Clem, I still have several unpacked moving boxes sitting in the mud room and in the shed... once I'm done with the home rehab work, I'll crack 'em open and see what's in there. Whatever I don't need or want will get donated, pronto... but I'll keep whatever might be useful, I have plenty of storage room in the metal shed or shop building.
Just finished a brutal weeding & scorching session, I reckon I killed a couple thousand puncturevines today, many young plants only 2" or 3" high but in a broad carpet. That flamethrower is working wonders with these broad carpeted areas of goathead vines... the burly flame just shrivels the noxious weeds to nothing, lol.
Somehow, this reminds me of a guy I knew in the USA INF, we called him "The Colonel" because he did this comical saluting routine... well, one day "The Colonel" told me how he went fishing back home in Oregon, and when he hooked a live worm as bait, the worm SCREAMED, lol. I told "The Colonel" to go easy on the 'shrooms next time...
This morning, I heard hundreds & hundreds of puncturevines screaming as the flamethrower reduced them to ashes, lol... the scorched earth policy is working, I reckon it'll be hard for the vines to make a comeback after they've gone under the torch. I still have several smaller carpeted areas to burn, but I'm satisfied with my progress so far...
I usually drink fruit juice or a smoothie before I enter the latest battle in the Goathead War, but when I call it a day and I walk into my home drenched with sweat, I drink cold sweet tea straight from the fridge... about a quart of it, followed by a quart of water, lol. I'll tell ya, that tea sure hits the spot after waging war on goatheads... later comes the beer, lol.
I've already showered and I'm looking at an easy afternoon, talking to friends on the phone (long distance) and watching a movie or reading a Western. Gonna take the remaining BBQd tri-tip and make steak & eggs with it, after I sautee some onion & Hatch chiles... add vine-ripened tomato and cheese to the mix as well. I'm thinking it won't suck, lol...
Manana, another thrilling installment (i.e. battle) in the Goathead War!!! Turning point reached today!!!