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Whew, thanks SuperV!! Plenty chilling in the freezer!!
It is far superior to water in hot weather:
1. It is much easier to drink one after another than water, which keeps you fully hydrated.
2. It allows you to pee-out the heat frequently, lowering your body temp.
3. A side-effect is, it calms your brain so you are not so agitated by the heat. :)
I wish we'd get some of that rain, this ongoing drought is stressing my pine trees... I'm watering every day too, just hangin' on and hopin' for the monsoon rains to kick in and give us some relief. Triple digits again today, it's hot out there already... but I'm done outside for now, I'm all cleaned up and sitting in the A/C, cold beer in hand. 🍺
Yep, raining again. The sun came out for a couple hours. Just long enough to turn my yard into a giant outdoor sauna. Humidity about 85%, add 90 degrees of heat... it's downright slimy outside.

But now it's raining again, temp dropped 15degrees.

Well, the poor old guy who lives in the beater RV across the lane just got carted away in an ambulance... I thought he had A/C over there, pretty sure I heard it running before, but maybe it went out, or maybe he just has some unrelated medical problem. I wouldn't wanna be in an RV without A/C in this triple-digit heat, especially since there's no shade whatsoever on that bare dirt lot. I hope the guy's gonna be okay, he's not a bad neighbor... it can't be pleasant riding a gurney and getting schlepped out to the ambulance in this heat, aye? Moi, I'm staying indoors during the heat of the day, I'm gonna go read a book and share quality time with the cats... too darned hot to do anything outdoors until this evening. 🥵
It was in the 80's yesterday and the heat drove me into the house.

Last night there was a wide thunderstorm all over the area. I heard hail hitting the house and was concerned about the garden. Interesting that the rhubarb got the worst of it, while Brussel sprouts about 20 feet away look unhurt.

Not my photo, but from someone who lives a couple miles from me.
Old guy made it back yesterday, still in the ambulance... I guess he's okay. Another scorcher today, forecast calls for a high of 101* F, but I think it might go higher. We're supposed to pick up a degree of heat every day till it hits 105* F on Monday, but it might hit 105* sooner, the way it feels. I wish this stupid heat wave would end... no rain in sight either. :(

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