What's everybody doing today?

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She's a beauty! And don't you love how quiet it is to sew with them, just barely the bobbin turning. 😁

If mine are on earlier, I'll let you know. A few of the plants are about a foot tall. A couple smaller, but I think I need to amend the soil on the high corner of the little plot they are in.
@DrJenner & @snappy1 You two need to get some sleep. And @UrbanHunter too. You have to take care of yourself so you can continue to take care of others 💕 Aren't you glad I'm here to be your mom (heehee)

Worked today. Gorgeous out. I've been trying to get some weeding done each day so that later in the season it's not so bad. We'll see how it goes. It's supposed to thunder and rain for the next few days.

Thank you. I sure do. She does have a bit of a sound that's well, different from an electric one but my mom learned to sew on an old Brunswick treadle (National?) and she said it was nothing to be alarmed over. It's funny how I have friends who sew on more modern machines, and when I show them video of me sewing on my old girl, they go into panic mode.
Thank you. I sure do. She does have a bit of a sound that's well, different from an electric one but my mom learned to sew on an old Brunswick treadle (National?) and she said it was nothing to be alarmed over. It's funny how I have friends who sew on more modern machines, and when I show them video of me sewing on my old girl, they go into panic mode.
That's funny. I have my great grandmother's. I think they are still the best for people to learn on. They have such a solid stitch. Bells and whistles are just more things that can go wrong - like cars.
That's funny. I have my great grandmother's. I think they are still the best for people to learn on. They have such a solid stitch. Bells and whistles are just more things that can go wrong - like cars.
Yep. Now I DO have access to my aunt's 2003ish Bernina Aptiva 131, however I have not figured out all the bells and whistles. I am supposed to get it when my mom passes because my aunt Sybil loved me. And I'm also supposed to get my great Grandma's Singer...also a treadle. My cousin said she wants to give it to me because Granny also thought a lot of me (she died when I was little) and unlike her, I "come knowing how to treadle" lol.
Yep. Now I DO have access to my aunt's 2003ish Bernina Aptiva 131, however I have not figured out all the bells and whistles. I am supposed to get it when my mom passes because my aunt Sybil loved me. And I'm also supposed to get my great Grandma's Singer...also a treadle. My cousin said she wants to give it to me because Granny also thought a lot of me (she died when I was little) and unlike her, I "come knowing how to treadle" lol.
My mom has a snazzy Janome. When she first showed it to me, I asked her where the pizza came out 😂
My mom had an older Pfaff (?) model she used for sewing, it wasn't bad... we sold it at the estate sale, as the manual was MIA. Moi, if I need to take in the waist of some baggy oversized shorts I bought, I use pop rivets & flat washers, lol... same goes for jeans. That system actually works, though it has a retro punk look to it, lol... the belt I almost always wear hides the evidence. Lemme take a photo or two...



Being an old skater and rock climber, I'm not into John Travolta disco pants, so I like my shorts & jeans baggy... buy 'em oversized, take in two pleats or folds toward the front sides, and voila! Nice baggy clothes that one can work in and not get all... er... disco'd out, lol. No future in those tight disco pants, they wouldn't last long here. I use a drilled wooden beam to set up these 'sewing rivets'---they work great too, but they make a little noise in the dryer, maybe I should start hanging 'em out to dry, lol. Y'all can laugh at my methods, won't bother me a bit... when done right, these rivets last forever, and they're undoubtedly "A-Number-1 Redneck-Approved." :oops:
My mom had an older Pfaff (?) model she used for sewing, it wasn't bad... we sold it at the estate sale, as the manual was MIA. Moi, if I need to take in the waist of some baggy oversized shorts I bought, I use pop rivets & flat washers, lol... same goes for jeans. That system actually works, though it has a retro punk look to it, lol... the belt I almost always wear hides the evidence. Lemme take a photo or two...

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Being an old skater and rock climber, I'm not into John Travolta disco pants, so I like my shorts & jeans baggy... buy 'em oversized, take in two pleats or folds toward the front sides, and voila! Nice baggy clothes that one can work in and not get all... er... disco'd out, lol. No future in those tight disco pants, they wouldn't last long here. I use a drilled wooden beam to set up these 'sewing rivets'---they work great too, but they make a little noise in the dryer, maybe I should start hanging 'em out to dry, lol. Y'all can laugh at my methods, won't bother me a bit... when done right, these rivets last forever, and they're undoubtedly "A-Number-1 Redneck-Approved." :oops:
Ah, comon' show us the disco pants 😁
March a year ago I got a rock chip in my windshield coming back from brother-in-law’s funeral in Tomball. During first of year it cracked all the way across. Had windshield replaced yesterday and new windshield wipers today. Others were shredded. Knocking off my repair list. Attached handle of shower, bought replacement screw for cabinet door and rehung it. Now if I could fix dishwasher and my two broken off teeth.?…. Son in law got my push mower carburetor cleaned out and mowed my yard for 3rd time in May with his riding zero turn. Made him a peach cobbler. Convict still not located. Going to bed now. Oh and corn will be ready to start picking this weekend!
Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for those who can sew, and not just the ladies... one friend of mine was a burly parachute rigger in the Army, and that hand could sew like nobody's business, lol. Anybody who gave him grief would've been KO'd pronto... :oops:

Ah, comon' show us the disco pants 😁

Just saw your post, it's way too late, the last pair got burned decades ago, lol... ;)

Wait, that would imply that I actually HAD some... AAAAAAARRRRGH!!! I can't win, lol. :confused:
My mom had an older Pfaff (?) model she used for sewing, it wasn't bad... we sold it at the estate sale, as the manual was MIA. Moi, if I need to take in the waist of some baggy oversized shorts I bought, I use pop rivets & flat washers, lol... same goes for jeans. That system actually works, though it has a retro punk look to it, lol... the belt I almost always wear hides the evidence. Lemme take a photo or two...

View attachment 87345
View attachment 87346

Being an old skater and rock climber, I'm not into John Travolta disco pants, so I like my shorts & jeans baggy... buy 'em oversized, take in two pleats or folds toward the front sides, and voila! Nice baggy clothes that one can work in and not get all... er... disco'd out, lol. No future in those tight disco pants, they wouldn't last long here. I use a drilled wooden beam to set up these 'sewing rivets'---they work great too, but they make a little noise in the dryer, maybe I should start hanging 'em out to dry, lol. Y'all can laugh at my methods, won't bother me a bit... when done right, these rivets last forever, and they're undoubtedly "A-Number-1 Redneck-Approved." :oops:

Hey I say if it works, use it. I treadle differently from my mama or most other people I know. My mom does the alternating feet. Some people do one foot. I do both feet at the same time.😉
March a year ago I got a rock chip in my windshield coming back from brother-in-law’s funeral in Tomball. During first of year it cracked all the way across. Had windshield replaced yesterday and new windshield wipers today. Others were shredded. Knocking off my repair list. Attached handle of shower, bought replacement screw for cabinet door and rehung it. Now if I could fix dishwasher and my two broken off teeth.?…. Son in law got my push mower carburetor cleaned out and mowed my yard for 3rd time in May with his riding zero turn. Made him a peach cobbler. Convict still not located. Going to bed now. Oh and corn will be ready to start picking this weekend!
Bet the new windshield is nice. It's amazing how many little tiny pits that happen just by driving. Also it does feel good to get things marked off the repair list; however, whoa, what did you do to your teeth? Hope you can get them fixed soon. As for the dishwasher, eh. . . we don't have one.
Bet the new windshield is nice. It's amazing how many little tiny pits that happen just by driving. Also it does feel good to get things marked off the repair list; however, whoa, what did you do to your teeth? Hope you can get them fixed soon. As for the dishwasher, eh. . . we don't have one.
I think I lost a lot of teeth in process of feeding my five girls. Finally started process for me and went to dentist. I have in pst had them pulled. Another tooth broken in root and couldn’t be saved. Another tooth required a crown and it made me smile. Half broken off now. Other tooth rebuilt and now broken. I was planning on partial plate but life happens and before I knew it 2 years passed. Think it was too much for two remaining motors to hold up without partial plate. Dishwasher probably is a luxury when canning for me. Husband think pump is out.
We have a local charity that converts inexpensive sewing machines to treadles (or rehabs antique ones) and donates them to families in areas where electricity isn't available. It's amazing the difference it makes in their lives!

That's just the kind of charity I like to see, and I'll willingly donate to such a cause when I'm actually flush with money... I don't do so-called "charities" with CEOs who make millions, lol. :oops:

I'm also big on donating stuff I no longer need or want, even if that means dropping it off at the nearest thrift shop which sponsors a good cause. The White Mountain Humane Society in Arizona ran a thrift shop called 'The Dog House' which helped raise money to keep the shelter running... I donated boxes and boxes of stuff to them, perfectly serviceable items and many of good quality, I just didn't use 'em anymore. I don't like seeing waste, too much of it on this planet as it is, 10-4? So I make the extra effort to put stuff back into circulation so somebody else can use it... it's the right thing to do. ;)
What's everybody doing today?
Me? Freaking out. gaah
We have hundreds of mockingbirds that yap nonstop all day, and all night.
They were all going wide open this afternoon. And they never stop, even going wide-open past 2:am every night.
....Until tonight.
Nothing but crickets out there.:confused: Eerie!!!
Who/what could have told
all of them to shut-up at the same time?
One or two, or twenty... maybe, but all of 'em, no way!!!o_O
I pay attention to nature as they can tell us things we don't know about yet.

Sumthin' happened...:(
Weather? Nothing but a little piddling rain for 10 minutes, it never fazes them.
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What's everybody doing today?
Me? Freaking out. gaah
We have hundreds of mockingbirds that yap nonstop all day, and all night.
They were all going wide open this afternoon. And they never stop, even going wide-open past 2:am every night.
....Until tonight.
Nothing but crickets out there.:confused: Eerie!!!
Who/what could have told
all of them to shut-up at the same time?
One or two, or twenty... maybe, but all of 'em, no way!!!o_O
I pay attention to nature as they can tell us things we don't know about yet.

Sumthin' happened...:(
Weather? Nothing but a little piddling rain for 10 minutes, it never fazes them.
I LIVE for the Mockingbirds singing all night!! That's how I know I'm in the "GOOD" time of the year!!
I finally, FINALLY got someone to pick up the damned phone and give me some information about my ramp!

It left Melbourne, went all the way across the country to Perth and then back to Melbourne and yesterday it left to come up to me all the way up here in Northern Queensland.
This bloody ramp has travelled further than I have!
Just got home from work. Went for fuel at the affordable place at the reservation after work, WATCHED my speed closely, waved at the Police Officer on the side of the road as I passed. He was in a different spot, but there were two of them and the other one already had someone stopped for speeding. Took the scenic back way home but it was so dark I couldn't see a thing. I was surprised when I got to the small town because i didn't know I had passed the reservoir.
Parked the truck in the garage and ate my after work dinner. I have a fan blowing at the truck to cool it off a bit. I am going to drain the transmission, drop the pan and replace the filters. I don't know how far I will get but hopefully I at least get the pan and filters off. It will be easy tomorrow to clean up the surface, install the new filters and gasket and replace the pan and fill her up. Hopefully I can drain most the fluid out of the trans cooler and lines. I bought a suction pump to help with that. I want as much of the old stuff out as possible.
Tomorrow/today I will probably do the once every 6 years cleaning and vacuuming of the inside and maybe if things go well even wash her off.

GF and two of her 3 daughters are in Michigan for week. On their way from the airport she called me on speaker phone and while I was watching google maps we were pointing out the various big old churches and other old landmarks they were seeing along the freeway. As they were coming up on Michigan Avenue and Trumble I told the girls to look to the right at Tiger stadium, thinking it was torn down years ago but surprisingly they said a part of it was still there. As they got just north of Detroit I suggested they stop at 8 1/2" mile and Greater Mack to get some Party Tray Pizza from Bommarito's. AND SHE DID!!! That was so rude!!! Best dang pizza in the world and I don't get any. When they started making the party tray pizza maybe about 80 years ago they used the metal parts tray pans like were used in the automobile plants, about 15" wide and18" long and about 1 inch deep. It is a deep dish pizza, about 1 1/2" thick and their old recipe for the crust and sauce is delicious. The kids loved it, and she also got each of them a cannoli. The kids loved them too. I then talked her through the old neighborhood and she drove past the house I grew up in, sent me a picture, and past the house she grew up in. It was kind of fun talking about the old stuff, the bridges to Canada, asking the kids how to pronounce the French street names like Livernois and Gratiot and Cadieux. I gave her several suggestions on where to take the kids while they are there, Frankenmuth is on their agenda for tomorrow. The entire town is Christmas 363 days a year. They are only closed Christmas Day and Easter Sunday.
I am enjoying the quiet time at the house, her oldest daughter is gone all day and asleep by the time I get home from work so it is like I am alone. Ahhhhhh...

I just ran outside to look for the military jet roaring overhead. I was able to see the red glow of the afterburner as it was heading south towards Nellis AFB. Very cool. Speaking of cool, hopefully the truck cooled off enough so I am heading to the garage to work on that.

Sweet dreams to some of you, Good morning to the rest of you.

Mom had just the cabinet for a Singer. She had the cabinet refinished, looked like new. As she progressed in years she gave it to me. Sat in our small dinning room for years. Then the wife acquired her grandmother's treadle Singer, it too went into our small dinning room. When company came they'd have to slide around the sewing machines to get to the table.

Youngest son came home for a visit. He invited his best friend over for a visit. During conversation BF mentioned his 12 year old daughter was into sewing big time. Used a portable sewing machine on a desk tabletop. When I showed him the empty Singer cabinet mom had refinished his eyes lit up! We loaded it into his SUV.

Mom was NOT happy when I told her what I had done. She mellowed out when I explained that her cabinet was making a young girl very happy! And one less piece of clutter in my house too. Win win situation.
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Hey folks, had a rough morning. Woke up 3ish fevering and nausea (suspicious of HB I had at lunch). Went to bathroom & evidently passed out on my way back to bed. I have quite the shiner and 2 goose eggs. It woke Hubby when I fell. He asked where I was (3 AM remember) and I said in the bathroom. I was on the floor in the hall, face/head hit the door jam on my way down. I'm going to try to stay away from screens for a few days. I doubt I was as graceful as those Victorian ladies with their smelling salts and fainting couches.
We have family coming tomorrow and an event to attend this weekend & I look like Elephant man - greeeeaat!
Just didn't want you to worry.
..she's still sewing at 99
I would love to have a treadle machine! It's on my someday soon list! i have a cheap Brother machine right now. Guess I shouold google how to convert it.
You two need to get some sleep.
Amen! I am up to 6.5 hours last night. Feel a lot better!
Just didn't want you to worry.
Yikes! I hope you can heal soon, relax and maybe not attend the entire family activity!

Walked first, this morning.
Walked dogs.
Went with daughter to a different salvage/ discount store.
Made spoon bread for funeral meal that I will not be helping with or attending.
It's supposed to rain this afternoon so I will put some epsom salts down near tomatoes, squash and peppers.
Make a couple of phone calls and visit with daughter and grandson.