What's everybody doing today?

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Taking little granddaughter to school, going back an hr later for awards. Last day of school today, and the bus driver that takes them home is taking them all to get an ice cream cone when school gets out half day today.
Husband has rehab pt appts this afternoon, so I'll probably do the Aldi shopping after lunch.
Taking little granddaughter to school, going back an hr later for awards. Last day of school today, and the bus driver that takes them home is taking them all to get an ice cream cone when school gets out half day today.
Husband has rehab pt appts this afternoon, so I'll probably do the Aldi shopping after lunch.
The unofficial start of summer, last day of school!!😊
Yep! It's a half day, but dragging the twins butts out of bed this morning is interesting.....granddaughter just woke up, she was out till midnight last night at a regional baseball tournament her boyfriend played in. I heard grandson's alarm go off 20 min ago, but no movement up there. The deal is, if they miss the bus then they stay home and do chores. I won't drive them the 20 minutes to school. Grandson starts work already tomorrow. I bought him a small icechest for his lunch and a gallon water bottle to bring to the fields he's working tomorrow. He'll be field walking all day with other boys, pulling out weeds before harvest.
Yesterday we went to the big city for a final stock up. We needed paint and lots of it. The price of paint is nuts now.

The new paint cans have plastic lids. The plastic lids do not stay on very well in the paint shaker. We watched three of them come out exploded. What a mess. Then the seal cracked on a five gallon bucket during shaking. Probably lost about a gallon. At 82.00 a gallon they lost a lot of money on that paint. They put every thing in bags and gave it to us plus all the paint that survived intact, and the replacement paint, at 50% off because of the mess.
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The AC decided to slow down yesterday, it didn't stop, it just didn't cool. Friday we are expecting our first 90+F day so I have a repairman coming out tomorrow...

The wife does not like temperature swings (+/- 4F is about her limit) and 72F is her sweet spot, 68F is okay in winter but in the summer once the house hits 75 she is sick....
Yesterday we went to the big city for a final stock up. We needed paint and lots of it. The price if paint is nuts now.
Me no unersand "final stock up" - wassa dat? 😂 I pulled an @Amish Heart and filled a cart this morning before work. Found a good buy on bacon, 1 lb 6 oz thick cut for 5.99 which is better than 12-14 oz for $4+.
I'm finally feeling like I'm catching up at work for the most part.
@Pearl can't believe your triple digits already. We are at 52* and pouring down rain which is absolutely beautiful to me and my happy garden.
@UrbanHunter Hope it's a simple fix.
Yes! Wise investment! The stuff I bought a year ago is twice as much today! Savings accts don't pay double. Always fill a cart (or a shelf) just because you still can!
Well, plans changed. Husband was on his scooter out by the road, and a dog came in our yard to check out our dogs, and a dog fight was starting, and he zoomed over to him and rolled his scooter and fell out of it on the grass. His shoulder hurts. So we will be going in to see the doc in the bigger town in an hr or so, and then to Aldi after that. My cousin was happening to be hauling a few cows down our road and found him out of the scooter. I was in the milkhouse moving baby chicks. So getting him up with his shoulder hurting was no easy task. He weighs close to 300#. Had lunch on the porch. Husband asked for the BB gun and he shot at the dog until it left. We tried going up to it nicely, but it growled. Don't know where it belongs, has a collar, no tags. I thought I knew all the farm dogs in the area. Glad it's gone. So are our dogs.
Raining today. Laid up on the couch thinking of all the things I need to be doing, if only my back wasn't hurting so bad. Man I'm too young for this!
Been talking back and forth with my younger brother, I think he's finally seeing the light to get the heck out of CA and move up our way.
Me no unersand "final stock up" - wassa dat? 😂 I pulled an @Amish Heart and filled a cart this morning before work. Found a good buy on bacon, 1 lb 6 oz thick cut for 5.99 which is better than 12-14 oz for $4+.

Final stock up means that prices have reached the point of beyond excessive. I am now into replacement only. I have purchased everything I consider necessary, in spades, and the rest no longer matters. I live far enough from town that the cost of going there outweighs any possible savings.

I have what is needed for the foreseeable future and a whole lot more. I am going to close up shop and live in my own little world until they come for my cold dead body.
Just stopping to check in. Staying so busy with garden, canning and dehydrating that I don't know which end is up! And getting ready for daughter and her son coming next Wednesday and, and, and.

Still walking almost every day and getting lots of steps and miles!

I will try to catch up reading when I can. Am supposed to have a cake in the oven for tomorrow's senior club and I don't yet!
Just stopping to check in. Staying so busy with garden, canning and dehydrating that I don't know which end is up! And getting ready for daughter and her son coming next Wednesday and, and, and.

Still walking almost every day and getting lots of steps and miles!

I will try to catch up reading when I can. Am supposed to have a cake in the oven for tomorrow's senior club and I don't yet!
Just make sure you check in, always good to know you are ok!!
Final stock up means that prices have reached the point of beyond excessive. I am now into replacement only. I have purchased everything I consider necessary, in spades, and the rest no longer matters. I live far enough from town that the cost of going there outweighs any possible savings.

I have what is needed for the foreseeable future and a whole lot more. I am going to close up shop and live in my own little world until they come for my cold dead body.
My Hero!
The Princess wants to replace some stuff she planted on the in front of the house (she claims to be innocent) years ago with creeping thyme. So after 32AH of 20V batteries that and the rest of the place has been whacked.

I have neglecting the whacking and it has made my weeding work harder.

I'm about to log on for a meeting with my county extension service agent. It looks like I'm gonna be planting outdoors tonight. We have a little plant swap that started when our little neighbor boy started asking about my flowers and then another neighbor saw what was going on and gave us some irises, so we gave her some of our yellow irises, then she came over with gardenia, Lantana, goldenrod, wood sorrel, and we think obedient plant (I know, not so obedient but can be contained as one of my cradles at the cemetery where I volunteer has it. I'm thinking put it in a bucket until we get a better container in place).

And in return for that we will give her an amaryllis, peonies, maybe a mandevilla and a tomato.
Well, the AC must know the repair man is on his way, it worked fine today.

When it stopped blowing cold last night I assumed that the coils were iced over, so I turned the cold part off and ran just the blower for a few hours, then in the middle of the night, I turned it back on to AC and it has been working fine. My thinking is that it is just a tad bit low on refrigerant, and that made the evaporator operate at too low a temperature, which resulted in an ice-clogged condition over the main coils and no cold air blowing... I'm hoping that it's a quick fix and we can be back to 100% before the real summer heat arrives.
The temp swings make me sick too. So far we've bounced between 40 and 87, then 70 and 30; now today was 50 but tomorrow is supposed to be 82. I was desperately trying to take the insulation down in the greenhouse during the first hot day since it suddenly skyrocketed to 115 in there and I got so hot it made me sick and I'm just not getting over it. Tried to work in the garden when it was 80 and just couldn't take the sun, had to go inside. Did manage to wash the outsides of the windows and get the screens in, at least.
So doc is suspecting a torn rotator cuff on husband's right shoulder. MRI in a few days. At least he didn't break anything. Spent a while there, and then off to Aldi to fill a cart. They did not have any of their advertised specials. Bummer. Grandson rototilled the part of the garden I haven't planted yet, so it's ready to go.
Husband and son cut up a huge walnut tree son cut down a while ago in the pasture. It's in a very steep section so it was scary driving the Ranger up there to load the pieces and take them to the wood shed. I did the driving and helped with the loading. We'll burn this in about a week or 2 when it's really cold in winter.

Started trimming sheep hoofs . Somehow I skipped them last time and now they are very long, and the sheep don't like having anything done to them. Goats are much easier, all you need to do is feed them and they will just stand there and hold still. The sheep won't eat and act like they will have a heart attack any minute now. Good thing we don't have that many sheep...

Took the goats free ranging behind the house will post photo when I download it

Weeded the gardens some. They are growing faster than my little plants
So doc is suspecting a torn rotator cuff on husband's right shoulder. MRI in a few days. At least he didn't break anything. Spent a while there, and then off to Aldi to fill a cart. They did not have any of their advertised specials. Bummer. Grandson rototilled the part of the garden I haven't planted yet, so it's ready to go.
That sucks AH. Wife had one RC surgery that went well. Tried to do the second and the sewing wouldn't hold. Nerve damage had deteriorated it way to bad. Had to get a artifical joint. That one is no better than half what it used to be. But it got her out of pain so much.
I pray his isn't torn and just will heal up without surgery
Husband and son cut up a huge walnut tree son cut down a while ago in the pasture. It's in a very steep section so it was scary driving the Ranger up there to load the pieces and take them to the wood shed. I did the driving and helped with the loading. We'll burn this in about a week or 2 when it's really cold in winter.

Started trimming sheep hoofs . Somehow I skipped them last time and now they are very long, and the sheep don't like having anything done to them. Goats are much easier, all you need to do is feed them and they will just stand there and hold still. The sheep won't eat and act like they will have a heart attack any minute now. Good thing we don't have that many sheep...

Took the goats free ranging behind the house will post photo when I download it

Weeded the gardens some. They are growing faster than my little plants
We ended up with some walnut wood a few years back. We liked it at night since it was warm and held the fire through the night. You are of course a tad chillier than we were ;)
So doc is suspecting a torn rotator cuff on husband's right shoulder. MRI in a few days. At least he didn't break anything. Spent a while there, and then off to Aldi to fill a cart. They did not have any of their advertised specials. Bummer. Grandson rototilled the part of the garden I haven't planted yet, so it's ready to go.

I'd prefer a break.
I had rotator cuff, 3 bone spurs and torn tendon repair in 2015. I waited from August to March to have surgery. Dumb on my part. Best thing is that he fixed it all and no more pain. Still can’t serve a volleyball or throw softball overhand. Play like a 68 year old girl now. No more pain. We are still searching for the escaped convict. Day 6 of blocked roads, TDCJ guards every 25-50 yards on all roads,dogs, horses, DPS helicopter with heat sensor, local Sheriffs office and surrounding counties assisting in search. Multiple agencies cruising up and down all roads. Hopefully he will be in a body bag soon
The temp swings make me sick too. So far we've bounced between 40 and 87, then 70 and 30; now today was 50 but tomorrow is supposed to be 82. I was desperately trying to take the insulation down in the greenhouse during the first hot day since it suddenly skyrocketed to 115 in there and I got so hot it made me sick and I'm just not getting over it. Tried to work in the garden when it was 80 and just couldn't take the sun, had to go inside. Did manage to wash the outsides of the windows and get the screens in, at least.
My raised beds have "lids" that make them act like little green houses and I too have measured 20+ degree temps above what is outside when the sun hits them. When the temperatures are swing above 75F I find myself opening and closing them way more than I like. This year I am going to add a layer of bug screen under the plastic thermal layer. I'm hoping it will buy me some flexibility. We are expecting our first 90+ day and my winter spinach has already bolted. I may plant some more in a heavily shaded area to get 1 more crop in before summer sets in. Growing up in the desert, I prefer to work outside in the very early mornings and the last 2 hours before sunset.

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