Weeding! Should be easy because the ground is still damp... already fed the wild birds, and no watering necessary! Gonna put adhesive nonskid strips in one bathtub this morning, as my foot slipped in that tub the other day and I want to make it safer. I already have the nonskid strips, same way I have many materials waiting in my 'War Room'---that's the smaller third bedroom where I currently keep tools and materials arranged in a horseshoe configuration around the walls so I can easily access whatever I need for whichever task I'm handling at the time. Later, when I'm done with the home rehab work, I'll store leftover materials in the larger metal shed... tools will go into the tall work cabinet in the mud room, except for those tools I routinely carry in the trunk of my car.
Later, sometime after lunch, I'll tinker with the thermostat again, maybe I can get it to work properly and I won't have to swap it out just yet. I liked the advice given by site members in that other thread, and I'd like to get rid of the "mercury switch" BS, get something a little more reliable and up-to-date.
Gotta pick up Zorlac from the shelter this evening, he's being neutered sometime this morning, poor guy... but that will help him settle down and become a better house pet, and he won't be spraying in my home either, don't need that! He's not a bad little cat, I think he'll make a fine house tiger once he's a bit older... and the torn-up Chinese Walmart curtains can be replaced once ALL the kittens settle down, lol.
Otherwise, I'm looking forward to a relaxing day, just puttering around the property and getting a few things done... and sharing quality time with the cats! Crackhead was playing with the kittens this morning, I was out in the yard and he was chasing the kittens around, and vice versa! So that's good progress! Both older cats are now more relaxed around the kittens... only took 2-1/2 months, lol. But these kittens are hyper, I've never seen kittens more active... or maybe I'm just getting older and they SEEM more hyper, lol. Meh, they'll be good house panthers once they're all fixed and they settle down a bit... just takes time! Gotta continue their "survival training" so they can deal with the great wide world outdoors! Good thing there have been no large hawks round this immediate neighborhood lately, the kittens will have better odds of survival once they're a bit older. Whenever I let 'em out, I walk out with 'em and look up at the sky to make sure no hawk is on the hunt for a meal. Buzzards aren't a threat, but large hawks are...
Edit: A few pics of my 'War Room'---think I'll straighten it up a bit before the big push to finish the interior home rehab work. I just tossed that cardboard propane torch box in the trash bin, so that's a start, lol. Also, it looks like my original 'horseshoe configuration' is a bit cluttered, I can move that box into the nearby closet and tidy things up a bit in this room, which will eventually become a den or spare bedroom. Don't really need a den, since I hang out in the 'Great Room' area so much... in the living room with my home theater, the dining room where I sit at the table and use my laptop, and the bar area where I mix drinks or occasionally load bong hits, lol.
P.S. Home inspectors (kittens) say: "Get this mess cleaned up pronto! First drop and give me 50 push-ups!!!"