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Has Rainmageddon turned into a nothing-burger for East Texas today? I got about a 3 minute shower yesterday evening and it has just started to BARELY sprinkle this morning. Supposed to last through about noon with a "possible sprinkle" tomorrow.

I'm good with rain showers until noon and then cloud cover for a day or so...
Has Rainmageddon turned into a nothing-burger for East Texas today? I got about a 3 minute shower yesterday evening and it has just started to BARELY sprinkle this morning. Supposed to last through about noon with a "possible sprinkle" tomorrow.

I'm good with rain showers until noon and then cloud cover for a day or so...
Guess the big tropical thingy went west! Looks dry up my way today!🌞
Yep, but they hyped that thing up! I was in a Texas Division meeting online yesterday for work and THEY were warning us to "have plenty of food and water" and be prepared if the power goes out or if there is flooding.

and... check.
Guess the big tropical thingy went west! Looks dry up my way today!🌞
Saw it on radar.
Mexico outbid y'all. :(
I guess they accept pesos! :LOL:
Well so far today our weather is NORMAL. There was a storm that swept through the lower part of Texas & should have hit here last night. Nope, it came in here about 6am. I loved seeing it on radar & the projection of a lot of rain covering 60 miles. We have another "wave" of it coming through in an hour or so. Are we under water, nope. Did we get any Texas size drops, nope. So what happened? Well parts of my yard are damp & maybe there's a half of a cup more water in my rain barrels. At least it's not hot yet & it is kind of dark so maybe it will only get to 90 degrees today.
sweating- Fahrenheit

ya know its bad when between your fingers stay so damp its like athletes foot on a couple of them from constant wetness....swampass and monkey butt has arrived ...lol

6 months from now i can complain about 0 degrees and icicle dingle berries !!
There's a tropical system moving toward the east coast of Florida.
No rain yet at noon Friday, but it's supposed to start later today and last until next Tuesday.
The good thing about the cloud cover is instead of high 90's it's only 87 right now.

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