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Forest, wild fire smoke... A number of times while living in the far north west there were people who had moved to small towns, retired or just rich enough to move away from the big city..

The two things they would call city hall to complain about was wildlife or predators in there yards.. Either wildlife browsing there trees, and plants or predators browsing the wildlife... Also demanding someone do something about the forest fire smoke drifting through...

It would be funny, if it were funny..

The latest 10 day forecast saying temps 40/30 F.. Partly cloudy, no precipitation..
That's what I call "the magic month" :D.
Everybody likes it but the power company, because it makes their revenue nosedive.
Boo hoo!:LOL:
Another magic month for us!:woo hoo:
Power bill last month: $154 , this month: $146:oops:.
I'm stashing the money because I know I'm gonna need it next year:(.
C'mon Global Warming! Don't let me down!:D:dancing:
Another magic month for us!:woo hoo:
Power bill last month: $154 , this month: $146:oops:.
I'm stashing the money because I know I'm gonna need it next year:(.
C'mon Global Warming! Don't let me down!:D:dancing:
Our stupid electric company raised their kilowatt price, a lot! Did the math before the bill came, was 106$ MORE than it should have been! It's a co op, we members are not putting up with it!!
Our stupid electric company raised their kilowatt price, a lot! Did the math before the bill came, was 106$ MORE than it should have been! It's a co op, we members are not putting up with it!!
The most ours could get away with was tacking on a "Hurricane Rider" fee... an outrageous $1.64 per month! :oops: :LOL:.
91% humidity, 60°. At least the breeze isn't bad. It's what DW calls: "the damp chillies".
The solar patio lights are complaining: "2 days with complete overcast sux!gaah". About now, I'm glad we are not dependant on solar power :rolleyes:.
I told @Pearl not to send it, but she had already shipped it... 'no return':(
Just HAD to share!! 64°, cloudy, damp, not much wind at all!
We are enduring our 4th day in a row of ZERO sun, off & on sprinkling rain.
92% RH.
We are famous for this stuff, I mentioned a while ago why nobody down here plays with solar :rolleyes:.
This be it.:)
It has been nice here for a few days, and is supposed to continue. Opening day of firearm deer is this Wed. and it's supposed to be 59* and 60* the next day.
We are enduring our 4th day in a row of ZERO sun, off & on sprinkling rain.
92% RH.
We are famous for this stuff, I mentioned a while ago why nobody down here plays with solar :rolleyes:.
This be it.:)
I should have edited my previous post, but I'm too lazy :(.
It should say: "4th day in a row of ZERO sun, off & on sprinkling rain all damday!:mad:
I should have edited my previous post, but I'm too lazy :(.
It should say: "4th day in a row of ZERO sun, off & on sprinkling rain all damday!:mad:
Day #5 of total overcast :(. The nonstop mist-rain is adding up, .55" since midnight.:oops:
Get the boat ready!!!😮
Yeah, I just had to go and run my yapper :(...
It got it's feelings hurt and a few hours ago changed to 'real rain', 1.61" for the day:oops:.
Day #5 of total overcast :(. The nonstop mist-rain is adding up, .55" since midnight.:oops:
OMG! What is that strange huge bright light in the sky?!!!

I stopped counting after 5 days, but about a week straight of total overcast days.
A comfy 78° today :D:woo hoo:.

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