What Are You Having For Dinner

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Since I was in town today… nothing like a meat n 3 in the south for lunch… Deep fried porkchop was excellent, tender and juicy on the inside, a crunchy lite batter with very little oil on the outside. The fried squash was great. Black eyed peas, well, they are black eyed peas, a splash or two of pepper sauce perks them right up. The cornbread leaned toward old school, fine by me anytime. The sweet tea was first rate. The nanner puddin was seriously lacking, not one slice of banana in a serving that size… shame on them! :( It didn't have calf slobber on top so that was a plus.

Last night I thawed out enough pulled pork for a sandwich. Little did I know that my neighbor spent yesterday smoking two pork butts. Just as I was finishing supper he dropped by with almost 3 pounds of pulled pork (gave some to the folks)… Tonight I had an excellent smoked pork sandwich… added a couple of deviled eggs n jalapeno chips. :)

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Since I have smoked pork to eat or vacuum seal my dinner is going to last all day. Toasted burger bun bottom with a little mayo to keep it from getting soggy. A handful of smoked pork covered with a sunnyside egg and sprinkled with ground cayenne and jalapeno I grew and dried.

Dessert was fresh strawberries and blueberries with a little sourcream... yummy!

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I am having beef and brocolli and my wife is having shrimp. I rarely fix two different meals but once in a while I do it just to keep her off balance. For dessert she has a fresh batch of the "only real cookie in the world" that I made for her while she was sleeping. When she got up she said I was evil and I replied, "more so than you know." About three minutes later she found the two bags of miniature Mars bars that I placed next to her coke. She repeated that I was really evil. At least I know she knows me. :heart::woo hoo::cool:
Tonight was an open faced smoked pork sandwich with deviled eggs and field peas. For dessert was a big piece of cherry pie.

Puzzled, for decades I rarely ate desserts, maybe a little piece of cake on my birthday or a piece of pecan pie at christmas. The last few months I can't pass a good produce section without getting a watermelon, blueberries, strawberries or any sweet veggie or fruit. I haven't had an orange in decades. I found the most yummy oranges not long ago, they aren't navel oranges like I usually see this time of year. I'm not sure of the type but now my produce drawer is full of them.

Same for the bakery, I have to get a small pie or big piece of cake. What gives? :dunno:
You're just craving the good stuff, Peanut.
Last night we had barbeque take out at the hotel. The delivery guy didn't speak English. I think he was Nigerian. He wouldn't bring it up, I had to go outside of the lobby. But the pulled pork was great, and the banana pudding was excellent. Had lots of bananas.
Tonight was takeout pizza. Got home too late to cook.
Slow cooker fried rice.

I had a lot of small packets of sliced frozen pork roast that was too fatty but was perfect for fried rice.
They are also taking up freezer space.
I boiled the rice yesterday and washed and drained it really well and then spread it out on a tray in the fridge overnight to dry out.

I've got tooany little bags of food in the freezer and they need to be used up.
It's been ages since I did a freezer audit so I have no clue what's on there anymore except the fact that I have my Christmas lamb roast in there........somewhere.
The joys of having a large chest freezer and being 5'2.
Kids cooking night. Seasoned pork loin, beets with lemon, olive oil and spring onions; fresh green beans, and fruit. They are tired of our low carb diet. But happy when they saw gyros on the menu for tomorrow night. But sad when I told them the meat, sauce, and tomatoes with be wrapped in lettuce leaves. No pita.
Last night was dinner in town. I had my favorite baked steak, mushroom and cheese sub. I had just bought 2lbs of scuppernongs at the market so that was my dessert!

Tonight I fried up an big catfish fillet had a nice salad with it. For dessert... scuppernongs, nice and cold from the fridge! Yummy! :)
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