What's everybody doing today?

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Hell yeah! I'm on a weekend long wake "N" bake myself. Might just hop that train too!
Already set up my vities for the month.
Next is Church and pick blackberries on the walk home. Then pick blueberries from my tree.
Walk dogs.
Stake up tomato plants (again). Have to get heavy duty cages for next year. It's rock a few inches down.
Harvest in garden.
Make a few calls.
Not sure if I will make zucchini roll ups today or not. Might relax for Birthday and just open a jar of something.

My friend got me The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning by The Canning Diva- Diane Devereaux!
Already set up my vities for the month.
Next is Church and pick blackberries on the walk home. Then pick blueberries from my tree.
Walk dogs.
Stake up tomato plants (again). Have to get heavy duty cages for next year. It's rock a few inches down.
Harvest in garden.
Make a few calls.
Not sure if I will make zucchini roll ups today or not. Might relax for Birthday and just open a jar of something.

My friend got me The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning by The Canning Diva- Diane Devereaux!
Oh yeah, it's "your" day! Happy Birthday again!
Not this year... there are fireworks displays not far from here, but I don't really like driving at night anymore unless it's an urgent necessity. I can see fine at night after my eye surgery, I just don't like lights in my mirrors and unexpected cr@p in the road... not to mention critters! When I lived in Coronado, I'd go up top to the roof and watch multiple displays up and down the bay, so I've seen my share of fireworks. Enjoy the show if you're going, I know I always did! Cheers!!! :rolleyes:
Goose run still not starting, husband wanted his opinion on it, so now a trip to Lowes is needed before starting it. I made him lunch and he's asleep in the recliner. Time is ticking....
He'll bring the twins to Lowes to get a dog run starter with a door, and lots of chicken wire and some roll wire. I'm going to mop and vacuum. Need to leave for cousin's in a little less than 4 hrs, so I'm getting antsy that they get something done.
Celebrating Merica! Some of my friends are not the best influences! 🤣🤣🤣


The Princess and I collected green peppers broccoli black raspberries and blue berries. While she incorporated the broccoli into a casserole for tonight plus two more for the freezer, I tended to the grape vines.

Pulled a bunch of weeds and all of the clones in the ground look ok with the biggest was a pleasant sight. Considering they were all brown sticks 6 months ago I am happy.

Going to get more reading in until it is time for us to take in a movie or 2.

Count your blessings as they come.

That looks delicious, snappy!
It's been raining a lot so hopefully it will keep any fireworks from staring fires in the area. Rained really hard so I canceled my trip to Walmart (that I was going to stop at after Samsclub). I took my friend up there to get diapers bc they were out of the right size in town. Stopped to eat at Panda and he fixed my laptop cable after a sort trip to Autozone to get electrical stuff. I'm about to see if the rice I cooked is ready.
Husband has sprinklers situated and overlapping around water well and all around house in event of fire. We are not under a burn ban. Spray rig filled with water and just needs tractor hooked up. 4grands will be in parade tomorrow so I will be going to town after all.will pick up links and brisket and come home. Went to Sunday school today and nursing home. Not complaining, just felt off and came home. Short nap helped. Yesterday picked up granddaughter and cousin from Church camp near Crockett and dropped off at cousins house. Left at 9:30 and there at 11:00, packed up at 11:30, lunch in truck from Mickey D and back around 2:00. Have 6 chicks about 1 month,2 that are 3 weeks, at least 2 hatched out today and for some crazy reason either biological clocks are ticking or my God is providing as everyone is trying to go broody!
Last night went to sleep to the sound of thunder, lightening, and falling rain. It was wonderful (I like thunder). This morning, went and split and stacked the load of wood we got for Pa and Ma last weekend. SIL and oldest niece showed up as we finished splitting so we all sat in the shade and chatted. Good to see SIL, it's been almost a year. She's lost a ton of weight (has been working on it.) Ate Chinese before coming home - I don't need Chinese food now for another couple years. Hubby is asleep in his chair - took him all of 3.18392573 min. once he sat down.
Was supposed to go rock hounding today at a specific sight but my friend canceled last minute.
So I went to my mountains just east of me with the dog instead. I wanted to check out my sights I've found morels at and strawberry.
I found a few bolets, no more models n all the strawberry were dry. We hot a heat wave n it looks like any berries that were forming just dried up.
So..my next goal was to figure out how to get down to the river that isnt on private property.
I ended up finding White Licks Hot Spring!
I knew it was out here n have realized I've drove by it twice before not realizing this was it.
The hot spring just permeates out of the hillside , down across a muddy flat n into the river.
I brought my pail n gold panning stuff n got busy. Danny had a great time up until he got the zoomies n sprinted across the mud flat area.
Then it got a tad scarry..I called him back but he fell into a thick mud hole..I'm sure it was warm..thankfully it wasnt too deep wide or scalding hot. I had a moment where I was about ready to drop my gear n scoot around the edge to pull him out but he made it out on the second try.
It was like quick sand but mud..a little tiny dog would have just vanished ..it was heavy n thick.
I then washed off my now sulking dog in the river in a warm pool n checked him for burns n injuries.
I think hes ok...but that was a lesson.
I'm glad to be home now ..gave him a bath n catching up on here n news.
Looks like we might get fun weather..thunderstorms..


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I wish we'd get more rain, LL... we had a shower or two today, but never enough to counter the ongoing drought. That has been the story so far with this monsoon season. :confused:

Urban Hunter & Bacpacker, you'll have to fire a pistol at my feet to get me to dance, lol... kinda like that miner in 'PALE RIDER' doing a jig. ;)

Hashbrown, it's good to see y'all having fun on the water. When I wasn't sailing back in the day, my friends & I would go "freeboarding"---towed astern while riding a small surfboard like a rocket fish. Wakeboards had yet to be invented... :rolleyes:

Sometimes I feel like an old rogue dinosaur, having to admit things like that, lol... but we didn't need wakeboards, we had the rocket fish and it worked just fine. :cool:

Hooch, that's some beautiful country there... I'm heading for the mountains tomorrow, so I'll see some similar scenery. There are geothermal "mud pots" at the SE end of the Salton Sea, those can be dangerous... best to avoid 'em. :oops:
I wish we'd get more rain, LL... we had a shower or two today, but never enough to counter the ongoing drought. That has been the story so far with this monsoon season. :confused:

Urban Hunter & Bacpacker, you'll have to fire a pistol at my feet to get me to dance, lol... kinda like that miner in 'PALE RIDER' doing a jig. ;)

Hashbrown, it's good to see y'all having fun on the water. When I wasn't sailing back in the day, my friends & I would go "freeboarding"---towed astern while riding a small surfboard like a rocket fish. Wakeboards had yet to be invented... :rolleyes:

Sometimes I feel like an old rogue dinosaur, having to admit things like that, lol... but we didn't need wakeboards, we had the rocket fish and it worked just fine. :cool:

Hooch, that's some beautiful country there... I'm heading for the mountains tomorrow, so I'll see some similar scenery. There are geothermal "mud pots" at the SE end of the Salton Sea, those can be dangerous... best to avoid 'em. :oops:
They are needing wheat to dry here so I'm sure there are some who didn't appreciate it. Harvest is going to run a week or so later this year by the looks of things.
Yrs..I got lucky today ..a few years ago a man n his two dogs wernt so lucky. His dogs both jumped into a hot pool that was scalding hot. He jumped in to save them n received very horrible burns.
I thought about that as I watched my dog struggle to get out. It happened so fast n was visually deceiving. Most of the area wasnt too bad..rather dried up with a few mushy areas. This hole he fell in didnt look deep , just mushy. But how does one gauge depth when its thick dark mud. ..
Today could ended very differently for sure because that water comming out in the river was steaming...
Was supposed to go rock hounding today at a specific sight but my friend canceled last minute.
So I went to my mountains just east of me with the dog instead. I wanted to check out my sights I've found morels at and strawberry.
I found a few bolets, no more models n all the strawberry were dry. We hot a heat wave n it looks like any berries that were forming just dried up.
So..my next goal was to figure out how to get down to the river that isnt on private property.
I ended up finding White Licks Hot Spring!
I knew it was out here n have realized I've drove by it twice before not realizing this was it.
The hot spring just permeates out of the hillside , down across a muddy flat n into the river.
I brought my pail n gold panning stuff n got busy. Danny had a great time up until he got the zoomies n sprinted across the mud flat area.
Then it got a tad scarry..I called him back but he fell into a thick mud hole..I'm sure it was warm..thankfully it wasnt too deep wide or scalding hot. I had a moment where I was about ready to drop my gear n scoot around the edge to pull him out but he made it out on the second try.
It was like quick sand but mud..a little tiny dog would have just vanished ..it was heavy n thick.
I then washed off my now sulking dog in the river in a warm pool n checked him for burns n injuries.
I think hes ok...but that was a lesson.
I'm glad to be home now ..gave him a bath n catching up on here n news.
Looks like we might get fun weather..thunderstorms..
Great pics from an exciting day!😃
My brother and his wife bought their retirement home in a nearby town. I went to see it for the first time this afternoon. They aren't moving in yet - SIL has just retired last month from her federal job, and brother still has 3 years to go, minimum, until he is ready to retire from farming and trucking. But they are going to work on the home to make it exactly how they want it before they go. It is a block off of a river, backs up to a wooded ravine, and has the most amazing deck I've ever seen. My brother said that to completely rebuild the deck would be around 100 grand - it has multiple levels and by my estimation the total deck surface is around 2500 square feet. The original part of the house dates to 1885 and has stacked limestone walls and little cubbyholes everywhere...
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That's a lovely house; wishing them many years of happiness in it.
I've spent the morning cooking; creamy garlic and chicken tagliatelle for tonight, cottage pie for tomorrow and mince cooked and frozen for a quick spaghetti bolognese some other time. Also made a Chinese chicken noodle soup for lunches (guaranteed to clear any sinuses!) and some nutty bubble bars for lunchboxes. Off outside now to earth up potatoes and water the polytunnel.

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