What's everybody doing today?

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@Supervisor42 so sorry for your loss - prayers for your family!

Got excited this morning when I did a little weeding and saw some zucchini growing in the garden. I can't ever remember a year when we didn't have so much we couldn't give it away! We've only had one other this year and breaded and fried it which was delicious.
We were out of service for the weekend which was a blessing! Yesterday played catch-up with nary a moment to turn around. Got home late from work then canned 10 mini jars of blueberries in honey syrup for Hubby's icecream come winter, cooked supper, and did a load of laundry. Making salsa this evening after work. Picked the last 3 cabbage so need to get those on the dehydrator at some point.
The new trailer is nice - have a list of things to get/do etc. for the new fandangled camping with indoor pluming and everything 😂. In the little old trailer we joked about glamping. Had a friend ask how our new glamping went and now the joke is no more glamping. It's now condo camping 😂 They know us - we can say goofy things and they "get" it.
Tire rotation = epic fail, lol. Discount Tire wouldn't rotate my tires as promised (due to excessive wear), they tried instead to sell another set to me. Couldn't buy a set on today's budget, so I came home to rotate the tires myself. Discovered that my so-called "professional" Chinese floor jack blew a seal and became worthless, but I still had the jack stands so I broke out the car jack, lol. Long story short, the bugs showed up en masse like I was giving away free money, and the situation deteriorated until I decided to postpone the effort. The only thing I actually accomplished was under the hood, where I removed the large rubber hose or boot so I could spray a whole heap o' throttle bore cleaner... :oops:

Yesterday, after I unhooked the battery cable to clear a code for the catalytic converter, the car started to pull that BS number of dying at stops, which means throttle bore cleaner is needed. Dunno how or why unhooking the battery cable would affect that problem, but throttle bore cleaner is the answer, lol. Perhaps it was pure coincidence. Anyway, the car runs fine but the tires have NOT been rotated, now I decide whether to buy the cycle tire or a new set of car tires in a week or so... can't afford to buy both at one time. Meh, once I'm past all this, I'll use the car solely for shopping runs & cat transport, and use the cycle for everything else. That has been my plan from the start... :confused:

Well, the sun is over the yardarm and I've already taken a second shower, now it's BEER CITY in the A/C, lol... ;)
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I'm struggling today. My blood glucose has been on a roller coaster for a few days and I finally got exhausted from dealing with it. I had a bad hypo last night and once I got it stabilized I crashed out around 10:30. Woke up at 4AM this morning and it was way too high so I tried to deal with that and got some more sleep. It didn't want to come down and it took twice as much insulin as usual to fix it. It's stable for now. I've got appointments on Thursday to speak to the doc.

Dealing with that kind of roller coaster leaves my body feeling like I worked out all day with no water to drink. I pick up my kid from school in an hour. Not sure what we're going to do tonight but it's not going to be anything strenuous...
Woke up with a sinus headache/migraine and called in sick. Just rested my eyes and applied a warm compress for most of the morning. This afternoon I had 2 or 3 grocery trips worth of canned goods waiting to be dated and put away. I was able to get almost everything put away and the food storage shelves no longer have visible holes, I'm better stocked than most grocery stores in my area. ;)
The routine started as usual for me and moved a big stack of pots to the greenhouse.


I took a bucket of widgets to the garage and found my buddy working to install a gas pedal in the Comaro. That is when the day's plans changed.

I had helped him put an LS crate engine in it a while ago. He has been working on installing a new electronic gas pedal mounted for a while now and not making progress. So jumped in to move the project along. He held the pedal where he wanted it and I clamped the brackets together in the proper alignment. After a couple of tack welds, some try fits and a little reforming the mounting fixture bolted up in place.


The top of the bracket needs a screw or 2 but it holds the gas pedal in about the right place.


I let him sleep on the details tonight but I should be helping with it more tomorrow.

It not only helps him but it helps us as well. Getting that car running again will let me tackle a zillion projects we have planned for the garage. Win win

Had a dermatologist appointment 2 weeks ago and they tried to freeze a skin tag on my back. Said it would fall off in a few days.
Two weeks later, it's red, inflamed, itchy, and looks infected.

Wife calls doctors office to get ne seen, they tell her October!
She explains that I'm a transplant patient and the lady on the phone says she needs to talk to the doctor.
Wife verifies our contact information and hangs up.

Five minutes later, I get a call, "Can you be here at 2?" I said sure. I was meeting someone for a sale at 12:30, so I figured I'd just head up the hill after and check in early.

Checked in at 12:45. At 12:50, they're calling me in.
Their 1:00 didn't show, so I got in early!

They shaved the tag off and are sending it to the lab to check for cancer (extremely unlikely per the doctor).

So that was MY excitement for the day.

Think I'll take a nap...
Landshark is still depressed.
I know it's supposed to be a bad thing when your pet isn't acting "normally" but I have to say I'm actually enjoying the quiet.
The cow vet wants more money to remove her sutures which I think is extremely rude.
Surely the price of the desexing would also include that?
He hit me up $79 for 8 Amoxicillin tablets according to the desexing itemised bill.
I almost fell over backwards!
So, NO...Landshark is not going back to the cow vet to get her sutures taken out.
I'll do it my darn self.
The incision has knitted together extremely well and the redness is now her body's reaction to the sutures themselves.
I'm glad I got her desexed but I really could have done without all the drama that went with it.
I took stitches out of spayed dog before. It was a rodeo but got it done. Cattle easier as in squeeze chute after cosmetic dehorning. They didn’t like it either.
Wound up having a couple of beers, eating lunch & reading a book. I keep thinking about that recalled tire on my bike: it's practically brand-new and *looks* okay, but it IS under recall. But those recalls often include products which are okay, they just happened to be made in the same time frame... I've closely inspected that tire and it looks fine. Maybe I should go ahead and buy a set of tires for the car, then buy a cycle tire the following month, and maybe ride the bike once or twice on the existing tire, keeping a close eye on it and checking it every time I stop. I don't like the thought of driving around on car tires with cr@ppy edges, though there's still tread atop each tire. OTOH, I don't have to drive in the rain, and I'm only using the car for store runs... so I'm still trying to decide which tire(s) to buy first. I really want to go riding, and I'm not made of money, so it's one or the other in a week or so... at least I have time to consider the problem. ;)

Just cracked a cold beer, think I'll watch a movie here in a bit... I ate lunch (ham & swiss sandwich) so I'm not that hungry, but I might be later tonight. Crackhead is still being a monumental PITA with the kittens, he can't seem to get over himself and accept them, ya know? And HIS behavior is affecting Tiger to the point where both adult cats flee when the kittens come near... stupid cats! I'm gonna keep working on Tiger & Crackhead, but it's starting to annoy me... time for an attitude adjustment! :mad:
Celebrated little granddaughter's bday when she got home today...hung the big Happy Bday banner on the porch so she could see when she got off the bus and walked up the drive. Got her presents wrapped and balloons blown up. She opened presents and we went out to Japanese food. Had cake at home with the Happy Birthday song. The twins show up at 8:30 tonight, for cake. Ugh they are so rude. Little granddaughter had a great day, though.
Tank Girl, I'm sorry the vet is wanting to charge to remove stitches. Mine uses stitches that dissolve or just glues them up. But they never charge for stitch removal. They often don't even charge for followup appointments. but the main appointments are expensive.

Ben, looking good!

Supervisor, so sorry to hear about your MIL.

Another rainy day. My brother kept refusing to bring the dog food in (it was in the CR-V). I couldn't get it when he was at work or at a friend's house. I kept asking him to bring it in and he kept saying he'd do it "later". Yesterday he refused to bring it in because it was raining. Today the same thing. Mom was on the intercom with him trying to convince him to go get it- I told her he wouldn't but she kept arguing. So, while she was arguing with him I went out in the pouring rain to get it and brought it in. Then he went out later after it stopped and found it wasn't in the car anymore. I don't feel bad for not telling him. LOL. Mom was appreciative at least. Cooked yellow rice & chicken. I'm about to go put the rice up. Other than some cleaning, I just watched Star Trek: Enterprise.
My last book got called "chick porn" by a publisher friend of mine. I figured there would have been enough violence and drug use to offset the romance, never mind it was a space opera, but meh. When this one is done, you got to ask me and I'll mail a copy, there's no hosting it here, it is NOT a family hour read!