Still lurking here... gotta start trimming those buds soon, or do 'em manana, grab another cold beer right now and watch a movie, lol. It's easier to trim the buds in daylight hours, not so easy in artificial light... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it, lol. What might happen? I FIRE myself? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Think I'll tell "The Boss" (moi, NOT Pearl in this particular case) to "TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT, I AIN'T WORKIN' HERE NO MORE!!!" 
I must say, this cold beer tastes pretty darned good... my first today, ya know. Downright goldurned delicious!
P.S. Bummer about the scalding hot coffee, Spikedriver, gotta be careful with those hot liquids!!! Also, I agree about NOT buying a vehicle previously owned by a smoker, you'll NEVER get that funky smell outta there...
I must say, this cold beer tastes pretty darned good... my first today, ya know. Downright goldurned delicious!

P.S. Bummer about the scalding hot coffee, Spikedriver, gotta be careful with those hot liquids!!! Also, I agree about NOT buying a vehicle previously owned by a smoker, you'll NEVER get that funky smell outta there...