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Over 450,00 on my Z71 (1999)!
Got a around that on my first Gen. Only 150ish k on my powerstroke and it's on its second engine already.

Delivered 5 cord yesterday and made two cord of bundles to deliver to the gas station outside a nearby campsite. Then fell asleep super early. So now I'm awake and probably won't be able to fall back asleep before going into work tonight. So I'll probably go Mill some logs.
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It rained a little yesterday , then it got windy and cool. Fall seems to be just on time, leaves are starting to fall off everywhere.

We butchered 4 meat chickens for us. I cut them up and seperated the parts. Husband figured it costs $1.25 per pound of chicken for us to produce them.

Made Japanese curry for the first time. It was surprisingly good but not really spicy.

Getting ready for the festival tomorrow ( we are vendors) today. I am going to drive my truck, hope it doesn't break down. WIsh us luck!! It's an hour away like everything around here. Plus I have to drive on the interstate to get there

Debating on what to do with the bucks. They can't be in the pasture next to the girls for the next few weeks. We don't want broken fence or goat kids too early in the winter. It's too cold here in Jan and Feb, so we try to not have any till March ( lambs are more tolerant to the cold so they go first)
We move animals around everyday but won't have time tomorrow since it will still be dark when we leave. I guess they will stay in their goat boy house.
Hope you have a safe drive tomorrow. Let us know how it goes!!
@zannej We have hard water and I use pumice stones on the mineral deposits on the toilet. It works wonders. My sink doesn't seem to get the deposits as much. Maybe test a small non-visible area? Would be better than scrubbing over and over and not getting anywhere.

@sonya123 Good luck! Hoping the truck holds together for you.

Let's see, today I'm just trying to get through the work day. I'm a bit worried about DH, about a week ago he was lifting the broken garage door and something popped in his back. He's had two bulging discs for years. It hurt but wasn't as bad as he expected and went away in like three days. But now today it popped again while he was bending over and brushing his teeth. He called out of work and is taking it easy but I'm worried about the discs. 😟
Sonja, glad you liked the Japanese curry. My brother loves it. I hope your drive home goes well.

Thanks, Chaosdown. The sink has a chip in it so I may refinish it but I want it as clean as possible to make a refinish adhere to it. Worst case I measure it and replace it with something the same size, but I want to at least try to get it clean. I'll try pummice stone in a spot behind the faucet that no one looks at (except me while leaning over it to look for stains). I hope your husband's back is OK. Never good when you bend and hear a pop. Been there and it sucks. Ice and heat alternating *might* help.

I couldn't get to sleep last night until I finished cleaning out the paste. Got a lot of the rust out but still have more to go. I'm replacing the drain so I don't need to worry about it so much. Also replacing the faucet. I'm awake now and took my allergy meds (only got about 4 and a half hours sleep and am still tired.
I know the answer will be No, but bring the buck inside for a few days to let him cool down in the A/C. It's a thought.
LOL! All our rabbits are inside. But because of the Commiefornia 'flex-alerts' we have the a/c set to 86. I do give them all frozen bottles to rest against and granite tiles as well. We are keeping them cool but not enough to prevent heat sterility.
I've been watching Youtube videos and having hot flashes. Soaked some paper towels in vinegar and left them sitting in the sink and on a stain on the floor to see if it will help.

It's not hot but my face is all red for no reason. Curse of perimenopause.
A trip to little town for a few items this afternoon. Homecoming for the football team at the high school. Streets were blocked off for the parade. I watched part of it while sitting in traffic with everyone else (a very small parade).

As soon as I got home I crashed in my recliner for an hour. No energy today. I think I’m coming down with something. Feel really bad tonight, far worse than usual. No strength for anything.

No plans but some tv...

to add... (I loaded up on antiviral tinctures in case it's the vid)
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Strapped a couple of packages to Bike and headed off to the post office. Weather was too nice to tamely come back home, so Bike and I went for a ride. Did about 100 miles with a stop for a hot dog. Fell asleep in my chair when I got back. Just no energy to do much of anything. Seems all I want to do these days is just ride and not deal with anything.
Hope you feel better Peanut.
Strapped a couple of packages to Bike and headed off to the post office. Weather was too nice to tamely come back home, so Bike and I went for a ride. Did about 100 miles with a stop for a hot dog. Fell asleep in my chair when I got back. Just no energy to do much of anything. Seems all I want to do these days is just ride and not deal with anything.
Hope you feel better Peanut.
View attachment 94783
You go girl!!
A trip to little town for a few items this afternoon. Homecoming for the football team at the high school. Streets were blocked off for the parade. I watched part of it while sitting in traffic with everyone else (a very small parade).

As soon as I got home I crashed in my recliner for an hour. No energy today. I think I’m coming down with something. Feel really bad tonight, far worse than usual. No strength for anything.

No plans but some tv...

to add... (I loaded up on antiviral tinctures in case it's the vid)
You keep us posted!! Get to feeling better!!♥️
I went to bed early to try to get some good sleep. Mom woke me up with a temper tantrum because she couldn't follow simple instructions. I had to get up and go set stuff up for her. She didn't apologize when what I had instructed her to do (press two frickin' buttons on the remote) worked. I admit I was crabby and stomped out of the room angry and went back to bed but had a hard time getting back to sleep. Just woke up because of my bladder. I'm about to try to get back to sleep again. I'm not a pleasant person when someone wakes me up when I'm exhausted. LOL.
Tripped my back again Guess I'll probably finish my final Sci-fi book
"The Factotum Diaries" I'm not censoring anything, so if you want it, I'll email you a copy. it's actually got some survivalist/prepper content such as Methane generation, methane vehicles, green housing, geodesic dome farmsteads, a bit of ditch medicine, getting clean dirt and water post nuclear event, dealing with post nuclear war weather, mutants, raiders, post collapse economy, a tiny bit of knife making, diseases, diets, society, herb use, racial relations, a pretty much collapsed morality system. (The protagonist trades his virginity for a bike part to a lady bike mechanic!) Loads of action that never lets up, lots of violence, sex and sailor talk, and some pretty brutal stuff, post collapse religion, kinky sex, and a tribe of snowflakes that pray to wooden I pods hoping the goddess Empeethree will sing to them again! Kind of One part Gunsmoke, One pat Mad Max, and mixed with fifty shades of grey with a dab of Dune.
Tripped my back again Guess I'll probably finish my final Sci-fi book
"The Factotum Diaries" I'm not censoring anything, so if you want it, I'll email you a copy. it's actually got some survivalist/prepper content such as Methane generation, methane vehicles, green housing, geodesic dome farmsteads, a bit of ditch medicine, getting clean dirt and water post nuclear event, dealing with post nuclear war weather, mutants, raiders, post collapse economy, a tiny bit of knife making, diseases, diets, society, herb use, racial relations, a pretty much collapsed morality system. (The protagonist trades his virginity for a bike part to a lady bike mechanic!) Loads of action that never lets up, lots of violence, sex and sailor talk, and some pretty brutal stuff, post collapse religion, kinky sex, and a tribe of snowflakes that pray to wooden I pods hoping the goddess Empeethree will sing to them again! Kind of One part Gunsmoke, One pat Mad Max, and mixed with fifty shades of grey with a dab of Dune.
Great use for a bad back day!!
Did my 'bread labour' today in the polytunnel- picked a surprising flush of raspberries and strawberries, cleared a few beds for winter onions and garlic, plaited this years crop of red and white onions, mowed weeded and cleared nettles. You'd think I'd be rid of nettles by now! Cleaned out hen shed, moved the ladies pen to fresh pasture and made a list of things I'll need help when the lads are free. OH finally put windows in the small barn during the week and did a tidy up, so I'm guessing he's ready to start harvesting the honey. Off to do some homework now
Slept well, but I'm moving slowly this morning, that trail riding at age 60 is making itself felt, lol... I reckon it'll toughen me up or kill me, dunno which yet. I remember reading some article back in the '70s which listed the toughest endurance sports, and soccer was at the top of the list---the players are constantly running up and down the field---but surprisingly, motocross came second. I reckon BMX is tougher than MX, with all the pedaling involved, but even with a motor the MX will tax ya hard, lol. I frequently stand on the pegs when riding tricky trail sections: I can see the trail better, and keep my balance better as well. But that constant motion gives you a workout, even though you're having fun and you don't realize that your muscles are being taxed... so I'm a little sore today, not as bad as last weekend, but still moving slowly, lol. No worries, my only plan for the day is to visit the Otero County Fair & Rodeo, I just learned that it has actually been going on for several days already, with the judging in various competitions and the exhibits in the fair. I'll go check it out, but I'm not in a rush today, lol... I'll get there when I get there, aye? ;)
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Slept well, but I'm moving slowly this morning, that trail riding at age 60 is making itself felt, lol... I reckon it'll toughen me up or kill me, dunno which yet. I remember reading some article back in the '70s which listed the toughest endurance sports, and soccer was at the top of the list---the players are constantly running up and down the field---but surprisingly, motocross came second. I reckon BMX is tougher than MX, with all the pedaling involved, but even with a motor the MX will tax ya hard, lol. I frequently stand on the pegs when riding tricky trail sections: I can see the trail better, and keep my balance better as well. But that constant motion gives you a workout, even though you're having fun and you don't realize that your muscles are being taxed... so I'm a little sore today, not as bad as last weekend, but still moving slowly, lol. No worries, my only plan for the day is to visit the Otero County Fair & Rodeo, I just learned that it has actually been going on for several days already, with the judging in various competitions and the exhibits in the fair. I'll go check it out, but I'm not in a rush today, lol... I'll get there when I get there, aye? ;)

I used to race motocross back in the day, Enduro as well. Yes both are very taxing to ones body. And the harder you ride, the more taxing it is. Riding less, but more often for a while will help
I can still remember riding BMX bikes (and tricked-out cruisers) in skateparks & pools back in the day... I'm talking about parks which had shut down due to insurance reasons. We'd ride those snake runs and work those bowls, and boy, we'd be sweatin' hard with our muscles all pumped, lol... the adrenalin factor would also make it more tiring in the long run, I think. But we were young and full o' beans in those days, and our bodies could take a lot of abuse, lol. :oops:

I intend to go riding every week, at least once a week, so eventually these old bones will get used to the trail riding, and my muscles will toughen up as well. I had a long break from trail riding when I was dealing with that recalled tire, so I'm feeling the rides now, and I ride pretty hard on the trails, lol. I like bombing down trails at speed, and navigating the obstacles which appear in front of me... gotta slow down for the really tough sections, but I'm still constantly moving. :rolleyes:

I really dug the wildlife I saw yesterday... those elk which crossed the trail ahead of me were a reminder to not go TOO fast in areas where I'm likely to meet those critters. I had plenty of room yesterday, and I backed off the throttle as soon as I saw the critters break from the forest, but they were still pretty close... I got a good look at 'em as they ran across the trail and disappeared into the forest. Two big cow elk, quite large & healthy. I saw deer and turkey too! :cool:
Finished my work week with satisfaction this week. I was able to keep the mill caught up for day shift all except for one day.
Tuesday I walked in on 6 full units down and then I broke down for a hour. Then I got 26 units down when I started up again. By end of shift I got it down to 16.
Then last night I was told half a hour before end of shift were changing over from pine to red fir. They are shutting the cogen down monday for fall maintenance for two weeks n they want all the units in the kilns as possible. Everyone always thinks someone else will tell me important information and I'm always the last to know..gah!
Good news is I cranked the rerun boards through..got all the full units stacked n only worked a half hour over.
Today I took the dog for a long hike with the dog.
Perfect weather..so beautiful!
I'm down below now at les Schaub to rotate my tires , my brakes are all good to go for winter. And since I'm down I'll pick up a few things.
Cant wait to enjoy a beautiful evening back on my lil slice of peace n serenity..
Mowed last pasture yesterday and finished today. First thing this morning I gathered all feed sacks to take to dump and went to feed store for lay pellets and cat food . Just washed my truck. All I lack mowing is dog pen which is 9/10 of an acre, with a pond. Don’t know if I can get tractor through gate without letting the 3 labs out. May wait til tomorrow after church and make husband help as they are his dogs. His old dog Hank passed Monday.
Today I ran some errands in the morning, then worked on framing the screened in greenhouse area at the basement walkout... Made much more progress and was looking like I would be able to finish it all up.... Then Murphy showed up, I am short 1 sheet of plywood and 6 2X4s... We usually don't shop on Sundays so it will be next weekend before the project is all finished. The wife has "requested" that I discontinue building structures in the back yard.
I have to get my front yard / wasteland trimmed so I'm going to have to dose myself up on painkillers and get'er done!

I've had a bad knee for years that surgery only aggravated and up til now it's been pretty quiet, and now it has decided, on the eve of a global economic collapse to start screaming causing me to dip into my precious painkiller stocks.
This has ramifications in regards to the coming horror that is unfolding in being able to garden, hunt and fish, and forage effectively.
I still have my post op brace in storage that has locking dials that lock the knee joint into a set range of movement.
Also the padding and the velcro are high above and below the knee itself so the brace is supporting without touching or crushing the knee.

I'm pretty sure I racked it while wrangling Landshark when the crackhead next door was having their bad trip.
The knee was ok before that happened so that's the only conclusion I can come up with.
Everyone was tense and over adrenalized that night and it would have been easy to brush off an injury until the situation settled down.

I haven't seen hide nor hair of the crackhead since Friday morning.
There have been no paramedics or police attending the residence so I'm torn between two camps.
First is human concern he's ok.
And second hoping he's not ok and his cat is eating his face off....which is horrible and I have to ask the Lord Almighty to forgive me and to bless the crackhead Abundantly.

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