Haven't decided yet... got a lot done yesterday, especially in the weeding department, but my knee is a bit sore. Heaps of stooping and bending with that high desert weeding, lol. I know I pulled weeds for at least three solid hours yesterday, plus I did some other stuff... today the weather is mighty fine, it'd be a good day for a ride, but I'm keeping an eye on Zorlac after his neuter surgery yesterday. He seems okay, but maybe it's best if I stick around and watch over him. If he does alright in the next couple hours, maybe I'll go for a ride ANYWAY, lol. Fine weather here in Alamo...
Edit: Well, I've checked the forecast and we have three sunny days ahead, no showers until Saturday night, so I'm gonna stick around here today and keep an eye on Zorlac. Sure is a beautiful day for riding, still a bit chilly at 1020 hours but warming up nicely. Oh, well, my decision is based upon something called "responsibility"---funny that a cat should instill it on a perfect riding day, lol. But I don't want Zorlac to somehow open his stitches and bleed out while I'm gone, so I'm gonna hang out here and putter around... enjoy the beautiful day on my property, 10-4?
After making this decision, I decided to give myself a "treat"---I'm on an apple kick today, so I heated some apple cobbler and dumped a big ol' scoop of butter pecan ice cream on top, and MAN, was it delicious! Went down fast, that's for sure, lol. I was gonna have a toasted ham & cheese sandwich, but I saw the cobbler and went for it instead... the good news is that I can STILL have the toasted ham & cheese sandwich later, lol. I don't usually have pastry of any kind for breakfast, but then again, I don't usually forgo riding the thumper to watch over a cat, lol... the BLASTED VARMINT!!!