I am ON FIRE today... a regular white tornado, lol. Woke to a bee-yoo-ti-ful fall morning, and I instantly thought about going for a ride, but it was still 45 degrees according to the thermometer on my front porch, lol. I noticed it was dead calm, so I figured I'd have a campfire in the stone fire ring and burn off some of those unsightly (and worthless) lumber scraps in my yard, as well as the two big piles of dead lopped branches which have been eyesores since February or March. So I jumped on the controlled burn option and wound up getting rid of ALL that cr@p, and I had a nice toasty fire to boot, lol. Boy, that bonfire was HOT, like the temperature of the sun, lol... I went from sweatpants & longjohn top to shorts & T-shirt in record time, and I was STILL sweatin' from the heat. I broke up those branches and fed 'em into the fire, and all that old junk lumber is gone too (nothing treated or painted, I would've trashed that), so I'm a happy camper!
I also watered all trees & plants, even though there was heavy dew or possibly rain last night or this morning. I filled the large trash bin with pulled weeds, including 35 goathead vines which were trying to creep up on me... I counted 'em, lol. Some of those vines were mature and loaded with goatheads turning brown, but I caught 'em all in time and trashed 'em so my yard is looking goathead-free!!! You have NO IDEA how happy I am about THAT... remember when I was pulling, scuffing, and torching hundreds of goathead vines in 3-to-4-hour weeding sessions? Well, those days are OVER, lol, and these 35 vines I pulled today show a marked decrease in the goathead population in my yard! Here's hoping I see WAY fewer goldurned goatheads next year! My eradication program is working! HALLELUJAH!!! And the other unsightly weeds I pulled today really filled the trash bin pronto, but my yard looks so much better!!! Weeding is winding down too!!!
After dousing the ashes of my bonfire, I wrapped up the outdoor work and moved inside to shower, tackle a sink full of dishes from the excellent dinner I made last night, and then deal with laundry, lol. First I washed my 'skate shoes' and my house slippers because both pairs were dusty & dirty, now they're sitting on the back steps in the bright sunshine. I wanted to do those earlier, but we've had rainy weather off & on for a week, aye? Next, I washed all the bathroom rugs, they were looking kinda funky and dirty or muddy too, now they're hanging on a line I strung across my front porch. I put a regular load of laundry in afterward, that's running right now as I pound a cold beer, lol. I already had cider and tea hours ago, you understand. But I'm knocking out some chores today, lemme tell ya, mainly because I wanna ride the thumper in the mountains manana if this fine weather holds! Get this BS done today, and go ballistic on the bike tomorrow, lol.
I must say, I REALLY ENJOYED the bonfire this morning, even though it was HOT, lol. That's another reason why I'm gonna stick around today and simply enjoy hanging out on my property: even though I doused or friggin' drowned the hot ashes, sometimes campfires have a way of coming back to life, and I don't wanna go riding just to return and discover that my home has burned to the ground, lol. Better to deal with these other tasks today, and ride off tomorrow morning with a clear conscience. Jeez, I just looked at the clock, and I've been doing stuff nonstop for 7 HOURS now... and NO, I am NOT high on crack or meth, lol. But the rest of the day WILL be used for enjoyment, might even have a BBQ, though that would mean a quick run to town, so maybe not... I have plenty of food & beer in the fridge, good leftovers and all, so maybe I'll just work with whatever I have, 10-4? And save fuel too, no whorehouse Democratic Scumbag Party prices at the pump, LOL...