Watch the moisture content on that hay...... wet hay has a habit of self combusting. As far as cars if it is a 96 or newer you can buy a cheap analyzer that plugs into a port usually under the dash on the drivers side. It sometimes is too general to help but it will read out problems. Your rough idle could be a broken or leaking vacuum hose. The other thing to do is look for youtube videos with your same vehicle with the same problem. That is what the mechanic the shop is charging $100+ per hour does.It never ends.....
So we THOUGHT we were going to have a good day yesterday. Got the refund for the tiller. The store manager messed around with it for almost an hour and put it together wrong ( not like in the instructions) and finally decided to give us the refund. And indeed it was made in China....the other guy there said we should have bought one made in the U.S. they work great....hmmmmm
Then we went to pick up the hay. They made super heavy bales, very far apart so it took us several hours to load up the trailer. I thought the truck was going to overheat . We finally almost got done and it started was not supposed to rain and when I looked later, that was the only tiny rain cloud anywhere. It didn't get much wet but a little.
On the way home, driving 35 mph the entire way since the load was so heavy , we get a call from son " my car doesn't start and I have a test". SIgh.....
I let him drive mine ( with the bad idle). He did make it there but said the whole vehicle shook when he was stopped at a light.
What do you do if you have to get a vehicle repaired fast, but all the repair shops are too busy and give you a date at least 2 weeks out? Rent one\? I don't know if son is old enough to get a rental He's 24.
I just want to cry
We still have to put up the hay and figure out how he gets to school today since he has 2 more tests.
People drink from it all the time. Day before yesterday, it was at CU Boulder (our nearby university). One of their team doctors is also some kind of medical support for the Avalanche hockey club. So they had a turn with it. The mascot for CU is Ralphie - a buffalo. Ralphie was reportedly eating hay out of the Stanley Cup (not a guy dressed up in a buffalo suit - their real buffalo). Which is one of the reasons why I decided not to kiss the thing yesterday, like other people were. Maybe they wiped it down before bringing it to our dinner. It's definitely the everyman's trophy, if buffaloes are eating hay out of it.It looks like an upside down wine goblet. anybody ever drink out of it when they won?
Congrats on the Stanley encounter. I missed out on the party with the cup when the Redwings won it, prior to reconnecting with my old friends in Michigan. Tim had it at his house each time, well the three times he was with the team. But, I did get to see one of his 3 rings. He met up with me at a bar when I was in town. I saw him wearing the ring and asked to see it, he took it off and handed it to me. The bar was at a marina and we were 10 feet from the water and the plank deck had cracks big enough for the ring to fall through into the canal. I was excited and scared at the same time. My other friends wanted to see it but I left it on my finger while I showed everyone so it wouldn't get dropped.It was just kind of plonked down there right next to my table. Our hockey friend plays on the team with my wife, and her husband works for the Avalanche/NHL and had a turn with the cup. So they rented out half of the restaurant at our local hockey rink (a three-plex) and brought the thing for us to see.
It's funny, when they bring it out at the end of the finals, they're wearing suits and carrying it very carefully with white gloves. I was expecting the thing to be roped off, or guarded, or something. But after all those final game photo ops, evidently it becomes the average Joe's trophy. Everyone was hugging the thing, kissing it, setting babies in the top of it. There were two official "cup attendants" who were really just photographers. The hockey player names inscribed on it were tiny. It must be a computer that engraves it. You couldn't hope to read them without a magnifying glass. More like an electron microscope. I guess that's how they fit so many names on the thing.
We will have the higher quality photos later - I think they are going to email out a link to download what was photographed tonight. Here's one I took from my dining seat. It was kind of cool to be eating and gabbing away next to the trophy. I guess football, baseball, basketball, etc. all have trophies too, but probably very few people know - or care - what they look like. But most everyone knows what The Stanley Cup looks like! It's pretty big. I'd say almost 4 feet tall by two feet wide.
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The Avalanche and the Redwings used to be bitter rivals. Those games were some of the most fun to be at. A few years ago we had an exhibition game with the older (long retired) AV's and Wings players. That was so fun to watch. The players were intermingling on each others bench, having the greatest time chatting away. Even Claude Lemieux and Chris Draper, who weren't exactly the best of friends back when they were playing. That was so fun to see the camaraderie. The players had definitely slowed down and didn't look like tip-top physical specimens any more, but they sure had a great time skating together again. And the crowd didn't chant "Red Wings Suck!" like we used to continuously do back in the old days. Not even once.Congrats on the Stanley encounter. I missed out on the party with the cup when the Redwings won it
I would take this event as an opportunity to shore up security at your home. As my grandmother used to say, "It is too late to close the barn door after the horse is out." You live in Utah, where there are many people who have good standards, but all it takes is one person who does not. Some of my out buildings have two hasps and locks on them. I have considered adding even more. Sadly, we are circling the drain these days. Crime has been skyrocketing. I have seen some reports of people living in remote areas being arrested for being in possession of more than 50 stolen vehicles. There are other similar reports out there. I want more security on my home.My daughter in law took her puppy out at 2 AM the other night and realized as she was going in there was someone in our back yard. They were gone by the time I got out there, but it shook the kids up. I suspect it's a neighbor who's got a history of substance abuse and mental issues (he came over last Halloween to accuse me of being in league with evil forces because my initials were in the shape of the "PI" symbol and confided to me that he was God)... We've replaced some of our older locks, reinforced all the lock & hinge hardware with 6" screws, and I'm in the process of installing security cameras with integrated floodlights around the house. What stinks is up until this week I've only ever locked our doors if we were on vacation. I guess that's just one more reason to want to relocate to a more rural setting where your closest neighbors are more than walking distance away!
Me too! Started watering again. Today, I picked 168 (yes I counted) Habanero peppers. I also pulled up the bushes. Pulled up a few jalapeno bushes that were dead or dying. Harvested peppers, okra which is coming on again, and a few figs. Still waiting to harvest the eggplants until they are a little bigger.Trying to keep the garden going as long as possible
Very cool. Yup, we hated it when the Avs won the cup in 96, the year the Redwings had the best record in the league, and the big fights didn't help our opinions but they sure made the games exciting to watch. But that made our win in 97 so much better. Bad management hurt the wings but it looks like Yzerman is doing good so I am hoping the Wings can win it again this year since you won it last season. When my friend worked for the team and my other friends would go to the games and then to the teams favorite bar after the games many times the players that were fighting on the ice during the game were drinking beer and laughing with each other in the bar. The game is one mentality and real life is much different..... in most cases.The Avalanche and the Redwings used to be bitter rivals. Those games were some of the most fun to be at. A few years ago we had an exhibition game with the older (long retired) AV's and Wings players. That was so fun to watch. The players were intermingling on each others bench, having the greatest time chatting away. Even Claude Lemieux and Chris Draper, who weren't exactly the best of friends back when they were playing. That was so fun to see the camaraderie. The players had definitely slowed down and didn't look like tip-top physical specimens any more, but they sure had a great time skating together again. And the crowd didn't chant "Red Wings Suck!" like we used to continuously do back in the old days. Not even once.
It may not be bad, run a hair drier on it a few minutes, the lube that china uses is known to turn into goop. IF that is the case, pop the back, spray it with 100% medical alcohol and when it dries, put a drop of 20Wt synthetic in it.Seems I am supposed to atay in plumbers mode.
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Normal water pressure is 45-80 PSI. 150 PSI is nor good. Couldn't adjust the pressure down so...
Bad pressure regulating valve.
Told The Princess no dishwasher or washing machine until I fix the water pressure.
These types of plumbing projects always make me sweat. Taking out the water to the house is serious. Back up plan will be to use water from the other side of the duplex since it is on a separate meter.
Thanks but...It may not be bad, run a hair drier on it a few minutes, the lube that china uses is known to turn into goop. IF that is the case, pop the back, spray it with 100% medical alcohol and when it dries, put a drop of 20Wt synthetic in it.