Weaning off Walmart - It's not worth it anymore

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we are in a Walmart only about once a year
Once every couple of years for us, usually. Generally to buy only the one item that I like there. In the pharmacy they have Equate (Walmart generic brand) of antacids that are the equivalent of Gaviscon brand name (Aluminum Hydroxide/Magnesium Carbonate). These work so much better than the more common Calcium based antacids. And the Walmart Equate brand is much much cheaper than actual Gaviscon but it works just as well, and tastes the same as the real stuff. I will usually buy out the stock they have on display. I've never seen more than 4 or 5 bottles in stock at a time. Many times they are totally out, or there is one bottle shoved three feet back on the bottom shelf and you have to lay on the floor and stretch out your arm to reach it. Always seems to be on the bottom shelf, and you really have to hunt for it compared to the Equate brand of Calcium antacids (don't get those). 4 or 5 bottles will last us for years. When we're out, that's want prompts us to lower ourselves to walking into a Walmart again.
Once every couple of years for us, usually. Generally to buy only the one item that I like there. In the pharmacy they have Equate (Walmart generic brand) of antacids that are the equivalent of Gaviscon brand name (Aluminum Hydroxide/Magnesium Carbonate). These work so much better than the more common Calcium based antacids. And the Walmart Equate brand is much much cheaper than actual Gaviscon but it works just as well, and tastes the same as the real stuff. I will usually buy out the stock they have on display. I've never seen more than 4 or 5 bottles in stock at a time. Many times they are totally out, or there is one bottle shoved three feet back on the bottom shelf and you have to lay on the floor and stretch out your arm to reach it. Always seems to be on the bottom shelf, and you really have to hunt for it compared to the Equate brand of Calcium antacids (don't get those). 4 or 5 bottles will last us for years. When we're out, that's want prompts us to lower ourselves to walking into a Walmart again.
Are you aware you can mail order those from Walmart's site?
Use your head and do some math.
A lot of the stuff in Wal-Mart looks the same, but is not.
This part always boiled my blood :mad::
DW picked up a bale of Charmin Ultra Strong TP at Costco, 30 rolls for $26.
She went to Sams(WM) next and saw 32 rolls of Charmin Ultra Strong for $25 and grabbed one also.
You have to know what WM does to shaft their customers. :mad:
They have manufacturers make a product to their specifications.
Their rolls are 3/8" narrower and with fewer sheets.
Enter the math guy:
Sams: 700 sq-ft for $25 = 3.57¢ per sq-ft.
Costco: 805 sq-ft for $26 = 3.25¢ per sq-ft.
Wal-Mart makes money off of stupid people; don't be one.:(
As I said earlier in this thread, I do hate shopping at walmart but the Aldi is twice as far away, and the local grocery stores much more expensive. So really no choice. I do go to Aldi at least once a month. Finally figured out how to freeze bananas for smoothies without them turning brown ( wrap in plastic wrap so no air gets to them) so I don't need to go to the store as often

The walmart here is much better than the one we used to go to in Orlando. All walmarts there are just full of ghetto trash and I wouldn't go unarmed, ever.
Here not so bad, but we usually go shopping on like a tuesday afternoon, so maybe they are worse on the weekends
Being an old retired guy, on a fixed income, it is pretty much out of necessity and a hobby to price and product compare for the best value.. I've got the time for this, so Walmart has its place in all this for many consumables be it from TP to bananas..
Every ones needs are different..
@Steve_In_29 - Hi!

I wouldn’t buy a gun from WalMart.
LOL - I got my Colt 6920 LE from Walmart about a dozen years ago. I forgot what I paid but it was less than Bud's Guns. No complaints.

Which brings us to today...
Our only local food choices are Safeway, Walmart and Dollar General. Or a 150 mile drive to Las Vegas, which we only do about once a year now. Though I hear Aldi is building there. Can't wait!

I went shopping at WM this morning. They've been out of unsweetened tea since before the 4th. We get the $1 french bread loaves for sliders and soaking stews. All good - then, OMG! Tomatos were $1.98 a lb, basically $1.50 EACH! And baby avacados that used to be .50 cents are now .78. And are tiny, not like avacados used to be. I guess the cartels are maximizing profits.

I'd forgotten how spoiled we've been to have a 99 Cent Only store a mile from WM. It's been our "go to" for vegetables for years. You'd get a bag of 6 avacados or tomatos for a buck. Sigh. :(
We have our little amish discount store in our town, and a farmer's mkt on Friday afternoon (4 or 5 sellers). And a produce seller with her greenhouse a mile away. So that's what we get locally, so I go to the bigger town for shopping. Walmart, Aldi, and the Kroger Store is what is there. Very low crime in the bigger town, so no problems at the Walmart. Aldi is my first go to. Kroger Store is just too expensive anymore. Not worth it. Walmart for random things. We will need to go this week to Walmart because husband ordered his new glasses there. So, I'll probably get a few things that I can't get at Aldi.
I wouldn’t buy a gun from WalMart.
I have picked up several guns from Walmart. They are the same guns you can buy elsewhere but at a better price.

Iirs my first 10/22 was from a California Walmart for $99. Which decades later now looks like this...

And more recently after moving to AZ I got the Walmart specific Savage in a Boyd's AT-One stock....
Yeah buy at Wal Mart and the employees continue to eat, they employ more Americans that any other company I know of.

I wish the company was like it was when Sam Walton was still alive, but unfortunately the Public sale of any company makes it into a penny pinchers operation.

There is NO public company that is at all humanitarian except for a press release or a boost in reputation.

Remember the insurance companies of the past that were originally everyone pays the same each month and those who need to use it do, those who do not after a while get a little back.

But the investments were designed to grow the trust fund, not build a new 10 million dollar office building when the old one was just as good for the task.

When they went public the trust fund was the property of the stock holders primarily, not the policy holders as before.

They raided the trust funds and used them for investment to boost the stockholders value while scrimping and denying claims to increase dividends and entice stockholders.

The SEC allows all of these things to occur just like the microsoft, google, soros controlled media groups and facebook monopolies because they are controlled by the same swamp that controls banks etc.
Use your head and do some math.
A lot of the stuff in Wal-Mart looks the same, but is not.
This part always boiled my blood :mad::
DW picked up a bale of Charmin Ultra Strong TP at Costco, 30 rolls for $26.
She went to Sams(WM) next and saw 32 rolls of Charmin Ultra Strong for $25 and grabbed one also.
You have to know what WM does to shaft their customers. :mad:
They have manufacturers make a product to their specifications.
Their rolls are 3/8" narrower and with fewer sheets.
Enter the math guy:
Sams: 700 sq-ft for $25 = 3.57¢ per sq-ft.
Costco: 805 sq-ft for $26 = 3.25¢ per sq-ft.
Wal-Mart makes money off of stupid people; don't be one.:(
Sorry, I forgot the pic.
Charmin Ultra Strong, Wal-Mart spec, on the left...
'Real' Charmin Ultra Strong is on the right.

The roll on the left looks the same diameter as the one on the right because the cardboard tube is bigger.:mad:
Don't shop stupid. :(
Does anyone besides me get tired of hearing about the big EVIL corporations? It's common now to assume that a big company is somehow evil just because they are big & I just don't understand it. We support Mom & Pop stores, yes & you pay one hell of a surcharge to do that. Now I don't care if you want to do that but I got where I am today by leaning to shop the best deals, lower debt & for a time live on nothing & big stores like WM got me through those tough time.

WM buy a lot of stuff overseas...Oh My God how anti American. But nobody protests about our government forcing those companies to move overseas, now did they? Nor did they protest when unions forced pay raises that made it impossible to afford to make those products here.

How about those blood thirsty oil companies making so much off poor consumers? Never mind that they only make 1 to 3 cents per gallon of gas they make. And just ignore the amount of federal & state taxes on that gallon because that's the government.

Oh & how about all those 'RICH" people not paying their fair share? Total bull because they pay over half of the taxes paid in. OH but they could pay more? Sure they could but did you know that if you took their total earnings for a year (every dime) that would only run our government for about 65 days? And if they don't "earn" anything, they can't invest & create jobs can they?

I like to grip & bitch as well as the next person but you need to understand what the real cause of a problem is & gripe & bitch about that. But the sad fact is that it's much easier to not think about something & just blame whoever you want.
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We have our little amish discount store in our town, and a farmer's mkt on Friday afternoon (4 or 5 sellers). And a produce seller with her greenhouse a mile away. So that's what we get locally, so I go to the bigger town for shopping. Walmart, Aldi, and the Kroger Store is what is there. Very low crime in the bigger town, so no problems at the Walmart. Aldi is my first go to. Kroger Store is just too expensive anymore. Not worth it. Walmart for random things. We will need to go this week to Walmart because husband ordered his new glasses there. So, I'll probably get a few things that I can't get at Aldi.
I always go with a Cooler, sometimes two... Hope You do the same and Aldi is always last on Me list, Milk, Cheese n Ice Cream, finally got their Black Cherry Ice Cream :
Being an old retired guy, on a fixed income, it is pretty much out of necessity and a hobby to price and product compare for the best value.. I've got the time for this, so Walmart has its place in all this for many consumables be it from TP to bananas..
Every ones needs are different..
Have heard of using TP for ear plugs, razor cuts or nicks and cleaning Glasses(B4 Wiping), never consuming...?!?
Yep, Snowman, I go with a cooler or cold bags. It's a little bit of a drive. Haven't tried their light icecream, kinda stay away from light anything because I don't like additives, but I haven't checked the ingredients on that one. I do love their chocolate gelato, and their Moose Tracks ice cream though. We are ice cream eaters. Their dark choc bananas are good, too.
Yep, Snowman, I go with a cooler or cold bags. It's a little bit of a drive. Haven't tried their light icecream, kinda stay away from light anything because I don't like additives, but I haven't checked the ingredients on that one. I do love their chocolate gelato, and their Moose Tracks ice cream though. We are ice cream eaters. Their dark choc bananas are good, too.
Bought it just to try it, It is good... Most of the ingredients are in almost everything We eat...!!! Only way to get the Real Good Stuff is "Make it"...

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Does anyone besides me get tired of hearing about the big EVIL corporations? It's common now to assume that a big company is somehow evil just because they are big & I just don't understand it.
The reason I avoid Walmart is not because they are big. It is because they sell crappy stuff that is made to low standards, or was originally good stuff that has intentionally had its quality or value lowered to meet a cheap price point. Sometimes Walmart does sell worthwhile stuff at discount prices. Reference my post above about the Equate antacids. But by in large, in my experience, it's best to avoid a lot of the junk they sell. Even if you recognize the brand name of something on a Walmart shelf, don't trust that item to be the best example of what that brand produces. It has likely been cheapened by the manufacturer - per Walmart mandate - to be allowed in the store.
Sorry, I forgot the pic.
Charmin Ultra Strong, Wal-Mart spec, on the left...
'Real' Charmin Ultra Strong is on the right.
View attachment 157156
The roll on the left looks the same diameter as the one on the right because the cardboard tube is bigger.:mad:
Don't shop stupid. :(
Sheet size and count per roll is on the package.

I noticed my Costco TP stayed the same size per sheet but lost sheets in each roll.
We do a lot of WM order, pickup and go, it works out most times, on occasion it doesn't like getting eggs or milk two days before they expire or two broken eggs when you get home to unload. but only about twice or three times in 4 or 5 years.

As for the other stuff, I get Makers Mark from Sam's for a lot of things and have always had good luck with it.

Wal Mart plus for gas saves me about 150 dollars a year on gas.

I don't pay shipping for anything I buy from any place, If there is shipping I cancel before completing the sale unless there is no other choice to get the product.
some stuff I buy walmart brand other not. Peanut butter; walmart brand is groce, I go stock up on the Sams club peanut butter. I know same company but their peanut butter is better
I will only buy Dukes mayo, everything else has sugar in it. I don't want sugar in my mayo, makes stuff like potato salad taste just wrong
everything else I am ok with great value brand, tastes the same to me ( stuff like yogurt, milk, cheese, bread if I buy from a store, olives, pickles, sugar)

I used to think this: if walmart stuff is made in China, china can profit from it, and needs us to buy from them so they will be a friendly nation. I guess I was wrong. China did profit and they spend it on their military and now they could be a threat, and they are also now selling their stuff to other countries and getting rid of US debt, so the plan failed. They should not have imported stuff from China. They should have just increased prices in the US for stuff made in the US. Less waste, less consumerism, and less threat from China . ( but the big companies and the politicians profited)
I used to think this: if walmart stuff is made in China, china can profit from it, and needs us to buy from them so they will be a friendly nation. I guess I was wrong. China did profit and they spend it on their military and now they could be a threat, and they are also now selling their stuff to other countries and getting rid of US debt, so the plan failed. They should not have imported stuff from China. They should have just increased prices in the US for stuff made in the US. Less waste, less consumerism, and less threat from China . ( but the big companies and the politicians profited)
Trust me, China will not cut off the sugar-teat that they suckle on.
40% of their income comes from US.
They are boosting their military to protect themselves from the bad-actors that surround them and would love to break off a piece.
I have picked up several guns from Walmart. They are the same guns you can buy elsewhere but at a better price.

Iirs my first 10/22 was from a California Walmart for $99. Which decades later now looks like this...

And more recently after moving to AZ I got the Walmart specific Savage in a Boyd's AT-One stock....

The reason I avoid Walmart is not because they are big. It is because they sell crappy stuff that is made to low standards, or was originally good stuff that has intentionally had its quality or value lowered to meet a cheap price point. Sometimes Walmart does sell worthwhile stuff at discount prices. Reference my post above about the Equate antacids. But by and large, in my experience, it's best to avoid a lot of the junk they sell. Even if you recognize the brand name of something on a Walmart shelf, don't trust that item to be the best example of what that brand produces. It has likely been cheapened by the manufacturer - per Walmart mandate - to be allowed in the store.
Exactly this! I know people who have bought electronics or small kitchen appliances and even guns. When they try to follow up a warranty they are told by the company that it is an item specifically made to sell through WalMart and is a bit different than the ones you can buy through the company. Does that make any sense?
Way back in the 70's K mart was prominent. We used to refer to them as Korea mart because most of their merchandise was made in Korea. They even sold guns and ammo! I actually miss K mart. It was way better than Walley World.
I got my first 2 guns from Kmart. Marlin model 60 .22 and a H&R 20 gauge single shor