just picking up stuff on their front porch...
Not me.
What turned me off was their 'price-discrimination', ie: same item, 2 different users, 2 different prices :mad:.
I have spoken before about finding an item and then having wife pull it up on her account/computer and presto, it is cheaper because they don't luv me as much as her. :(
Do you know what 'class' you are in? Lower, middle, or upper?
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Since complaining about WM is like shooting fish in a barrel, let's pick on Amazon some:waiting:...
Lots of people are addicted to them and love just picking up stuff on their front porch...
Not me.
What turned me off was their 'price-discrimination', ie: same item, 2 different users, 2 different prices :mad:.
I have spoken before about finding an item and then having wife pull it up on her account/computer and presto, it is cheaper because they don't luv me as much as her. :(
Do you know what 'class' you are in? Lower, middle, or upper?
I was referring to the online market game. And Amazon does make it a game. Their search engine sucks, big time!

To keep thread on track…. WM’s search engine is better, but still no where near as close to eBay’s search engine - giving good results for the key words used.

Oh…. Walmart retail stores in my area have sucked for years. This thread isn’t a news-flash
Just what I think. WM is nothing less than an example of the changing of America. They carry cheap goods made overseas, our high labor costs drove those factories overseas because only a few of us had the money to buy American made goods. Self checking, again it's all about labor costs. McDonalds is going through the same thing & will probably end up closing a lot of stores because of it. They don't have the option of people cooking their own food. Door greeter checking your receipts? Our society has become corrupt & people will steal anything from anybody & feel that it's their right to do so. And btw a lot of those door people are older who can't physically handle a harder job yet need to make money to live or maybe they are handicaped. I know of no other company that hires those people.

I'm a long time shopper at WM. Back in the broke days they helped me survive. I still go there mainly because I know where things are & I can get in & out fast. I also like the self checking because it's faster than standing in line to check out. We have another competing store here called HEB which I like (maybe) better than WM. They are actually cheaper on a lot of things than WM & the stores are about the size of WM. My problem with both stores is that if I go in to pick up 10 items, it's less a shopping trip & more an exercise program.
I'll add something about the people that work in WM. Reality check, those people don't commute from 500 miles away to go to work there. Those are the people that live in your area. Each WM reflects what the people are like living around you. Where I live WM's employees are hard working, friendly & in general very nice. And the stores are clean even when they are putting away stock. I've been in other WM's where the stores are dirty & the people are rude. Is that WM's fault? They have to hire from the pool that's out there.
I didn’t go for a long time but now I have an account that requires me to use my debit card 20 times per month. So once per month I go get several jugs of grapefruit juice and a few other items so I have 20, go to self checkout and ring them up and pay for them one at a time 🙄. Other store computers don’t allow back to back transactions. I don’t use debit cards so have to make a point of it.
I have had and still have an account with them with No Stipulation like that...!!!
@Skinwalker I hope you don't feel I was attacking you. I work in a retail setting (pharmacy which has it's own special situations and human interaction) and I am intimately familiar with corporate BS. Self checkout is fine when you're in a hurry or have just a few items. Anything more, and it's a PITA, in my opinion. Most of those 4K cameras installed by Asset Protection aren't there to catch a customer stealing (that's just a bonus), they are there to catch the employees who steal since they feel the majority of theft is internal. I am a thief in my employer's eyes.

To add to @old tex 's reply...
Reality check, those people don't commute from 500 miles away to go to work there. Those are the people that live in your area. Each WM reflects what the people are like living around you.
The customers generally aren't coming from that far either. The pharmacy chain I work for has two locations in the town where I work. The one I work at is the older one in the single home residential end of town. The other is located where an insane amount of garden apartments were constructed following WWII (it used to be farms and forests). The store by those apartments, let's just say I'd chew my foot off to get out of that trap. The customers aren't long time residents; more transient because of the apartments. They are absolutely horrible to those techs and the pharmacist so in turn they expect a difficult situation with every patient. The location I work at, our customers have lived at this end of town most of their lives or they've purchased a home. They do tend to be "less demanding." They will chit-chat with us, ask about our families and basically will be friendly towards us. They know we will do our best to make their insurance pay or get them the best prices off their plan and treat us pleasantly. In other words, they make my job easier and more pleasant; I want to do my job. Now, we do have our special snowflakes, and they are treated accordingly and they will absolutely ruin my day and it takes a while to shake it off.

A long, convoluted way of saying hate the corporation but love the human. These small interactions can either add to our divisiveness or make us a stronger, more formidable force to stand together when the time comes.
I still live far enough away from civilization that a fair number of local stores are owner operated and I try to do as much of my business there as I can
Wow, that'd be a hassle, LadyL. I'd get a different debit card.
It's for the interest - if l don't use it, I don't get the interest. It is still worth it at this point.

ETA: I prefer to pay cash for things so that my purchases are not tracked. What I purchase at Wmart, paints a picture so I paint the picture I want them to see ;)
Walmart has gone WAY down hill from the days when they pretty much carried only American made products. Though the company is also partly responsible for the decline in American companies. As they squeezed and squeezed them on prices until some were actually losing money by providing products to Walmart and many simply gave up.

Since moving to rural AZ we are in a Walmart only about once a year when the kids come to visit and we make the drive over to the big city of Show Low. During the rest of the year my Walmart shopping is confined to mail ordering some items from them for delivery.

As to self checkout, they should give a 10% discount at those registers to compensate shoppers for allowing the store to operate with fewer employees.

I refuse to wait in a line at the exit for a receipt check. I simply walk around the line and continue out the door. If no one is getting checked I will wave my receipt at the checker and keep walking.

It is asinine that they want to check shoppers receipts but won't allow their employees to stop actual shoplifters from walking right out the door.