I remember having the doors and windows open hoping for a breeze. Or having class outside on the schools lawn under the oak trees.
90'shot and dry around here. We need rain pretty bad.
Thanks BacP it sure would be nice to have some good heavy rain. It is so hot outside now too we in a heat wave like most of the south now.Those conditions look bad. My cusion lives just north of Jacksonville. Said it was very smoky around her place. Hopefully you'll get rain soon, and plenty of it.
It was almost cold this morning. I had to turn on the heater on the bus this morning. We've never made it to the last month of school without 100°+ temps. Its only 77° right now. Only supposed to be up to 82° tomorrow. There are usually pool parties the last week but not this year.
Had two tornados touch down last about 25 miles away from me.
Air is heavy again today.
Have another thunderstorm coming in as we speak.
We are waterlogged in my neck of the woods.
Flash flooding, regular flooding, thunderstorms, tornados all been happening this week.
Got a couple of farmers friends thinking about trying to grow rice.
Not having much luck this year with wheat, corn or barley.
Might as well use all this water for something like rice.
Raining here this evening. Over an inch since 6pm. The weatherman says we will get 3-5 inches over the weekend.
We need the rain badly, the garden had about dried up. Dad began hauling tanks of water in about a week ago.