What Was Your Favorite Toy as a Kid?

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I had cowboy guns when I was young. We always wanted to play cowboys and Indians, but nobody wanted to be an Indian. Everyone wanted to be Roy Rogers or the Lone Ranger.

That evolved into a Daisy BB gun, but you never went anywhere without riding your bike with your baseball glove on the handle bars. We were always looking for a baseball game.
I had cowboy guns when I was young. We always wanted to play cowboys and Indians, but nobody wanted to be an Indian. Everyone wanted to be Roy Rogers or the Lone Ranger.

That evolved into a Daisy BB gun, but you never went anywhere without riding your bike with your baseball glove on the handle bars. We were always looking for a baseball game.
I did the same things. Were your cowboy guns cap guns? Mine were. Yes, Daisy BB guns were a very popular thing in the 1950s. The city didn't like them because they were CONSTANTLY changing the busted street lights....but it wasn't me! Honest! <GRIP>
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Were you cowboy guns cap guns?

Absolutely!! When we couldn't shoot them off in a gun we would hit them with a rock or a hammer on the sidewalk.
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I played with those too. Did you ever tie some paper or rags to the front of an arrow, lit them on fire and shoot it into a field to lite a fire? That was fun?
Me and a buddy would play chicken with our bows. We'd stand about 100 feet apart and shoot the arrow straight up in the air and see how close we could get the other one. We'd flip a coin to see who would stand with the sun in our eyes, making it hard to see the arrow. I guess it was our version of lawn darts.
Some of the simple toys were marbles, barbies, and hotwheels. One year I got a remote controlled tank from Radio Shack for Christmas. It would only turn one way when the remote was clicked but I loved that toy. Oh, how far we've come. But back then it was almost like magic to control a tank without touching it.

I also had one of those cheap helicopters that sat on a pedistal handle with a string wrapped around the bottom of the helicopter that threaded into the prop. When you pulled the string and pushed the base up in the air it would fly on it's own until gravity brough it back to earth. If you got a nice windy day, that thing would travel. I also put together rocket kits and between chasing the helocopter and the rockets, I got some exercise......and didn't even know it!

And who could forget the Atari? That was awesome but I'm so glad those games were short compared to the stuff they have out now. We didn't spend hours upon hours in front of the TV with it. I'm not sure if my attention span was too short for it or if my parents wouldn't allow it. Eitther way, it was a blessing. But I still have fond memories of the sights and sound of the Atari.
The Vertibird helicopter toy!


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