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More yard work today, it's cloudy but fairly warm outside, and low temps are in the 40s this whole week, so spring is definitely on the way, if not actually here. I saw some butterflies cruising around too, they always add a cheerful touch to the property. Birds were singing this morning, BIG-TIME... it was like a natural symphony, lol. Meh, beats hearing gunshots, ambulance & police sirens, traffic noise, honking horns, urban curses, etc. :oops:
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Looking at the weather forecast, Friday seems like a good day for a bike ride: sunny and 78 degrees here in the basin, which will put the temp somewhere around 60 in the mountains. And 78 degrees is perfect weather for the high desert, with its low humidity... so even if I don't go riding, I'll do something here in Alamo and enjoy the early spring weather. :cool:
Not too bad, a few clouds but relatively warm... good day to do that yard work. Friday looks like the best day this week for riding, so I'm looking forward to it... haven't ridden in a couple months, except for that check ride I made a while ago to see that the battery was properly charged. That foot injury I dealt with at the outset of the year was a factor, but the weather wasn't so hot anyway, might be an annual lull in the riding in January & February... unless I can swap that KLR for a lighter thumper, or even a 250cc bike, then I could ride at Red Sands OHV Area during the winter. No response yet from any of the ads I posted to swap the bike. Worst-case scenario, I'm stuck with the KLR, lol... meh, better than no bike at all. :confused:
A beautiful sunny day today. The sun on our new white snow is blinding. Snow blindness is a real thing, dontchaknow.
I have nothing but crazy climate change in my area. Cold, warm, windy, rain, sunny, snow. Can't seem to make up it's mind! Worse than my wife during menopause. Looked at the forecast for 10 days on Sunday and it showed 10 days of dry. Today it shows 10 days of rain and snow. Seriously!

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