Glad everyone is safe!! Hope we hear from Zannej!!@Frodo , I think you are about 60 miles North of me. Don't recall the name of your town.
It's about over here except for maybe wind. I'll update in the morning. Stay safe!
Glad everyone is safe!! Hope we hear from Zannej!!@Frodo , I think you are about 60 miles North of me. Don't recall the name of your town.
It's about over here except for maybe wind. I'll update in the morning. Stay safe!
I've known people who built fancy homes overlooking the Knik flats and the glacier. Every couple years they had to replace the windows on their house because of being sandblasted from the sand and dust.Some of the good Mat-Su valley folks live where they can get hit by winds from both the Knik glacier and the Matanuska glacier. Sometimes at the same time. Nothing like 70-80 MPH winds coming from different directions competing with each other. About a 90 degree difference in direction, more or less depending on where one lives.
So far it’s been a nothing burger. It’s warmed up to 6 degrees from a -9 this morning and the winds are only gusting up to 15-20 mph. I hear parts of the Mat-Su are getting pounded as predicted with widespread power outages. But snug as a bug in a rug on my mountain.
Bottomed out at 24°!!Its 1am, 27°!