What's everybody doing today?

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Later this afternoon I'm bringing my bow to the archery shop to have a couple of things done. I'm also waiting on my parts for the dryer so I can fix it,they just sent them out today from Pa. so it'll be a couple of days on that. We're suppose to start getting storms today and even though I'd prefer snow over rain we need it bad. Our grass is turning brown,the ground's hard as a rock and the pond is getting pretty low.
It's laundry day, making a carrot cake, picking more blueberries and blackberries, taking eBay photos and listing a few items. Probably about it.

I checked this morning and my blackberries are still red. A darker red but still red lol Blueberries are still green and so are my raspberries. *sigh* waiting.........
Three turkey babes. No ducks yet at all. I went to move our three dogs out early this morning, and one of them busted out of his bedtime kennel and attacked our old dog. I ran over to them, and was knocked down flat. I put my hand on the ground to get up and was too close to them, and was bit all over my left hand and wrist. Spent all of this morning in urgent care. Nothing broken, but bites all over and my hand is all swollen up. Have it in a stupid brace so I don't keep knocking it around. Given antibiotics and a tetanus shot. So the hospital reports animal bites to the control officer, so they want me to go down there and bring them vaccination proof. Can't find the papers for the life of me, but I do have their rabies tags. Son took the dog that started it down to the pound. I feel bad about that, but not much choice. Old dog is limping, but he'll be ok. I came running in screaming (in pain, dripping blood) but husband didn't realize it was me hurt and went out without his cane to get the dogs to stop killing each other. He fell, but is ok. I think I was freaking out knowing he went outside, worried about him. What a morning. Am not looking forward to going to animal control. Oh, and called in to work today. I've already decided dinner is at the pub tonight.
Thanks! Got a call from animal control. They moved angry dog to our small town animal control and insist on putting him in quarantine for 10 days, even though they verified his rabies vaccine. Of course, I have to pay for quarantine at $25 a day. Son that dropped him off at the larger pound had to pay $50 to drop him off. He had to be moved because I was bitten in our small village, and they have my urgent care info. Now they are coming to our house to make sure I quarantine old dog in our yard for 10 days. Then they will come back to lift quarantine on him. So, I'm waiting for animal control to show up. The head officer was one of my former students. After 10 days, the angry dog can be given to animal control, of course with another fee to pay, since this is our village animal control. I'm sure I will be fined, too, because I don't have 3 dog licenses. So moral of the story is don't go to the docs or ER or urgent care with an animal bite. They will hunt you down and make you pay lots of $$, even if the dog didn't intend to attack you, even if it's your dog, even if your dog has had shots. Because animal control is there to make you pay lots of money, at least here.
Hand is aching, still swollen, looks like it's been through a blender. It shouldn't get infected with the antibiotics. What an annoying day.
i forgot where i posted about :cry:hubby bringing in 3 velour blankets but we washed them today and all the velour came off in the washing machine. needless to say we had a time cleaning tha machine. lesson learned.

Had that happen to me, also. Not fun! I sure love those velour blankets, though!
Have an appointment at the VA in Sheffield Alabama tomorrow morning. I didn't know where it was so I drove over today to find it. Had to cross the river to get there and guess what. I just happened to have my fishing tackle with me! Stopped below Wilson Dam and caught 23 good sized Smallmouth Bass. I don't have a place to clean them so I gave them away to some guys fishing there too. Had a blast!
Turkey #4 hatched early this morning. Another slate. No ducks hatching. I think maybe humidity could be higher for ducks. Just read to mist them as well as keep the water well full on the incubator. I didn't mist. Oh well, I'll try again another time. I'll leave it plugged in one more day. Son is filling it with silkie eggs tomorrow. Waited for retarded animal control to come and inspect our yard and verify that old dog is quarantined there. Never showed or called yesterday or today. So, oh well. I'm assuming she'll come by with at least a bill for $250 for the other dog's quarantine next week. Meanwhile, still making do with one hand. But this morning I could move my fingers, so it's doing better.
Not going to the Big Smoke as planned for physio.

Dislocated shoulder early this morning feeding animals and even though it's back in place it just doesn't
feel like it's "right".

There's no way I can subject myself to 2+ hours drive there and then a 2+ hours drive back without pain control.
I refuse to drive medicated.

Hope you heal quickly.
Went yesterday to VA hospital to do pre op.
Just got one thing to change, but thought I had already done it twice.
So calling top lady tomorrow. Found both sets of paperwork saying it had been changed.
Strawberry has her shots and dog tags updated this evening.
Estelle is walking by herself today.
She got aggravated with mom and dad, so she just took off.
No stopping her now. Walking 9 days before she turns 1 year old.
It's hot and very humid here.
105* not counting heat index.
Had extra day off, ran errands, went with parents to look at houses.
They are downsizing again.......again........lol......lol..........
Last time they moved from 2 bedroom,1 bath house,living room, eat in kitchen.
Bridge timber work shop, 2 car garage,small orchard, chicken coop,pond and 10 acres to a
3 bedroom, 2 bath,living room,eat in kitchen, seperate laundry room,huge family room, full finished basement,
full finished attic(200 year old barn wood on the walls, ceiling,floors) 3 car garages(dad turned one into outdoor kitchen complete with stove, refr., sink,shelving out the wahoo, every imaginable kitchen appliances) 2 extra lots.
So we( myself, my brother, and 2 younger sisters) are kinda interested in what kind of downsizing they are doing this time.
It's raining here right now, hope it finally cools off.
Yesterday, when we has that dusting of rain, just made it more humid.
Have two of my brothers and their families down here for a visit. One brought their large RV and are staying in that while the other is staying at a motel nearby. We are all having a good time. Today we hiked in the hills behind our house and less than a hundred yards from our house we found this elk calf. We took pictures then left it alone. Later we checked and he was gone , so his mother collected him. Towards evening we took a short drive so they could all see more elk. We saw maybe a couple hundred of them. They are bunched up in the low areas where some plants are growing during our severe drought.
Here is that elk calf. Yes my wife wanted to take the baby home so she had something to mother but I said NO.

Notice there is almost no green in the picture.
Started off again with thawing in front of the fire and a few cups of hot chocolate.

Once thawed we headed out into the garden where we picked some more French and English lavender as it is growing like wildfire out there. DH then spade edged around all the garden beds in the front yard and I removed the grass from around them and he also dug some more out grass out of one of the garden beds. We then sprayed the sage with a garden hose to get off some sort of fungus rust growing on it and I sprayed homemade white oil on it as I heard that cures it.

Then we moved onto DH putting urea around the strawberries and tomatoes and we fertilised all of the front garden beds with a tonic of seaweed solution. On the way back inside I also gave the potted fruit trees a spray of homemade white oil as well.
@NannyPatty white oil is made with dish washing liquid, vegetable oil and water and kills caterpillars, citrus leaf miner, aphids, white fly, cabbage white moths and rust and fungus diseases on plants amongst other things it works by suffocating the bugs and fungus. It has been used for years and works well and made for not a lot of cost either but you need to reapply it after rain if you have a continuing problem.

Here is the link for you -

https://www.yates.com.au/vegie-challenge/spring-2012/gardeners/Gardening mum/9046-homemade-white-oil-recipe-to-tackle-aphids-white-fly-and-caterpillars#HsQFflAvw0Hh2hgw.97

This stuff is an essential in my vegetable garden which I try to grow where possible following organic principles. It kills scale, Aphids, white Fly and smooth skinned Caterpillars including those green Cabbage moth Caterpillars (my greatest enemy!!!!). It works by covering the insects breathing pores causing them to suffocate.


1 cup of vegetable oil

¼ cup Dish washing detergent

Place ingredients in a jar and shake well. You will notice it turns white; this is where it gets its name.

Things to remember

  • You need to be careful not to spray when the temperature is greater than 30.c or you risk burning your plants
  • It needs to be diluted!!!!! Use only 1 tablespoon per litre of water
  • Shake it well so it turns a milky colour before use (as shown in picture)
  • Label it so you can remeber what it is and when you made it.
White oil will store in the jar for about 3 months.

Read more at https://www.yates.com.au/vegie-challenge/spring-2012/gardeners/Gardening mum/9046-homemade-white-oil-recipe-to-tackle-aphids-white-fly-and-caterpillars#vgRJsmtkLAgp3xbX.99
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Today is a good day. Always wanted to kill a hog with a pistol. Today I did. So excited. She was too big to haul off in my truck so I had to drag her off. She is from last year litter and had never been shot at. There were 4 standing together at about 15 yards. Been smiling all morning. Always thought I would kill one with my 9mm or my 45. Good to know that a well placed shot from a .22 will do the trick. Wouldn't want to do that with a boar or bigger sow charging me though!
Sitting at the Drs with the kid waiting on another test to be run. Traffic was awful. The endocrinologist came in to check her at the perfect time. She was getting extremely pale, she was shaking, dizzy and tired. She finally got to see the symptoms as they happened. She was hooked up to a monitor and her blood pressure was dropping.
Sitting at the Drs with the kid waiting on another test to be run. Traffic was awful. The endocrinologist came in to check her at the perfect time. She was getting extremely pale, she was shaking, dizzy and tired. She finally got to see the symptoms as they happened. She was hooked up to a monitor and her blood pressure was dropping.

Y'all are still on my daily Prayer List. I keep hoping that you'll post a valid diagnosis for us any day!

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