Tripped my back again Guess I'll probably finish my final Sci-fi book
"The Factotum Diaries" I'm not censoring anything, so if you want it, I'll email you a copy. it's actually got some survivalist/prepper content such as Methane generation, methane vehicles, green housing, geodesic dome farmsteads, a bit of ditch medicine, getting clean dirt and water post nuclear event, dealing with post nuclear war weather, mutants, raiders, post collapse economy, a tiny bit of knife making, diseases, diets, society, herb use, racial relations, a pretty much collapsed morality system. (The protagonist trades his virginity for a bike part to a lady bike mechanic!) Loads of action that never lets up, lots of violence, sex and sailor talk, and some pretty brutal stuff, post collapse religion, kinky sex, and a tribe of snowflakes that pray to wooden I pods hoping the goddess Empeethree will sing to them again! Kind of One part Gunsmoke, One pat Mad Max, and mixed with fifty shades of grey with a dab of Dune.