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Working as usual.

We did have a good meeting with our host hotel yesterday. Our event is already larger than last year so we are very excited for it.
27 days and counting.
Woke up early and did some yard work...per the Sergeant Majors commands.

Then she treated us to lunch at the local pub called Drake Tavern...in Jenkintown, PA


I had a huge Turkey Club and 2 different craft beers...and she had a open face sliced Turkey platter with Mashed Potato's and Gravy.

Good Stuff...!!

...Then I came back and logged on here !!

Lunch @ 1600 and change... !?

Well...do it while you're young Brother.

That way you can retire young...like me !!


Finished prepping the last of the guns for an outing to the range tomorrow.
KT RFB-24, 7.62x51
Norinco AK, 7.62x39
Inland 30 carbine
AO 30 carbine
KT KSG, 12-gauge
Cobray M-11/9, 9mm
Ithica model 37, 12-gauge

Should keep us busy for a while:rolleyes:.
Sledge Hammered one block of concrete that was pushed up by a tree root in front of the main steps to the wrap around porch main door.

Took an axe to the tree root that had pushed it up.

Placed a thin wood form around the hole...bedded it with sand and stone...then poured in freshly mixed Quikrete.

Also replaced a few EP Henry pavers off the side of the porch.

Marveled at the fine job I did and had a beer... :rolleyes:

Then I had a light lunch and logged in here...

Good morning Guys,
I only have a half a day of work today.
Going to pick up the dogs afterwards and heading to the lake house for two days of R&R. Might get in some crappie and white bass fishing.

Meeting up with my buddies at the range...then afterwards, grab some food and beers.

Always a BLAST !!

Made breakfast...did some yard work and cleaned the grill...had lunch...then logged on to my favorite forum !!

Woke up and policed the area of all the sticks and branches that fell during the rain storm early this morning...

The rain beating on the windows and roof sounded worst than it was...and now I got plenty of wood for a blazing campfire !!

Went down to the Post Office to pick up the genuine Sambar Stag Grips for my Colt SAA I had sent to me by a friend on another forum...if they fit, they are mine !!

He had them fitted on his 1998 Gen3...my Peacemaker was gifted to me by the Wife at my Retirement Party in 2008. They should fit but it can be iffy.

Pics to follow...

Currently she wears the original Gutta Percha ( a tree sap based hard plastic from the East Indies ) black grips she came with...



Sambar Stag Grips now fitted...


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Thanks Taz...

She's the pride and joy of my collection...

But, first and foremost... a shooter !!

( No Safe Queens allowed in my vaults )

Went to the Commencement Ceremony at La Salle University and watched my Daughter receive her PhD Diploma in Psychology.

My Pride & Joy...

Right there with ya brother. Our youngest will be receiving his PhD in Computer Science in August!

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