Another weeding session done, pulled or destroyed another 500 puncturevines, easy... I believe my initial estimate was low, and there are still several thousand puncturevines on the property, mostly younger vines in broad 'carpets' covering certain areas of the yard. Ran out of propane for the carpeted areas, so I'm off to the store today for more propane. I have two AmeriGas propane BBQ tanks, and I'll simply swap 'em out for two full tanks. I gotta start torching those carpeted areas before the damned vines get any bigger, otherwise I'll be wasting propane (and money).
I'm beginning to think these puncturevines are the worst noxious weeds I've ever encountered... I've seen some bad brush in my time, not just while doing yard work but also in the field while hiking toward the crags, and these blasted vines are something else. Granted, the previous owners let the weeds go, so I'm seeing the very worst of the goathead infestation, but DAMN, these things just don't quit. Just when ya think you're making progress, you find a whole new area just COVERED with the freakin' vines. Chop off one head and two grow back... it's a daunting task.
It's not like I actually WANT to be in this Goathead War, I can think of a million things I'd rather be doing, but if I don't make a stand here, the yard will be overrun and I'll be dealing with goatheads for the rest of my life. Ugh... but there's a positive side to this forced Goathead War, every time I pull a larger vine with at least 200 green goatheads on it, I feel like I just got PAID, lol. I ain't joking, that's 200 more puncturevines aborted, and since the goatheads are large but still green, they stick to the vine as the vine gets tossed in the trash bin. "ADIOS, MUCHACHOS!!!"
Anyway, I'm enjoying a cold beer before I get cleaned up and head for town, I'm gonna combine errands and make multiple stops at the library, WallyWorld, etc. I have a feeling that I'm gonna be spending a C-note on propane to get rid of these miserable goathead vines, but that's just the way it goes... better to cough up the dough now than see the property overrun by a million puncturevines. Hopefully things won't be so bad next season, as I'm puttin' the hurt on the noxious weeds & knocking down the population, BIG-TIME... but I'll be glad when the Goathead War is finished, lol. CHEERS!!!
Edit: Gotta make a correction, the 'green goatheads' I mentioned are actually "fruit"---each fruit breaks into 5 nutlets, as they're called, and each nutlet becomes a goathead. So when I pull a vine with 200 'green goatheads' (or fruit) on it, that means I'm actually getting rid of 1000 GOATHEADS!!! No wonder these damned weeds drive people insane, lol... last night, while I was in the bathroom, I looked down at the standard rug on the floor and I saw a pattern of puncturevine leaves!!! NO FRIGGIN' LIE!!! This is how ya know you've been dealing with too many ****** goathead vines, LOL.