Quiet Sunday morning here, slept well but I'm still a bit worn from all the physical activity this past week... so a nice quiet day will be "just what the doctor ordered." Town run later, I'm in no hurry, lol. Sharing quality time with the three kittens as I key this post, they are sleeping next to me (after a big breakfast, lol). Tiger & Crackhead already ate too, in fact they usually eat first, then I let the kittens out of the bedroom and they run into the kitchen to gobble down the remainder of the wet food, lol. I keep a bowl of dry 'Kitten Chow' on a tray in my room with a bowl of water on the side, that way the kittens never go hungry in the middle of the night. Young growing kitties need all the food they can eat, lol. Kind of a gloomy overcast day outside, but all are happy & healthy in our home... and I won't miss much by taking it easy this morning at the ol' hacienda. Cheers!