What's everybody doing today?

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I'm taking a break, it's hot outside. I am trying to document building 1 of my raised bed lids and gathering and organizing everything made me late, it was over 100F by the time I actually started "working" on the lid.... I had made 3 kits, but it has become clear to me after I finish the first one I will be done for the day, at least outside.... I think I'll eat a cookie and drink a soda ;)
100* today!? Our high was 53*. I came inside because I was getting cold. Hubby got snowed on up the mountain this morning.
Too cold to deal with the marker lights on the trailer. I did get the one changed that I had taken off so that is one less to do when it warms up a bit. The putty that I put under/around the edges to seal it was breaking because it wasn't warm enough to be flexible. Hubby went up clearing trail. On his way back down (on his motorbike) there was a cop stuck, slid of the road and was high centered. Turns out it was a friend of mine. They'd actually met a long time ago but it had been long enough neither remembered the other until names were said. She called me to tell me she was very appreciative for my husband, he's pretty handy and that I should keep him around. Hubby is whooped! They were digging in slick clay-like plaster mud. I said I was surprised she got stuck. She was raised in the mountains and knows how to drive and isn't stupid. He said there was nothing she could have done - the road was that bad.
I got a few things marked off my list inside. Tried to weed a little outside, but was too cold.
Haven't felt the cold in about a month. Hot wind here, every day. It did stop blowing around dinnertime. About the time we barbequed, so that was good. Neighbor's guinea killing dog got loose, snapped the cable. It was an old cable I gave them, and was hoping that they'd replace it by now. Granddaughter picked up the dog and brought it back, knocked on the door, and they did answer. Didn't know where their son (levi) was at all, the mom was yelling for him to deal with the dog. Their daughter came out and put the dog in a kennel. Caught her before she killed anything.
Ive had them before, he challenges me he will get kicked all the way across the run.
Every time I try that, the little SOBs jump up in the air just enough that my timing is off and the kick doesn't do much to them. However, golf clubs tend to have a much greater effect on them. Just sayin'...
I've been known to carry a heavy pot around a mean rooster. Get it over his head, take the head to the ground, and start yelling at him. Pretty soon, all you have to do is carry the pot. Or yell a little bit. One particularly mean rooster we had, he was insanely crazy, would not know what to do if you put a garbage can over him. We ended up eating him.
Took my daughter out to the lake this afternoon. The wind was gusting up to about 40 mph so the crappies, bass, and bluegills didn't bite much. I did catch one nice 'gill and a bass so tiny I could have used him for bait. We caught several gold colored rough fish of some sort. Looked like gold shiners. We've never caught those in this lake before. Also there were hundreds and hundreds of threadfin shad along the shoreline, which is a very bad sign for the lake. There were so many that my daughter was able to wade in and catch them with her bare hands. About 12 years ago the DNR killed the whole lake to get rid of them because the shad destroyed the fishing for the good species and it took several years of stocking to rebuild the fishery.
Have walked every day, recently.

Family is still here. Went to Salvage grocery store yesterday. Only go there about once a year as it is not close. Only spent $67 including a case of quart jars for $10.

Had to prep and make dog food yesterday as we are about out, so pressure canning it today.

Going to dinner later!

The garden is going crazy! Lots of squash--different types, okra, tomatoes.
sugar peas,
and one sugar pea plant! LOL Volunteer from 2018 garden I guess. Haven't planted them since.
Well, the new sprinkler heads we bought last week are no where to be found. I thought since they were not in or around the house they were still in the GF's car but she came home late last night and I checked this morning and I don't see them. Oh Well, maybe next week.
GF has one day home today then she and her kids are off for a week vacation. I see a nothing productive day in my future.
Fumigating and drowning my joggers because they've been outside for 4 days.

Firstly the fact that the crackheads haven't helped themselves and they're still on the front step is nothing short of a amazing.
Secondly here in the tropics, if you want to live a long happy life you don't shove your feet into shoes that have been out over night. Some of our awesome Aussie wildlife are small enough to fit into a shoe and call it home. Some of that wildlife packs a real punch.

So, time to fill a large bucket of water and drown my shoes and make sure they are weighed down with a couple of bricks.

:pI had contemplated nuking them from space....maybe I'd get the nuclear football if I called them Russian spiders.:p:p
Got a late start at spring cleaning.
I can relate. Doing something similar here. For too long we've held on to things that "might be useful" some day. We need to set the bar higher as to what qualifies for that designation. Otherwise we'll have too much unorganized stuff preventing us from finding the items that really are useful.
Fumigating and drowning my joggers because they've been outside for 4 days.

Firstly the fact that the crackheads haven't helped themselves and they're still on the front step is nothing short of a amazing.
Secondly here in the tropics, if you want to live a long happy life you don't shove your feet into shoes that have been out over night. Some of our awesome Aussie wildlife are small enough to fit into a shoe and call it home. Some of that wildlife packs a real punch.

So, time to fill a large bucket of water and drown my shoes and make sure they are weighed down with a couple of bricks.

:pI had contemplated nuking them from space....maybe I'd get the nuclear football if I called them Russian spiders.:p:p
I always check my shoes for scorpions and spiders!😮
Took my daughter to the mall in Ames. She wanted a new pair of denim shorts for summer - she only had one pair that fits. We found a pretty good deal on a pair from an expensive brand that she likes, for only $16. They're a bit short for my tastes - she's my teen daughter, and ankle length is too short for me - but she likes them and her butt isn't hanging out so I guess they're OK.

Afterward we went to B-Bops, which is a burger chain here in Central Iowa. They have the best fries in the world and their burgers are the next best thing to In 'n' Out. Then we hit a store called Main Street Magic which sells board games. We were looking for a cooperative game, but didn't find one that sounded good. They have a kitty that lives in the store there and it decided it likes my daughter:

We finished the day with a drive through The Ledges and now we're just chilling at home...
Took my daughter to the mall in Ames. She wanted a new pair of denim shorts for summer - she only had one pair that fits. We found a pretty good deal on a pair from an expensive brand that she likes, for only $16. They're a bit short for my tastes - she's my teen daughter, and ankle length is too short for me - but she likes them and her butt isn't hanging out so I guess they're OK.

Afterward we went to B-Bops, which is a burger chain here in Central Iowa. They have the best fries in the world and their burgers are the next best thing to In 'n' Out. Then we hit a store called Main Street Magic which sells board games. We were looking for a cooperative game, but didn't find one that sounded good. They have a kitty that lives in the store there and it decided it likes my daughter:
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We finished the day with a drive through The Ledges and now we're just chilling at home...
Do you two play cribbage?
No, she likes cooperative board games because they have a goal to work towards. Cribbage is kind of an "old people's game". 😁 She likes most board games, but we've kind of played all of ours out...
Guess I didn't know what a cooperative board game was. Haven't played any since parcheesi with my kids when they were 8-10ish. You could just teach her poker. I remember my uncle giving my mom an earful when I was 6 because I didn't know how to play poker. I got to learn right then and there. ;)
You suppose that lion was trying to hack up a hairball? :rolleyes:

Epic board games of pure strategy:




Friends & I developed custom rules for PLOY & FEUDAL, made the games even better, but TWIXT is such a CLASSIC that it can't be improved, lol. No dice or cards in these games, just pure strategy... :oops:

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