57 and rain
We got 3.5 inches rain. Wind’s really flattened part of garden. Major thunder and lightning. Let off and 2 hours later started up again. East of us got hail. 2 members of volunteer fire department heading to a call ran into trees laying on highway during heavy wind and rain. Both survived and had surgery todayThere is/ was some BAD weather south of me and Patch, think north of you ??
That was SERIOUS SEVERE WEATHER down your way!! Watch out again tomorrow!! I always think of the first responders during bad weather! They put their personal vehicles out there to get to the fire department or police department, then take personal risks to get to those in need!!We got 3.5 inches rain. Wind’s really flattened part of garden. Major thunder and lightning. Let off and 2 hours later started up again. East of us got hail. 2 members of volunteer fire department heading to a call ran into trees laying on highway during heavy wind and rain. Both survived and had surgery today
I'd just as soon not deal with that again.Down to 61, breezy, quite a lot of clouds running today. Blue sky this morning, it was pretty and mild. Looked like it had rained last night.
@txcatlady glad it went on through and all is well for you. What about @Dani ?
@Bacpacker that sounds like it was quite an ordeal to go through. @Peanut you have a lot of severe weather hit your area. Maybe I’m in denial over here, not so sure I’d want to live where the storms and tornadoes are as frequent.
Sounds like global warming is getting to you too!!cold and wet
I looked at the forecast and it said snow for Wednesday morning. WHAT??? We are in Virginia, not North Dakota!
I had heard of all them except for the last one until last week. They had you same list on our local weather forecast one night.from tennesseehistory.org
Look, @Bacpacker I thought you were making stuff up because you like Blackberry Smoke music (the band, y'all).
Tennessee’s farming folk named other little winters for their correspondence to natural, and in one case cultural, phenomena. Here’s a list of the most common “singularities” of spring, with dates based on Middle Tennessee. The little winters occur later in the spring in the higher elevations of East Tennessee’s mountains, and earlier in much of far West Tennessee.
- Locust Winter – Some connect this little winter to when leaves start to appear on locust trees in early April, and others to when the trees bloom in May.
- Redbud Winter – Mid-March to early April, when the redbud trees bloom.
- Dogwood Winter – Mid- to late April, when the dogwood trees bloom. Often a heavy frost falls in dogwood winter.
- Blackberry Winter – Early to mid-May, when blackberries are in full bloom. In the Tennessee mountains, this often coincides with the last frost of spring, which can kill new plantings on the farm.
- Whippoorwill Winter –Mid- to late May, when the whippoorwills can first be heard in the twilight of evenings and before dawn.
- Cotton Britches Winter – Late May or early June, when the linsey-woolsey (linen and wool) pants worn in cold weather were put away and farmers changed to the light cotton pants of summer.
Well we just hit 89.0°.Good chance for severe storms this afternoon! Will be home before hopefully! At least it's finally warming up!!
We get mid 90's tomorrow and Saturday!! I'm cooking you up some thunderstorms right now!Well we just hit 89.0°.
Our 2 weeks of spring are over. @Pearl would be happy here.
I officially took off my flannel over-shirt today!
Come on 93°!!!![]()
Missed the bad weather and much needed rain! But I don't have to mow!!Not liking the weird colors of the sky. Lots of overcast, humid, 77°, was cloudy and breezy most of the day. Not expecting any crazy weather. Tomorrow will be different, they're saying. Late afternoon possibilities, then it dies down. Repeat for the weekend each day. Counties to the north along the Red River by OK are under a tornado watch tonight.