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Even the car doesn’t want to be moving around! Sunny 101 earlier. It’s hot. No storms in my forecast. People in other states keep asking me how I’m doing. I’m like, fine! They’ll tell me well I see it’s in the triple digits there. I’m thinking is it? I stay inside! Seasonal depression in the summer here! 😒
Gotcha beat at 102* F, and we're going higher in the next few days, to at least 106* F... and no sign of rain yet either, ugh. I'm afraid I'm gonna lose the large pine tree near the SE corner of my lot, it's totally stressed out despite regular watering and it looks 90% dead, there's just one small patch of green needles on a lower branch. Oh, well, no need to buy firewood next winter, I already have a smaller dead tree to take out as well... meh, I may eventually wind up flipping this place and trying my luck elsewhere in an area more remote, and with more rainfall. I DO like high desert living, don't get me wrong, but this ongoing globalist-&-gubmint-orchestrated friggin' drought is gettin' ridiculous, ya know? 😒
Even the car doesn’t want to be moving around! Sunny 101 earlier. It’s hot. No storms in my forecast. People in other states keep asking me how I’m doing. I’m like, fine! They’ll tell me well I see it’s in the triple digits there. I’m thinking is it? I stay inside! Seasonal depression in the summer here! 😒
I made it to 104°!😃😃😃
Well, it finally stopped raining... sun out all day, low 90's.

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@Pearl I baled hay one august (just a few years ago) when the heat index was 112. That was bad enough, never want to do it again. Can't imagine working outside with actual temp at 114.

What's the old saying... "Only Gringos and Donkeys walk in the Midday Sun". Not in that kind of heat, people die at 116. You stay inside youngen! The rest of you tx folk too!

If I had to drive I'd put an extra cooler in my truck. Put in a few frozen bottles of water. I'd also carry extra water for my truck just in case. I keep empty antifreeze jugs in the shop just for such a purpose. Fill them with water and stash in the tool box, for exp... when I'd pull a trailer of cattle on a hot day. I don't take chances with temps over 100.
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A mailman died on someone's front yard delivering mail this past week, in Texas. Stupid laws or bills being passed that are not in favor of the workforce when it is hot. It's awful, it's wrong, inhumane. What year is this? Seems like we are going backwards.
There is still construction, road work, lawn work, landscaping going on even with all the high temps. Oh, back to the weather in my area. It sucks.
@Pearl I baled hay one august (just a few years ago) when the heat index was 112. That was bad enough, never want to do it again. Can't imagine working outside with actual temp at 114.

What's the old saying... "Only Gringos and Donkeys walk in the Midday Sun". Not in that kind of heat, people die at 116. You stay inside youngen! The rest of you tx folk too!

If I had to drive I'd put an extra cooler in my truck. Put in a few frozen bottles of water. I'd also carry extra water for my truck just in case. I keep empty antifreeze jugs in the shop just for such a purpose. Fill them with water and stash in the tool box, for exp... when I'd pull a trailer of cattle on a hot day. I don't take chances with temps over 100.
I worked outside for many years in the Texas heat, ranch work!! Never bothered me! I can't do any hard work outside for too long anymore. I definitely prefer this weather to winter 🤔😉!
I was given a used company car one summer in LA, new job. My boss said it needed to be serviced, to take it to a specific shop that handled fleet vehicles.

So I’m driving on a freeway, temps out near Riverside were over 100 degrees. This pos car ran hot and stranded me on the shoulder 3 miles from an exit. I’m wearing a white shirt/tie, had no tools, just a brief case. I was screwed!!! The asphalt was closer to 140degrees. Couldn’t sit in the car or walk in that heat. 😲

But, I noticed when I slowed and pulled over the temp gauge in the car dropped a little. I sat there a couple minutes with the engine running and watched it continue to creep down.

So, I started driving down the shoulder, it dropped a lot. To about 210 degrees, but, I had to keep it under 10 mph or it would run hot, basically at idle. So I crept down the shoulder to an exit, then it was another 10 miles on side streets! I couldn’t believe this car would run but it did so I kept driving. Stopping wasn’t a real option. Took most of a day to drop off a pos mercury sable. I think it got junked, had 70k miles, a few dents. I never saw it again, picked up a rental that day and was given a brand new car a couple weeks later.

Funny part, the rental… After talking to the office I took a taxi to the car rental agency they used. I noticed a shiny new Eldorado Cadillac sitting in front of the door. I told the guy inside I needed a car on the company account.

i said ’boss wants me to get a compact’
he said ‘sorry, out of those, how about that cadillac outside?’ (monotone voice)
i said ‘guess my boss has to pay for a midsize, got a sable or taurus?’
he said ‘nope, what about that cadillac outside?’ (monotone voice)
i asked ‘what cars do you have?’
he said ‘only have one car, that cadillac outside’ (monotone voice) 😵‍💫

I’m hot, soaked in sweat, thinking ‘idiot’!!!! why didn’t he say that at the start?:rolleyes:

That eldorado was a nice car, was delivered from the dealership that morning. The rental guy had taken it to get lunch, only had 7 miles on it. I drove it for 2100 miles, got to cruise in style for a couple weeks! 😁
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Triple-digit heat today (104* F) and throughout the coming week (forecast high of 106* F may rise). No rain in sight, just occasional clouds on the horizon... wish those goldurned monsoon rains would hurry up and get here, plants in the garden are taking a beating in this heat wave. I'm watering many plants twice a day, just to keep 'em alive until the rains get here. At least some plants are holding up well, so I'll still have plenty of squash, melons, peppers, etc. Several weed plants are doing well, but others are shriveling and dying in this heat... cooked by the sun, the plants can't take the solar abuse. 🥵
Patchouli, not mandating/allowing water breaks is unconscionable! It's not like people are going out and having a beer at the local pub. It's WATER! Sheesh. They should supply employees with camel packs and filtered water. Hydration is important.

Cooler today but still too hot for me. 98. Feels like 111. Sunny and way too hot for me. Can't even think straight if I step out in that heat.
One thing nice about the high desert, it cools off pretty quickly once the sun goes down... low of 70* F tonight, but I'll take it over the 104* F we had earlier (might have been higher, my outside thermometer read 107* F, but it might not be all that accurate). I wouldn't care so much about this heat if we had some rain, but still no rain in sight in the forecast... :(
One thing nice about the high desert, it cools off pretty quickly once the sun goes down... low of 70* F tonight, but I'll take it over the 104* F we had earlier (might have been higher, my outside thermometer read 107* F, but it might not be all that accurate). I wouldn't care so much about this heat if we had some rain, but still no rain in sight in the forecast... :(
We don't cool down at night!! 106° here today, will stay in the 80's overnight!

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