What are you paying for gas?

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Many do. Its usually caused by bad injectors. But black smoke is a good indicator of someone burning off road diesel. A dip test will prove it one way or another.

The fastest emptying I ever saw at the cattle auction was when the troopers started dipping tanks. That place emptied quick! Usually the little restaurant inside is packed after the sale but not that day.
In some places cops will park at the bottom of a steep grade and watch for black smoke coming out of motor homes and pickup trucks. Black smoke usually means that they're cheating and using off-road diesel. I hope they fine the hell out of these people. Off-road diesel is meant for use in tractors, farm equipment and off-road construction equipment only. Its cheaper because there's no road tax added. If too many people cheat the system they'll end up ruining it for those of us that have a legitimate use for it.
The red dye in off-road diesel doesn't change the color of the exhaust. The black smoke is due to excessive amounts of fuel being injected into the engine. If the vehicle is heavy or pulling a heavy load you will notice black smoke upon acceleration or when climbing a steep grade. But, usually the excess black smoke on newer vehicles is due to performance enhancements and computer modifications.
The red dye in off-road diesel doesn't change the color of the exhaust. The black smoke is due to excessive amounts of fuel being injected into the engine. If the vehicle is heavy or pulling a heavy load you will notice black smoke upon acceleration or when climbing a steep grade. But, usually the excess black smoke on newer vehicles is due to performance enhancements and computer modifications.
Maybe. But it still gives the cops an excuse to pull them over and dip the tank.
Kinda shocked today. Couple stations dropped prices .04. One other dropped a dime down to 3.99
Rotated the gas in all the hurricane gas jugs.
Filled them all up, and the pickup truck.
Good quality Exxon regular = $4.19 :thumbs: (it has been as much as $4.39😳).
But homey knows that the cheap stuff doesn't sleep well for months and months:(.
p.s. The truck was down to 1/2 tank. Last time I put gas in it was 7 months ago. 😳
Someone tried to peel a Biden "I did that" sticker off of the gas pump near us. Ha ha aha. But we all know what it is.

Still holding at $4.39 in NY

My dad mentioned that prices might bounce up and down a few cents for a bit.
I hope they fine the hell out of these people. Off-road diesel is meant for use in tractors, farm equipment and off-road construction equipment only. Its cheaper because there's no road tax added. If too many people cheat the system they'll end up ruining it for those of us that have a legitimate use for it.
So just pay the man any tax he chooses to take? How much exactly of that added tax goes to road repair? Very little, I'd bet. I spent years in California enduring their extra $1.50 gas tax...the libs always justified it as necessary for road projects and the right thing to do, be patriotic, pay your taxes, all you sheep. Only to find out that a majority of that money went to homeless/illegals/ pet lefty projects. It's easily taken and hard to account for. I hope your people continue to F the government.......
gas joke.jpg
It's been going up here in Southern Oregon, last price we paid was $4.29, and this is at a station that is generally one of the lower priced stations around. Thankfully our 2005 Sienna gets very good milage and runs good on 10% ethanol which the 98 Windstar couldn't stand, yeah for Toyota!!!

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