What Are You Having For Dinner

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Ribeye steaks with my son at a local family-owned restaurant.

He put me to shame! He cleaned his plate...every last bit of steak disappeared!...totally clean plate.

Me?...I had a few unedible, unchewable pieces, so I had a little pile at the end sitting on the edge of my plate. Of course, he took the opportunity to rib me (so to speak) about my squeamishness with a little fat. :D

Usually I am the one giving trouble to my "delicate" children who can't stand a little fat on their steak. I think this particular son will turn out ok. :)

He had a better cut of meat......That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)
BBQ'd chicken legs (with green beans and fresh strawberries...and an Italian nebbiolo wine for me...perfect for BBQ).

Kind of funny. Son comes home from college (same one mentioned in the post above). One of his friends at college apparently had a "specialty" of grilling chicken legs. So, the wife bought chicken legs, and he and I grilled them tonight out on our deck. Great father-son time, and a spectactular meal. We will be doing this again.

So interesting when your kids grow up. His older sister loved hand held foods when she was, what, 5 years old? So, we made chicken legs and lamb chops...and because she could hold them, she would devour them. Him? He never liked to get his fingers "dirty" as a kid...at least at the dinner table...very persnickity at the dinner table. Times have changed. He's a total outdoor kid now. As I say, fun to watch your kids grow up.
We had leftover shrimp boil. We improvised some chipotle sauce and made taco wrap thingys. It was really good.
Grilled some chicken thighs tonight. Normally I cook the boneless, skinless ones. But due to my lack of attention at the grocery store, I ended up with ones with bones and skin. Wow, did these come off the grill great! I guess maybe the bone and skin gave them added flavor? Makes sense, since I prefer bone-in rib-eye steaks and pork chops. Caesar salad and air fryer green beans as sides.

The embarrassing part was the cherry pie. That thing had the shortest lifespan of any pie that I've ever seen. From conception to totally gone in about four hours. And it was just me, my wife and our son eating on it. I hadn't even started cooking dinner yet when I noticed the poor thing had already been assaulted with spoons and ice cream. There was enough left for dessert after dinner, but just barely.

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